- renamed VertexCompiler to GLCompiler


Santeri Piippo <crimsondusk64@gmail.com>
Tue, 21 Jan 2014 01:05:03 +0200 (2014-01-20)
changeset 672
parent 671
child 673

- renamed VertexCompiler to GLCompiler

src/GLCompiler.cc file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/GLCompiler.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/gldata.cc file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/gldata.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/gldraw.cc file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ldtypes.cc file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/GLCompiler.cc	Tue Jan 21 01:05:03 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+#include <cstring>
+#include "GLCompiler.h"
+#include "ldtypes.h"
+#include "colors.h"
+#include "document.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "gldraw.h"
+#include <QDate>
+#define DEBUG_PRINT(...) fprint (stdout, __VA_ARGS__)
+extern_cfg (Bool, gl_blackedges);
+static QList<short> g_warnedColors;
+GLCompiler g_vertexCompiler;
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GLCompiler::GLCompiler() :
+	m_file (null)
+	needMerge();
+GLCompiler::~GLCompiler() {}
+// =============================================================================
+// Note: we use the top level object's color but the draw object's vertices.
+// This is so that the index color is generated correctly - it has to reference
+// the top level object's ID. This is crucial for picking to work.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GLCompiler::compilePolygon (LDObject* drawobj, LDObject* trueobj, QList< GLCompiler::CompiledTriangle >& data)
+	const QColor pickColor = getObjectColor (trueobj, PickColor);
+	LDObject::Type type = drawobj->getType();
+	LDObjectList objs;
+	assert (type != LDObject::ESubfile);
+	if (type == LDObject::EQuad)
+	{
+		for (LDTriangle* t : static_cast<LDQuad*> (drawobj)->splitToTriangles())
+			objs << t;
+	}
+	else
+		objs << drawobj;
+	for (LDObject* obj : objs)
+	{
+		const LDObject::Type objtype = obj->getType();
+		const bool isline = (objtype == LDObject::ELine || objtype == LDObject::ECondLine);
+		const int verts = isline ? 2 : obj->vertices();
+		QColor normalColor = getObjectColor (obj, Normal);
+		assert (isline || objtype == LDObject::ETriangle);
+		CompiledTriangle a;
+		a.rgb = getColorRGB (normalColor);
+		a.pickrgb = getColorRGB (pickColor);
+		a.numVerts = verts;
+		a.obj = trueobj;
+		a.isCondLine = (objtype == LDObject::ECondLine);
+		for (int i = 0; i < verts; ++i)
+		{
+			a.verts[i] = obj->getVertex (i);
+			a.verts[i].y() = -a.verts[i].y();
+			a.verts[i].z() = -a.verts[i].z();
+		}
+		data << a;
+	}
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GLCompiler::compileObject (LDObject* obj)
+	initObject (obj);
+	QList<CompiledTriangle> data;
+	QTime t0;
+	t0 = QTime::currentTime();
+	for (int i = 0; i < GL::ENumArrays; ++i)
+		m_objArrays[obj][i].clear();
+	DEBUG_PRINT ("INIT: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
+	t0 = QTime::currentTime();
+	compileSubObject (obj, obj, data);
+	DEBUG_PRINT ("COMPILATION: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
+	t0 = QTime::currentTime();
+	for (int i = 0; i < GL::ENumArrays; ++i)
+	{
+		GL::VAOType type = (GL::VAOType) i;
+		const bool islinearray = (type == GL::EEdgeArray || type == GL::EEdgePickArray);
+		for (const CompiledTriangle& poly : data)
+		{
+			if (poly.isCondLine)
+			{
+				// Conditional lines go to the edge pick array and the array
+				// specifically designated for conditional lines and nowhere else.
+				if (type != GL::EEdgePickArray && type != GL::ECondEdgeArray)
+					continue;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// Lines and only lines go to the line array and only to the line array.
+				if ( (poly.numVerts == 2) ^ islinearray)
+					continue;
+				// Only conditional lines go into the conditional line array
+				if (type == GL::ECondEdgeArray)
+					continue;
+			}
+			Array* verts = postprocess (poly, type);
+			m_objArrays[obj][type] += *verts;
+			delete verts;
+		}
+	}
+	DEBUG_PRINT ("POST-PROCESS: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
+	needMerge();
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GLCompiler::compileSubObject (LDObject* obj, LDObject* topobj, GLCompiler::PolygonList& data)
+	LDObjectList objs;
+	switch (obj->getType())
+	{
+		case LDObject::ETriangle:
+		case LDObject::ELine:
+		case LDObject::ECondLine:
+		{
+			compilePolygon (obj, topobj, data);
+		} break;
+		case LDObject::EQuad:
+		{
+			QTime t0 = QTime::currentTime();
+			for (LDTriangle* triangle : static_cast<LDQuad*> (obj)->splitToTriangles())
+				compilePolygon (triangle, topobj, data);
+			DEBUG_PRINT ("\t- QUAD COMPILE: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
+		} break;
+		case LDObject::ESubfile:
+		{
+			QTime t0 = QTime::currentTime();
+			objs = static_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj)->inlineContents (LDSubfile::RendererInline | LDSubfile::DeepCacheInline);
+			DEBUG_PRINT ("\t- INLINE: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
+			DEBUG_PRINT ("\t- %1 objects\n", objs.size());
+			t0 = QTime::currentTime();
+			for (LDObject* obj : objs)
+			{
+				compileSubObject (obj, topobj, data);
+				obj->deleteSelf();
+			}
+			DEBUG_PRINT ("\t- SUB-COMPILATION: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
+		} break;
+		default:
+		{} break;
+	}
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GLCompiler::compileDocument()
+	for (LDObject * obj : m_file->getObjects())
+		compileObject (obj);
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GLCompiler::forgetObject (LDObject* obj)
+	auto it = m_objArrays.find (obj);
+	if (it != m_objArrays.end())
+		delete *it;
+	m_objArrays.remove (obj);
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GLCompiler::setFile (LDDocument* file)
+	m_file = file;
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const GLCompiler::Array* GLCompiler::getMergedBuffer (GL::VAOType type)
+	// If there are objects staged for compilation, compile them now.
+	if (m_staged.size() > 0)
+	{
+		for (LDObject * obj : m_staged)
+			compileObject (obj);
+		m_staged.clear();
+	}
+	assert (type < GL::ENumArrays);
+	if (m_changed[type])
+	{
+		m_changed[type] = false;
+		m_mainArrays[type].clear();
+		for (LDObject* obj : m_file->getObjects())
+		{
+			if (!obj->isScemantic())
+				continue;
+			auto it = m_objArrays.find (obj);
+			if (it != m_objArrays.end())
+				m_mainArrays[type] += (*it)[type];
+		}
+		DEBUG_PRINT ("merged array %1: %2 entries\n", (int) type, m_mainArrays[type].size());
+	}
+	return &m_mainArrays[type];
+// =============================================================================
+// This turns a compiled triangle into usable VAO vertices
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GLCompiler::Array* GLCompiler::postprocess (const CompiledTriangle& poly, GLRenderer::VAOType type)
+	Array* va = new Array;
+	Array verts;
+	for (int i = 0; i < poly.numVerts; ++i)
+	{
+		alias v0 = poly.verts[i];
+		Vertex v;
+		v.x = v0.x();
+		v.y = v0.y();
+		v.z = v0.z();
+		switch (type)
+		{
+			case GL::ESurfaceArray:
+			case GL::EEdgeArray:
+			case GL::ECondEdgeArray:
+			{
+				v.color = poly.rgb;
+			} break;
+			case GL::EPickArray:
+			case GL::EEdgePickArray:
+			{
+				v.color = poly.pickrgb;
+			} break;
+			case GL::EBFCArray:
+			case GL::ENumArrays:
+				break; // handled separately
+		}
+		verts << v;
+	}
+	if (type == GL::EBFCArray)
+	{
+		int32 rgb = getColorRGB (getObjectColor (poly.obj, BFCFront));
+		for (Vertex v : verts)
+		{
+			v.color = rgb;
+			*va << v;
+		}
+		rgb = getColorRGB (getObjectColor (poly.obj, BFCBack));
+		for (int i = verts.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+		{
+			Vertex v = verts[i];
+			v.color = rgb;
+			*va << v;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+		*va = verts;
+	return va;
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+uint32 GLCompiler::getColorRGB (const QColor& color)
+	return
+		(color.red()   & 0xFF) << 0x00 |
+		(color.green() & 0xFF) << 0x08 |
+		(color.blue()  & 0xFF) << 0x10 |
+		(color.alpha() & 0xFF) << 0x18;
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+QColor GLCompiler::getObjectColor (LDObject* obj, ColorType colotype) const
+	QColor qcol;
+	if (!obj->isColored())
+		return QColor();
+	if (colotype == PickColor)
+	{
+		// Make the color by the object's ID if we're picking, so we can make the
+		// ID again from the color we get from the picking results. Be sure to use
+		// the top level parent's index since we want a subfile's children point
+		// to the subfile itself.
+		long i = obj->topLevelParent()->getID();
+		// Calculate a color based from this index. This method caters for
+		// 16777216 objects. I don't think that'll be exceeded anytime soon. :)
+		// ATM biggest is 53588.dat with 12600 lines.
+		int r = (i / 0x10000) % 0x100,
+			g = (i / 0x100) % 0x100,
+			b = i % 0x100;
+		return QColor (r, g, b);
+	}
+	if ( (colotype == BFCFront || colotype == BFCBack) &&
+			obj->getType() != LDObject::ELine &&
+			obj->getType() != LDObject::ECondLine
+	   )
+	{
+		if (colotype == BFCFront)
+			qcol = QColor (40, 192, 0);
+		else
+			qcol = QColor (224, 0, 0);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if (obj->getColor() == maincolor)
+			qcol = GL::getMainColor();
+		else
+		{
+			LDColor* col = getColor (obj->getColor());
+			if (col)
+				qcol = col->faceColor;
+		}
+		if (obj->getColor() == edgecolor)
+		{
+			qcol = QColor (32, 32, 32); // luma (m_bgcolor) < 40 ? QColor (64, 64, 64) : Qt::black;
+			LDColor* col;
+			if (!gl_blackedges && obj->getParent() && (col = getColor (obj->getParent()->getColor())))
+				qcol = col->edgeColor;
+		}
+		if (qcol.isValid() == false)
+		{
+			// The color was unknown. Use main color to make the object at least
+			// not appear pitch-black.
+			if (obj->getColor() != edgecolor)
+				qcol = GL::getMainColor();
+			else
+				qcol = Qt::black;
+			// Warn about the unknown color, but only once.
+			for (short i : g_warnedColors)
+				if (obj->getColor() == i)
+					return qcol;
+			log ("%1: Unknown color %2!\n", __func__, obj->getColor());
+			g_warnedColors << obj->getColor();
+			return qcol;
+		}
+	}
+	if (obj->topLevelParent()->isSelected())
+	{
+		// Brighten it up if selected.
+		const int add = 51;
+		qcol.setRed (min (qcol.red() + add, 255));
+		qcol.setGreen (min (qcol.green() + add, 255));
+		qcol.setBlue (min (qcol.blue() + add, 255));
+	}
+	return qcol;
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GLCompiler::needMerge()
+	// Set all of m_changed to true
+	memset (m_changed, 0xFF, sizeof m_changed);
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GLCompiler::initObject (LDObject* obj)
+	if (m_objArrays.find (obj) == m_objArrays.end())
+		m_objArrays[obj] = new Array[GL::ENumArrays];
+// =============================================================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GLCompiler::stageForCompilation (LDObject* obj)
+	m_staged << obj;
+	removeDuplicates (m_staged);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/GLCompiler.h	Tue Jan 21 01:05:03 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+#include "types.h"
+#include "gldraw.h"
+#include <QMap>
+#include <QRgb>
+/* =============================================================================
+ * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * GLCompiler
+ *
+ * This class manages vertex arrays for the GL renderer, compiling vertices into
+ * VAO-readable triangles which can be requested with getMergedBuffer.
+ *
+ * There are 5 main array types:
+ * - the normal polygon array, for triangles
+ * - edge line array, for lines
+ * - BFC array, this is the same as the normal polygon array except that the
+ * -     polygons are listed twice, once normally and green and once reversed
+ * -     and red, this allows BFC red/green view.
+ * - Picking array, this is the samea s the normal polygon array except the
+ * -     polygons are compiled with their index color, this way the picking
+ * -     method is capable of determining which object was selected by pixel
+ * -     color.
+ * - Edge line picking array, the pick array version of the edge line array.
+ *
+ * There are also these same 5 arrays for every LDObject compiled. The main
+ * arrays are generated on demand from the ones in the current file's
+ * LDObjects and stored in cache for faster renmm dering.
+ *
+ * The nested Array class contains a vector-like buffer of the Vertex structs,
+ * these structs are the VAOs that get passed to the renderer.
+ */
+class GLCompiler
+	public:
+		enum ColorType
+		{
+			Normal,
+			BFCFront,
+			BFCBack,
+			PickColor,
+		};
+		struct CompiledTriangle
+		{
+			::Vertex	verts[3];
+			uint8		numVerts;	// 2 if a line
+			uint32		rgb;		// Color of this poly normally
+			uint32		pickrgb;	// Color of this poly while picking
+			bool		isCondLine;	// Is this a conditional line?
+			LDObject*	obj;		// Pointer to the object this poly represents
+		};
+		struct Vertex
+		{
+			float x, y, z;
+			uint32 color;
+			float pad[4];
+		};
+		using PolygonList = QList<CompiledTriangle>;
+		using Array = QVector<GLCompiler::Vertex>;
+		GLCompiler();
+		~GLCompiler();
+		void setFile (LDDocument* file);
+		void compileDocument();
+		void forgetObject (LDObject* obj);
+		void initObject (LDObject* obj);
+		const Array* getMergedBuffer (GL::VAOType type);
+		QColor getObjectColor (LDObject* obj, ColorType list) const;
+		void needMerge();
+		void stageForCompilation (LDObject* obj);
+		static uint32 getColorRGB (const QColor& color);
+	private:
+		void compilePolygon (LDObject* drawobj, LDObject* trueobj, PolygonList& data);
+		void compileObject (LDObject* obj);
+		void compileSubObject (LDObject* obj, LDObject* topobj, PolygonList& data);
+		Array* postprocess (const GLCompiler::CompiledTriangle& i, GLRenderer::VAOType type);
+		QMap<LDObject*, Array*>				m_objArrays;
+		Array								m_mainArrays[GL::ENumArrays];
+		LDDocument*							m_file;
+		bool								m_changed[GL::ENumArrays];
+		LDObjectList						m_staged; // Objects that need to be compiled
+extern GLCompiler g_vertexCompiler;
--- a/src/gldata.cc	Tue Jan 21 00:53:02 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-#include <cstring>
-#include "gldata.h"
-#include "ldtypes.h"
-#include "colors.h"
-#include "document.h"
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "gldraw.h"
-#include <QDate>
-#define DEBUG_PRINT(...) fprint (stdout, __VA_ARGS__)
-extern_cfg (Bool, gl_blackedges);
-static QList<short> g_warnedColors;
-VertexCompiler g_vertexCompiler;
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-VertexCompiler::VertexCompiler() :
-	m_file (null)
-	needMerge();
-VertexCompiler::~VertexCompiler() {}
-// =============================================================================
-// Note: we use the top level object's color but the draw object's vertices.
-// This is so that the index color is generated correctly - it has to reference
-// the top level object's ID. This is crucial for picking to work.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void VertexCompiler::compilePolygon (LDObject* drawobj, LDObject* trueobj, QList< VertexCompiler::CompiledTriangle >& data)
-	const QColor pickColor = getObjectColor (trueobj, PickColor);
-	LDObject::Type type = drawobj->getType();
-	LDObjectList objs;
-	assert (type != LDObject::ESubfile);
-	if (type == LDObject::EQuad)
-	{
-		for (LDTriangle* t : static_cast<LDQuad*> (drawobj)->splitToTriangles())
-			objs << t;
-	}
-	else
-		objs << drawobj;
-	for (LDObject* obj : objs)
-	{
-		const LDObject::Type objtype = obj->getType();
-		const bool isline = (objtype == LDObject::ELine || objtype == LDObject::ECondLine);
-		const int verts = isline ? 2 : obj->vertices();
-		QColor normalColor = getObjectColor (obj, Normal);
-		assert (isline || objtype == LDObject::ETriangle);
-		CompiledTriangle a;
-		a.rgb = getColorRGB (normalColor);
-		a.pickrgb = getColorRGB (pickColor);
-		a.numVerts = verts;
-		a.obj = trueobj;
-		a.isCondLine = (objtype == LDObject::ECondLine);
-		for (int i = 0; i < verts; ++i)
-		{
-			a.verts[i] = obj->getVertex (i);
-			a.verts[i].y() = -a.verts[i].y();
-			a.verts[i].z() = -a.verts[i].z();
-		}
-		data << a;
-	}
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void VertexCompiler::compileObject (LDObject* obj)
-	initObject (obj);
-	QList<CompiledTriangle> data;
-	QTime t0;
-	t0 = QTime::currentTime();
-	for (int i = 0; i < GL::ENumArrays; ++i)
-		m_objArrays[obj][i].clear();
-	DEBUG_PRINT ("INIT: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
-	t0 = QTime::currentTime();
-	compileSubObject (obj, obj, data);
-	DEBUG_PRINT ("COMPILATION: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
-	t0 = QTime::currentTime();
-	for (int i = 0; i < GL::ENumArrays; ++i)
-	{
-		GL::VAOType type = (GL::VAOType) i;
-		const bool islinearray = (type == GL::EEdgeArray || type == GL::EEdgePickArray);
-		for (const CompiledTriangle & poly : data)
-		{
-			if (poly.isCondLine)
-			{
-				// Conditional lines go to the edge pick array and the array
-				// specifically designated for conditional lines and nowhere else.
-				if (type != GL::EEdgePickArray && type != GL::ECondEdgeArray)
-					continue;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				// Lines and only lines go to the line array and only to the line array.
-				if ( (poly.numVerts == 2) ^ islinearray)
-					continue;
-				// Only conditional lines go into the conditional line array
-				if (type == GL::ECondEdgeArray)
-					continue;
-			}
-			Array* verts = postprocess (poly, type);
-			m_objArrays[obj][type] += *verts;
-			delete verts;
-		}
-	}
-	DEBUG_PRINT ("POST-PROCESS: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
-	needMerge();
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void VertexCompiler::compileSubObject (LDObject* obj, LDObject* topobj, VertexCompiler::PolygonList& data)
-	LDObjectList objs;
-	switch (obj->getType())
-	{
-		case LDObject::ETriangle:
-		case LDObject::ELine:
-		case LDObject::ECondLine:
-		{
-			compilePolygon (obj, topobj, data);
-		} break;
-		case LDObject::EQuad:
-		{
-			QTime t0 = QTime::currentTime();
-			for (LDTriangle* triangle : static_cast<LDQuad*> (obj)->splitToTriangles())
-				compilePolygon (triangle, topobj, data);
-			DEBUG_PRINT ("\t- QUAD COMPILE: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
-		} break;
-		case LDObject::ESubfile:
-		{
-			QTime t0 = QTime::currentTime();
-			objs = static_cast<LDSubfile*> (obj)->inlineContents (LDSubfile::RendererInline | LDSubfile::DeepCacheInline);
-			DEBUG_PRINT ("\t- INLINE: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
-			DEBUG_PRINT ("\t- %1 objects\n", objs.size());
-			t0 = QTime::currentTime();
-			for (LDObject* obj : objs)
-			{
-				compileSubObject (obj, topobj, data);
-				obj->deleteSelf();
-			}
-			DEBUG_PRINT ("\t- SUB-COMPILATION: %1ms\n", t0.msecsTo (QTime::currentTime()));
-		} break;
-		default:
-		{} break;
-	}
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void VertexCompiler::compileDocument()
-	for (LDObject * obj : m_file->getObjects())
-		compileObject (obj);
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void VertexCompiler::forgetObject (LDObject* obj)
-	auto it = m_objArrays.find (obj);
-	if (it != m_objArrays.end())
-		delete *it;
-	m_objArrays.remove (obj);
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void VertexCompiler::setFile (LDDocument* file)
-	m_file = file;
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const VertexCompiler::Array* VertexCompiler::getMergedBuffer (GL::VAOType type)
-	// If there are objects staged for compilation, compile them now.
-	if (m_staged.size() > 0)
-	{
-		for (LDObject * obj : m_staged)
-			compileObject (obj);
-		m_staged.clear();
-	}
-	assert (type < GL::ENumArrays);
-	if (m_changed[type])
-	{
-		m_changed[type] = false;
-		m_mainArrays[type].clear();
-		for (LDObject* obj : m_file->getObjects())
-		{
-			if (!obj->isScemantic())
-				continue;
-			auto it = m_objArrays.find (obj);
-			if (it != m_objArrays.end())
-				m_mainArrays[type] += (*it)[type];
-		}
-		DEBUG_PRINT ("merged array %1: %2 entries\n", (int) type, m_mainArrays[type].size());
-	}
-	return &m_mainArrays[type];
-// =============================================================================
-// This turns a compiled triangle into usable VAO vertices
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-VertexCompiler::Array* VertexCompiler::postprocess (const CompiledTriangle& poly, GLRenderer::VAOType type)
-	Array* va = new Array;
-	QList<Vertex> verts;
-	for (int i = 0; i < poly.numVerts; ++i)
-	{
-		alias v0 = poly.verts[i];
-		Vertex v;
-		v.x = v0.x();
-		v.y = v0.y();
-		v.z = v0.z();
-		switch (type)
-		{
-			case GL::ESurfaceArray:
-			case GL::EEdgeArray:
-			case GL::ECondEdgeArray:
-			{
-				v.color = poly.rgb;
-			} break;
-			case GL::EPickArray:
-			case GL::EEdgePickArray:
-			{
-				v.color = poly.pickrgb;
-			} break;
-			case GL::EBFCArray:
-			case GL::ENumArrays:
-				break; // handled separately
-		}
-		verts << v;
-	}
-	if (type == GL::EBFCArray)
-	{
-		int32 rgb = getColorRGB (getObjectColor (poly.obj, BFCFront));
-		for (Vertex v : verts)
-		{
-			v.color = rgb;
-			*va << v;
-		}
-		rgb = getColorRGB (getObjectColor (poly.obj, BFCBack));
-		for (int i = verts.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
-		{
-			Vertex v = verts[i];
-			v.color = rgb;
-			*va << v;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for (Vertex v : verts)
-			*va << v;
-	}
-	return va;
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-uint32 VertexCompiler::getColorRGB (const QColor& color)
-	return
-		(color.red()   & 0xFF) << 0x00 |
-		(color.green() & 0xFF) << 0x08 |
-		(color.blue()  & 0xFF) << 0x10 |
-		(color.alpha() & 0xFF) << 0x18;
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-QColor VertexCompiler::getObjectColor (LDObject* obj, ColorType colotype) const
-	QColor qcol;
-	if (!obj->isColored())
-		return QColor();
-	if (colotype == PickColor)
-	{
-		// Make the color by the object's ID if we're picking, so we can make the
-		// ID again from the color we get from the picking results. Be sure to use
-		// the top level parent's index since we want a subfile's children point
-		// to the subfile itself.
-		long i = obj->topLevelParent()->getID();
-		// Calculate a color based from this index. This method caters for
-		// 16777216 objects. I don't think that'll be exceeded anytime soon. :)
-		// ATM biggest is 53588.dat with 12600 lines.
-		int r = (i / 0x10000) % 0x100,
-			g = (i / 0x100) % 0x100,
-			b = i % 0x100;
-		return QColor (r, g, b);
-	}
-	if ( (colotype == BFCFront || colotype == BFCBack) &&
-			obj->getType() != LDObject::ELine &&
-			obj->getType() != LDObject::ECondLine
-	   )
-	{
-		if (colotype == BFCFront)
-			qcol = QColor (40, 192, 0);
-		else
-			qcol = QColor (224, 0, 0);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (obj->getColor() == maincolor)
-			qcol = GL::getMainColor();
-		else
-		{
-			LDColor* col = getColor (obj->getColor());
-			if (col)
-				qcol = col->faceColor;
-		}
-		if (obj->getColor() == edgecolor)
-		{
-			qcol = QColor (32, 32, 32); // luma (m_bgcolor) < 40 ? QColor (64, 64, 64) : Qt::black;
-			LDColor* col;
-			if (!gl_blackedges && obj->getParent() && (col = getColor (obj->getParent()->getColor())))
-				qcol = col->edgeColor;
-		}
-		if (qcol.isValid() == false)
-		{
-			// The color was unknown. Use main color to make the object at least
-			// not appear pitch-black.
-			if (obj->getColor() != edgecolor)
-				qcol = GL::getMainColor();
-			else
-				qcol = Qt::black;
-			// Warn about the unknown color, but only once.
-			for (short i : g_warnedColors)
-				if (obj->getColor() == i)
-					return qcol;
-			log ("%1: Unknown color %2!\n", __func__, obj->getColor());
-			g_warnedColors << obj->getColor();
-			return qcol;
-		}
-	}
-	if (obj->topLevelParent()->isSelected())
-	{
-		// Brighten it up if selected.
-		const int add = 51;
-		qcol.setRed (min (qcol.red() + add, 255));
-		qcol.setGreen (min (qcol.green() + add, 255));
-		qcol.setBlue (min (qcol.blue() + add, 255));
-	}
-	return qcol;
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void VertexCompiler::needMerge()
-	// Set all of m_changed to true
-	memset (m_changed, 0xFF, sizeof m_changed);
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void VertexCompiler::initObject (LDObject* obj)
-	if (m_objArrays.find (obj) == m_objArrays.end())
-		m_objArrays[obj] = new Array[GL::ENumArrays];
-// =============================================================================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void VertexCompiler::stageForCompilation (LDObject* obj)
-	m_staged << obj;
-	removeDuplicates (m_staged);
--- a/src/gldata.h	Tue Jan 21 00:53:02 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-#include "types.h"
-#include "gldraw.h"
-#include <QMap>
-#include <QRgb>
-/* =============================================================================
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * VertexCompiler
- *
- * This class manages vertex arrays for the GL renderer, compiling vertices into
- * VAO-readable triangles which can be requested with getMergedBuffer.
- *
- * There are 5 main array types:
- * - the normal polygon array, for triangles
- * - edge line array, for lines
- * - BFC array, this is the same as the normal polygon array except that the
- * -     polygons are listed twice, once normally and green and once reversed
- * -     and red, this allows BFC red/green view.
- * - Picking array, this is the samea s the normal polygon array except the
- * -     polygons are compiled with their index color, this way the picking
- * -     method is capable of determining which object was selected by pixel
- * -     color.
- * - Edge line picking array, the pick array version of the edge line array.
- *
- * There are also these same 5 arrays for every LDObject compiled. The main
- * arrays are generated on demand from the ones in the current file's
- * LDObjects and stored in cache for faster renmm dering.
- *
- * The nested Array class contains a vector-like buffer of the Vertex structs,
- * these structs are the VAOs that get passed to the renderer.
- */
-class VertexCompiler
-	public:
-		enum ColorType
-		{
-			Normal,
-			BFCFront,
-			BFCBack,
-			PickColor,
-		};
-		struct CompiledTriangle
-		{
-			::Vertex	verts[3];
-			uint8		numVerts;	// 2 if a line
-			uint32		rgb;		// Color of this poly normally
-			uint32		pickrgb;	// Color of this poly while picking
-			bool		isCondLine;	// Is this a conditional line?
-			LDObject*	obj;		// Pointer to the object this poly represents
-		};
-		struct Vertex
-		{
-			float x, y, z;
-			uint32 color;
-			float pad[4];
-		};
-		using PolygonList = QList<CompiledTriangle>;
-		using Array = QVector<VertexCompiler::Vertex>;
-		VertexCompiler();
-		~VertexCompiler();
-		void setFile (LDDocument* file);
-		void compileDocument();
-		void forgetObject (LDObject* obj);
-		void initObject (LDObject* obj);
-		const Array* getMergedBuffer (GL::VAOType type);
-		QColor getObjectColor (LDObject* obj, ColorType list) const;
-		void needMerge();
-		void stageForCompilation (LDObject* obj);
-		static uint32 getColorRGB (const QColor& color);
-	private:
-		void compilePolygon (LDObject* drawobj, LDObject* trueobj, PolygonList& data);
-		void compileObject (LDObject* obj);
-		void compileSubObject (LDObject* obj, LDObject* topobj, PolygonList& data);
-		Array* postprocess (const VertexCompiler::CompiledTriangle& i, GLRenderer::VAOType type);
-		QMap<LDObject*, Array*>				m_objArrays;
-		Array								m_mainArrays[GL::ENumArrays];
-		LDDocument*							m_file;
-		bool								m_changed[GL::ENumArrays];
-		LDObjectList						m_staged; // Objects that need to be compiled
-extern VertexCompiler g_vertexCompiler;
--- a/src/gldraw.cc	Tue Jan 21 00:53:02 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/gldraw.cc	Tue Jan 21 01:05:03 2014 +0200
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include "dialogs.h"
 #include "addObjectDialog.h"
 #include "messagelog.h"
-#include "gldata.h"
+#include "GLCompiler.h"
 #include "primitives.h"
 #include "misc/ringFinder.h"
 #include "moc_gldraw.cpp"
@@ -398,9 +398,9 @@
 void GLRenderer::drawVAOs (VAOType arrayType, GLenum type)
-	const VertexCompiler::Array* array = g_vertexCompiler.getMergedBuffer (arrayType);
-	glVertexPointer (3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof (VertexCompiler::Vertex), &array->data()[0].x);
-	glColorPointer (4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof (VertexCompiler::Vertex), &array->data()[0].color);
+	const GLCompiler::Array* array = g_vertexCompiler.getMergedBuffer (arrayType);
+	glVertexPointer (3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof (GLCompiler::Vertex), &array->data()[0].x);
+	glColorPointer (4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof (GLCompiler::Vertex), &array->data()[0].color);
 	glDrawArrays (type, 0, array->size());
--- a/src/ldtypes.cc	Tue Jan 21 00:53:02 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/ldtypes.cc	Tue Jan 21 01:05:03 2014 +0200
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "history.h"
 #include "gldraw.h"
 #include "colors.h"
-#include "gldata.h"
+#include "GLCompiler.h"
 cfg (String, ld_defaultname, "");
 cfg (String, ld_defaultuser, "");
