work on tools

Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:21:32 +0200

Teemu Piippo <>
Sun, 10 Jan 2021 17:21:32 +0200
changeset 97
parent 96
child 98

work on tools

locale/fi.ts file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/main.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/mainwindow.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/mainwindow.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/locale/fi.ts	Sun Jan 10 15:28:44 2021 +0200
+++ b/locale/fi.ts	Sun Jan 10 17:21:32 2021 +0200
@@ -232,37 +232,37 @@
         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
-        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="102"/>
+        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="106"/>
         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
-        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="102"/>
+        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="106"/>
         <source>Unable to construct %1</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
-        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="123"/>
+        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="129"/>
         <source>Open model</source>
         <translation>Avaa malli</translation>
-        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="125"/>
+        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="131"/>
         <source>LDraw models (*.ldr *.dat)</source>
         <translation>LDraw-mallit (*.ldr *.dat)</translation>
-        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="144"/>
+        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="150"/>
         <source>Problem loading references</source>
         <translation type="unfinished">Ongelma viitteiden lataamisessa</translation>
-        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="154"/>
+        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="160"/>
         <source>Problem opening file</source>
         <translation>Ongelma tiedoston avaamisessa</translation>
-        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="156"/>
+        <location filename="../src/mainwindow.cpp" line="162"/>
         <source>Could not open %1: %2</source>
         <translation>Ei voitu avata %1: %2</translation>
--- a/src/main.h	Sun Jan 10 15:28:44 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/main.h	Sun Jan 10 17:21:32 2021 +0200
@@ -153,3 +153,62 @@
+template<typename K, typename V>
+struct KeyValuePair
+	K key;
+	V value;
+template<typename K, typename V, typename IteratorType>
+struct MapItemsIterator : IteratorType
+	template<typename... Ts>
+	MapItemsIterator(Ts&&... args) : IteratorType{args...} {}
+	auto operator*() const
+	{
+		return KeyValuePair<K, V>{this->key(), this->value()};
+	}
+template<typename K, typename V, typename MapType, typename IteratorType>
+struct MapItems
+	MapType& map;
+	IteratorType begin()
+	{
+		return IteratorType(this->map.begin());
+	}
+	IteratorType end()
+	{
+		return IteratorType(this->map.end());
+	}
+ * Python's dict.items for QMap: use in a for loop to iterate a map to
+ * get both keys and values. Iteration yields KeyValuePairs.
+ */
+template<typename K, typename V>
+auto items(const QMap<K, V>& map)
+	return MapItems<
+		const K&,
+		const V&,
+		const QMap<K, V>,
+		MapItemsIterator<K, const V, typename QMap<K, V>::const_iterator>
+	>{map};
+template<typename K, typename V>
+auto items(QMap<K, V>& map)
+	return MapItems<
+		const K&,
+		V&,
+		QMap<K, V>,
+		MapItemsIterator<K, const V, typename QMap<K, V>::iterator>
+	>{map};
--- a/src/mainwindow.cpp	Sun Jan 10 15:28:44 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/mainwindow.cpp	Sun Jan 10 17:21:32 2021 +0200
@@ -93,15 +93,21 @@
 		BaseTool* const toolInstance = qobject_cast<BaseTool*>(objectInstance);
 		if (toolInstance)
-			this->selectedTool = coalesce(this->selectedTool, toolInstance);
-			qInfo() << toolInstance->name();
+			QAction* action = new QAction{toolInstance->name(), this};
+			action->setCheckable(true);
+			this->toolActions[toolInstance] = action;
+			action->setToolTip(toolInstance->toolTip());
+			connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::toolActionTriggered);
+			this->ui->toolsBar->addAction(action);
 			QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Unable to construct %1").arg(metaObject->className()));
+	this->selectTool(this->tools[0]);
 // MainWindow needs a destructor even if it is empty because otherwise the destructor of the
@@ -370,3 +376,32 @@
 	QTextStream errors;
 	this->colorTable = this->libraries.loadColorTable(errors);
+void MainWindow::toolActionTriggered()
+	QAction* action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender());
+	if (action != nullptr)
+	{
+		BaseTool* tool = nullptr;
+		for (auto&& pair : items(this->toolActions))
+		{
+			if (pair.value == action)
+			{
+				tool = pair.key;
+			}
+		}
+		this->selectTool(tool);
+	}
+void MainWindow::selectTool(BaseTool* tool)
+	if (tool != nullptr && tool != this->selectedTool)
+	{
+		this->selectedTool = tool;
+		for (auto&& pair : items(this->toolActions))
+		{
+			pair.value->setChecked(pair.key == tool);
+		}
+	}
--- a/src/mainwindow.h	Sun Jan 10 15:28:44 2021 +0200
+++ b/src/mainwindow.h	Sun Jan 10 17:21:32 2021 +0200
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
 	gl::RenderPreferences renderPreferences;
 	QVector<class BaseTool*> tools;
 	BaseTool* selectedTool = nullptr;
+	QMap<BaseTool*, QAction*> toolActions;
 	void updateTitle();
 	void updateRenderPreferences();
 	void saveSettings();
@@ -70,4 +71,6 @@
 	void openModelForEditing(const QString& modelName);
 	static QString pathToTranslation(const QString& localeCode);
 	void loadColors();
+	Q_SLOT void toolActionTriggered();
+	void selectTool(BaseTool* tool);
