2018-06-04 Teemu Piippo fix compiler warnings file | diff | annotate
2018-05-30 Teemu Piippo added draw plane feature (doesn't work with circle draw quite right yet) file | diff | annotate
2018-03-24 Teemu Piippo fixed rendering artifacts file | diff | annotate
2018-03-24 Teemu Piippo Added support for 8-primitives file | diff | annotate
2018-03-24 Teemu Piippo merged mathfunctions.cpp into algorithms/geometry.cpp file | diff | annotate
2018-03-24 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2018 file | diff | annotate
2018-03-24 Teemu Piippo reorganized headers file | diff | annotate
2018-03-03 Santeri Piippo LDSubfileReference now contains the name of the subfile and not a pointer anymore. Some methods now require a DocumentManager* for context on resolving the name. file | diff | annotate
2018-03-03 Santeri Piippo Removed LDObject::invert, inversion code moved to basic toolset file | diff | annotate
2018-01-10 Santeri Piippo added support for circular 8/-primitives file | diff | annotate
2018-01-04 Santeri Piippo happy new year 2018 file | diff | annotate
2018-01-04 Santeri Piippo replaced Origin with default-constructed Vertex file | diff | annotate
2018-01-04 Santeri Piippo fix paren style file | diff | annotate
2018-01-04 Santeri Piippo circlemode: don't wait for the last click file | diff | annotate
2017-03-05 Teemu Piippo Grid is now a namespace. file | diff | annotate
2017-03-05 Teemu Piippo Renamed some methods of the Model class to remove the 'emplace' word (however cromulent it is, being from STL...) from them. file | diff | annotate
2017-03-03 Teemu Piippo Grid::snap now snaps points. file | diff | annotate
2017-03-03 Teemu Piippo Simplified Grid::snap. file | diff | annotate
2017-02-20 Teemu Piippo Made fixed cameras matrix-based. This simplifies some math. file | diff | annotate
2017-02-14 Teemu Piippo Moved LDQuadrilateral into its own source pair. file | diff | annotate
2017-02-14 Teemu Piippo Renamed ldObject.cpp → linetypes/modelobject.cpp file | diff | annotate
2017-02-14 Teemu Piippo Renamed ldDocument.cpp → lddocument.cpp file | diff | annotate
2017-02-14 Teemu Piippo LDObject subclass renaming: file | diff | annotate
2017-02-14 Teemu Piippo Moved more stuff to GLCamera file | diff | annotate
2017-02-14 Teemu Piippo Exported GLRenderer cameras into a new class, GLCamera. file | diff | annotate
2017-02-12 Teemu Piippo Reworked iterable enums: they all are enum classes now and the end value is marked with "_End" file | diff | annotate
2017-02-09 Teemu Piippo Moved document editing methods from GLRenderer to Canvas file | diff | annotate
2017-02-03 Teemu Piippo Reworked and cleaned up the circle mode file | diff | annotate
2017-01-29 Teemu Piippo The "all objects have valid models" invariant seems to be holding up now. At least basic drawing works again. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-29 Teemu Piippo More rework on model stuff, removals of LDSpawn calls. Most importantly, the LDraw code parsing function was moved to Model. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-29 Teemu Piippo Replaced uses of LDSpawn with the Model class in edit modes file | diff | annotate
2017-01-29 Teemu Piippo Major overhaul of object→document relationship: added the Model class which models the object buffer. Each object is to be included in a model (an invariant that currently does not hold). A document is a subclass of a model. The LDObject is also now agnostic about selection, and the selection is now a set. A lot of things are probably broken now but it's a major step forward. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2017! file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Reworked the Matrix interface so that less index math is involved file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Actually, let's call it countof(). Makes more sense. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Replaced uses of 'x.size()' with 'length(x)' file | diff | annotate
2016-11-17 Teemu Piippo Cleanup in GL renderer... file | diff | annotate
2016-11-15 Teemu Piippo Refactor primitives file | diff | annotate
2016-11-15 Teemu Piippo Unabbreviate "transform" to "transformationMatrix" file | diff | annotate
2016-02-17 Teemu Piippo Fixed circle mode not building the circle anymore file | diff | annotate
2016-02-16 Teemu Piippo Rename Pi to lowercase pi file | diff | annotate
2016-02-16 Teemu Piippo Renamed ldObjectMath.cpp/.h to mathfunctions.cpp/.h file | diff | annotate
2016-02-16 Teemu Piippo Moved rotation point handling to ldObjectMath.cpp and encapsulated it into new class MathFunctions file | diff | annotate
2016-02-16 Teemu Piippo Split grid stuff into a new class Grid in grid.cpp/grid.h file | diff | annotate
2016-02-15 Teemu Piippo Split PrimitivePrompt into its new source files, renamed it to GeneratePrimitivePrompt file | diff | annotate
2016-02-15 Teemu Piippo Transformed primitive management into a new class PrimitiveManager that is a member of MainWindow file | diff | annotate
2016-01-01 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2016! file | diff | annotate
2015-11-18 Teemu Piippo Cleanup miscallenous.cpp/.h file | diff | annotate
2015-10-24 Teemu Piippo Rename LDSubfile to LDSubfileReference file | diff | annotate
2015-10-04 Teemu Piippo Fixed circle, rectangle and line path modes not working anymore. Add blip coordinates to curve and line path modes. Circle mode for now only can show the coordinates of the initial blip file | diff | annotate
2015-10-04 Teemu Piippo Copyright header fix, some minor stuff file | diff | annotate
2015-09-21 Teemu Piippo LDVertexObject stuff (ultimately not worth it) file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo Refactor GLRenderer and GLCompiler file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo Remove "!= nullptr" expressions file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo null -> nullptr file | diff | annotate
2015-08-31 Teemu Piippo More refactor and removal of g_win uses file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2015 file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo elif -> else if file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Rename MainWindow files file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Removed all asserts from the code. Removed assert handling and the bomb box dialog. file | diff | annotate
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