2018-04-03 Teemu Piippo fixed the scene bounding box not getting updated as it should file | diff | annotate
2018-04-02 Teemu Piippo automatically center the model in the renderer file | diff | annotate
2018-03-24 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2018 file | diff | annotate
2018-03-19 Teemu Piippo red/green view rework complete file | diff | annotate
2018-02-22 Santeri Piippo Converted magic wand mode and other selection stuff to mvc file | diff | annotate
2018-02-15 Santeri Piippo converted highlighting to mvc file | diff | annotate
2018-02-15 Santeri Piippo used mvc selection models file | diff | annotate
2018-02-15 Santeri Piippo more work on mvc file | diff | annotate
2018-02-14 Santeri Piippo begin model rework file | diff | annotate
2017-03-06 Teemu Piippo Simplified GLCompiler vbo interface file | diff | annotate
2017-02-25 Teemu Piippo Cleanup ColorSelector::colorButtonClicked() file | diff | annotate
2017-02-23 Teemu Piippo print() is no longer a global function but is tied to HierarchyElement. file | diff | annotate
2017-02-14 Teemu Piippo Renamed glCompiler.cpp → glcompiler.cpp file | diff | annotate | base
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