Simplified GLRenderer::convert3dTo2d. The multiplication with the modelview matrix is not necessary, it's identity all the time... with that, I think the function makes much more sense now.


Teemu Piippo <>
Wed, 08 Feb 2017 17:07:19 +0200 (2017-02-08)
changeset 1096
parent 1095
child 1097

Simplified GLRenderer::convert3dTo2d. The multiplication with the modelview matrix is not necessary, it's identity all the time... with that, I think the function makes much more sense now.

src/glRenderer.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/glRenderer.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/src/glRenderer.cpp	Wed Feb 08 16:51:55 2017 +0200
+++ b/src/glRenderer.cpp	Wed Feb 08 17:07:19 2017 +0200
@@ -552,12 +552,10 @@
-// =============================================================================
-// Inverse operation for the above - convert a 3D position to a 2D screen position. Don't ask me how this code manages
-// to work, I don't even know.
-QPoint GLRenderer::convert3dTo2d(const Vertex& position3d)
+ * Inverse operation for the above - convert a 3D position to a 2D screen position.
+ */
+QPoint GLRenderer::convert3dTo2d(const Vertex& position3d) const
 	if (camera() == FreeCamera)
@@ -570,16 +568,8 @@
 		Axis axisY = camera->localY;
 		int signX = camera->negatedX ? -1 : 1;
 		int signY = camera->negatedY ? -1 : 1;
-		GLfloat matrix[16];
-		double x = position3d.x();
-		double y = position3d.y();
-		double z = position3d.z();
-		glGetFloatv (GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, matrix);
-		Vertex transformed = {(matrix[0] * x) + (matrix[1] * y) + (matrix[2] * z) + matrix[3],
-							  (matrix[4] * x) + (matrix[5] * y) + (matrix[6] * z) + matrix[7],
-							  (matrix[8] * x) + (matrix[9] * y) + (matrix[10] * z) + matrix[11]};
-		int rx = (((transformed[axisX] * signX) + m_virtualWidth + panning (X)) * m_width) / (2 * m_virtualWidth);
-		int ry = (((transformed[axisY] * signY) - m_virtualHeight + panning (Y)) * m_height) / (2 * m_virtualHeight);
+		int rx = (((position3d[axisX] * signX) + m_virtualWidth + panning(X)) * m_width) / (2 * m_virtualWidth);
+		int ry = (((position3d[axisY] * signY) - m_virtualHeight + panning(Y)) * m_height) / (2 * m_virtualHeight);
 		return {rx, -ry};
--- a/src/glRenderer.h	Wed Feb 08 16:51:55 2017 +0200
+++ b/src/glRenderer.h	Wed Feb 08 17:07:19 2017 +0200
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 	void compileObject(LDObject* obj);
 	GLCompiler* compiler() const;
 	Vertex convert2dTo3d(const QPoint& pos2d, bool snap) const;
-	QPoint convert3dTo2d(const Vertex& pos3d);
+	QPoint convert3dTo2d(const Vertex& pos3d) const;
 	QString currentCameraName() const;
 	EditModeType currentEditModeType() const;
 	int depthNegateFactor() const;
