- grids now have a single coordinate snap value instead of individual X, Y and Z values


Santeri Piippo <crimsondusk64@gmail.com>
Mon, 28 Apr 2014 21:31:24 +0300 (2014-04-28)
changeset 754
parent 753
child 755

- grids now have a single coordinate snap value instead of individual X, Y and Z values

src/actionsEdit.cc file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/configDialog.cc file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/configDialog.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/glRenderer.cc file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/macros.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/miscallenous.cc file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/miscallenous.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/src/actionsEdit.cc	Mon Apr 28 18:27:02 2014 +0300
+++ b/src/actionsEdit.cc	Mon Apr 28 21:31:24 2014 +0300
@@ -364,9 +364,7 @@
 void doMoveObjects (Vertex vect)
 	// Apply the grid values
-	vect.setX (vect.x() * *currentGrid().confs[Grid::X]);
-	vect.setY (vect.y() * *currentGrid().confs[Grid::Y]);
-	vect.setZ (vect.z() * *currentGrid().confs[Grid::Z]);
+	vect *= *currentGrid().coordsnap;
 	for (LDObject* obj : selection())
 		obj->move (vect);
@@ -378,7 +376,7 @@
-	doMoveObjects ({ -1, 0, 0});
+	doMoveObjects ({-1, 0, 0});
@@ -434,7 +432,7 @@
 	LDObjectList sel = selection();
 	QList<Vertex*> queue;
 	const Vertex rotpoint = rotPoint (sel);
-	const double angle = (pi * *currentGrid().confs[Grid::Angle]) / 180,
+	const double angle = (pi * *currentGrid().anglesnap) / 180,
 				 cosangle = cos (angle),
 				 sinangle = sin (angle);
--- a/src/configDialog.cc	Mon Apr 28 18:27:02 2014 +0300
+++ b/src/configDialog.cc	Mon Apr 28 21:31:24 2014 +0300
@@ -202,26 +202,28 @@
 void ConfigDialog::initGrids()
 	QGridLayout* gridlayout = new QGridLayout;
-	QLabel* xlabel = new QLabel ("X"),
-	*ylabel = new QLabel ("Y"),
-	*zlabel = new QLabel ("Z"),
-	*anglabel = new QLabel ("Angle");
+	QLabel* coordlabel = new QLabel ("Coordinate");
+	QLabel* anglelabel = new QLabel ("Angle");
 	int i = 1;
-	for (QLabel* label : QList<QLabel*> ({xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, anglabel}))
+	for (QLabel* label : QList<QLabel*> ({coordlabel, anglelabel}))
 		label->setAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter);
 		gridlayout->addWidget (label, 0, i++);
-	for (int i = 0; i < g_NumGrids; ++i)
+	gridlayout->setColumnStretch (0, 0);
+	gridlayout->setColumnStretch (1, 1);
+	gridlayout->setColumnStretch (2, 1);
+	for (int i = 0; i < g_numGrids; ++i)
 		// Icon
 		lb_gridIcons[i] = new QLabel;
-		lb_gridIcons[i]->setPixmap (getIcon (format ("grid-%1", String (g_GridInfo[i].name).toLower())));
+		lb_gridIcons[i]->setPixmap (getIcon (format ("grid-%1", String (g_gridInfo[i].name).toLower())));
 		// Text label
-		lb_gridLabels[i] = new QLabel (format ("%1:", g_GridInfo[i].name));
+		lb_gridLabels[i] = new QLabel (format ("%1:", g_gridInfo[i].name));
 		QHBoxLayout* labellayout = new QHBoxLayout;
 		labellayout->addWidget (lb_gridIcons[i]);
@@ -229,17 +231,17 @@
 		gridlayout->addLayout (labellayout, i + 1, 0);
 		// Add the widgets
-		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
+		for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
 			dsb_gridData[i][j] = new QDoubleSpinBox;
-			// Set the maximum angle
-			if (j == 3)
-				dsb_gridData[i][j]->setMaximum (360);
-			dsb_gridData[i][j]->setValue (*g_GridInfo[i].confs[j]);
 			gridlayout->addWidget (dsb_gridData[i][j], i + 1, j + 1);
+		// Fill in defaults and stuff
+		dsb_gridData[i][0]->setValue (*g_gridInfo[i].coordsnap);
+		dsb_gridData[i][1]->setValue (*g_gridInfo[i].anglesnap);
+		dsb_gridData[i][1]->setMaximum (360);
+		dsb_gridData[i][1]->setSuffix (UTF16 (u"\u00B0")); // degree symbol
 	ui->grids->setLayout (gridlayout);
@@ -342,9 +344,11 @@
 	gui_colortoolbar = quickColorString();
 	// Set the grid settings
-	for (int i = 0; i < g_NumGrids; ++i)
-		for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
-			*g_GridInfo[i].confs[j] = dsb_gridData[i][j]->value();
+	for (int i = 0; i < g_numGrids; ++i)
+	{
+		*g_gridInfo[i].coordsnap = dsb_gridData[i][0]->value();
+		*g_gridInfo[i].anglesnap = dsb_gridData[i][1]->value();
+	}
 	// Apply key shortcuts
--- a/src/configDialog.h	Mon Apr 28 18:27:02 2014 +0300
+++ b/src/configDialog.h	Mon Apr 28 21:31:24 2014 +0300
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 		float getGridValue (int i, int j) const;
 		QList<LDQuickColor> quickColors;
-		QDoubleSpinBox* dsb_gridData[3][4];
+		QDoubleSpinBox* dsb_gridData[3][2];
 		Ui_ConfigUI* ui;
--- a/src/glRenderer.cc	Mon Apr 28 18:27:02 2014 +0300
+++ b/src/glRenderer.cc	Mon Apr 28 21:31:24 2014 +0300
@@ -528,8 +528,8 @@
 	if (snap)
-		cx = Grid::snap (cx, (Grid::Config) axisX);
-		cy = Grid::snap (cy, (Grid::Config) axisY);
+		cx = Grid::snap (cx, Grid::Coordinate);
+		cy = Grid::snap (cy, Grid::Coordinate);
 	cx *= negXFac;
--- a/src/macros.h	Mon Apr 28 18:27:02 2014 +0300
+++ b/src/macros.h	Mon Apr 28 21:31:24 2014 +0300
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
 #define elif(A) else if (A)
+#define UTF16(A) (QString::fromUtf16 (reinterpret_cast<const ushort*> (A)))
 // =============================================================================
 #ifdef WIN32
@@ -99,6 +101,10 @@
 # define assert(N) {}
 #endif // DEBUG
+#ifdef foreach
+# undef foreach
 #define for_axes(AX) for (const Axis AX : std::initializer_list<const Axis> ({X, Y, Z}))
 // =============================================================================
--- a/src/miscallenous.cc	Mon Apr 28 18:27:02 2014 +0300
+++ b/src/miscallenous.cc	Mon Apr 28 21:31:24 2014 +0300
@@ -103,44 +103,37 @@
 // Grid stuff
 cfg (Int,		grid,					Grid::Medium);
-cfg (Float,		grid_coarse_x,			5.0f);
-cfg (Float,		grid_coarse_y,			5.0f);
-cfg (Float,		grid_coarse_z,			5.0f);
+cfg (Float,		grid_coarse_snap,		5.0f);
 cfg (Float,		grid_coarse_angle,		45.0f);
-cfg (Float, 	grid_medium_x,			1.0f);
-cfg (Float,		grid_medium_y,			1.0f);
-cfg (Float,		grid_medium_z,			1.0f);
+cfg (Float, 	grid_medium_snap,		1.0f);
 cfg (Float,		grid_medium_angle,		22.5f);
-cfg (Float,		grid_fine_x,			0.1f);
-cfg (Float,		grid_fine_y,			0.1f);
-cfg (Float,		grid_fine_z,			0.1f);
+cfg (Float,		grid_fine_snap,			0.1f);
 cfg (Float,		grid_fine_angle,		7.5f);
 cfg (Int,		edit_rotpoint,			0);
 cfg (Vertex,	edit_customrotpoint,	g_origin);
-const gridinfo g_GridInfo[3] =
+const gridinfo g_gridInfo[3] =
-	{ "Coarse", { &grid_coarse_x, &grid_coarse_y, &grid_coarse_z, &grid_coarse_angle }},
-	{ "Medium", { &grid_medium_x, &grid_medium_y, &grid_medium_z, &grid_medium_angle }},
-	{ "Fine",   { &grid_fine_x,   &grid_fine_y,   &grid_fine_z,   &grid_fine_angle   }}
+	{ "Coarse",	&grid_coarse_snap,	&grid_coarse_angle	},
+	{ "Medium",	&grid_medium_snap,	&grid_medium_angle	},
+	{ "Fine",	&grid_fine_snap,	&grid_fine_angle	},
 // =============================================================================
 // Snap the given coordinate value on the current grid's given axis.
-double Grid::snap (double in, const Grid::Config axis)
+double Grid::snap (double value, const Grid::Config type)
-	const double gridval = *currentGrid().confs[axis];
-	const long mult = abs (in / gridval);
-	const bool neg = (in < 0);
-	double out = mult * gridval;
+	double snapvalue = (type == Coordinate) ? *currentGrid().coordsnap : *currentGrid().anglesnap;
+	double mult = floor (abs<double> (value / snapvalue));
+	double out = mult * snapvalue;
-	if (abs<double> (in) - (mult * gridval) > gridval / 2)
-		out += gridval;
+	if (abs<double> (value) - (mult * snapvalue) > snapvalue / 2)
+		out += snapvalue;
-	if (neg && out != 0)
-		out *= -1;
+	if (value < 0 && out != 0)
+		out = -out;
 	return out;
--- a/src/miscallenous.h	Mon Apr 28 18:27:02 2014 +0300
+++ b/src/miscallenous.h	Mon Apr 28 21:31:24 2014 +0300
@@ -51,17 +51,18 @@
 // Grid stuff
 struct gridinfo
-	const char* const	name;
-	float* const		confs[4];
+	const char* const			name;
+	Config::FloatType* const	coordsnap;
+	Config::FloatType* const	anglesnap;
 extern_cfg (Int, grid);
-static const int g_NumGrids = 3;
-extern const gridinfo g_GridInfo[3];
+static const int g_numGrids = 3;
+extern const gridinfo g_gridInfo[3];
 inline const gridinfo& currentGrid()
-	return g_GridInfo[grid];
+	return g_gridInfo[grid];
 // =============================================================================
@@ -87,13 +88,11 @@
 	enum Config
-		X,
-		Y,
-		Z,
+		Coordinate,
-	double snap (double value, const Grid::Config axis);
+	double snap (double value, const Grid::Config type);
 // =============================================================================
