Merged with default protocol5


Teemu Piippo <>
Wed, 20 Jul 2016 15:03:37 +0300 (2016-07-20)
changeset 141
parent 136
8fb1c657e0b0 (current diff)
parent 140
e49aa4aa98c0 (diff)
child 150

Merged with default

sources/coloredline.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
sources/interface.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
sources/interface.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
sources/mystring.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
sources/network/rconsession.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/sources/coloredline.cpp	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/coloredline.cpp	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -129,10 +129,8 @@
 			String color = m_incomingColorName.to_lowercase();
-			for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(colorCodes); ++i)
+			for (const ColorCodeInfo &colorInfo : colorCodes)
-				const ColorCodeInfo& colorInfo = colorCodes[i];
 				if (String( == color)
 					activate_color(colorInfo.color, colorInfo.bold);
--- a/sources/interface.cpp	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/interface.cpp	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -41,30 +41,30 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-chtype Interface::color_pair (Color fg, Color bg)
+chtype Interface::getColorPair(Color fg, Color bg)
 	if (fg == DEFAULT && bg == DEFAULT)
 		return 0;
-		return COLOR_PAIR (1 + (int (fg) * NUM_COLORS) + int (bg));
+		return COLOR_PAIR(1 + (int(fg) * NUM_COLORS) + int(bg));
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const String& Interface::current_input()
+const String& Interface::getCurrentInput()
 	return m_inputHistory[m_inputCursor];
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Makes current_input() the lastmost input (so that we won't modify history)
+// Makes current_input() the lastmost input(so that we won't modify history)
-void Interface::detach_input()
+void Interface::detachInput()
 	if (m_inputCursor > 0)
-		m_inputHistory[0] = current_input();
+		m_inputHistory[0] = getCurrentInput();
 		m_inputCursor = 0;
@@ -72,15 +72,15 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // A version of current_input() that allows changing the contents of it.
-String& Interface::mutable_current_input()
+String& Interface::getEditableInput()
-	detach_input();
+	detachInput();
 	return m_inputHistory[m_inputCursor];
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::move_input_cursor (int delta)
+void Interface::moveInputCursor(int delta)
 	// No input history when inputting addresses or passwords
 	if (m_inputState != INPUTSTATE_NORMAL)
@@ -90,18 +90,18 @@
 	int oldcursor = m_inputCursor;
-	m_inputCursor = clamp (m_inputCursor + delta, 0, m_inputHistory.size() - 1);
+	m_inputCursor = clamp(m_inputCursor + delta, 0, m_inputHistory.size() - 1);
 	if (m_inputCursor != oldcursor)
-		m_cursorPosition = current_input().length();
+		m_cursorPosition = getCurrentInput().length();
 		m_needInputRender = true;
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-String Interface::prompt_string()
+String Interface::getPromptString()
 	String prompt;
@@ -118,21 +118,21 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::set_input_state (InputState newstate)
+void Interface::setInputState(InputState newstate)
-	// Clear the input row (unless going to or from confirm state)
+	// Clear the input row(unless going to or from confirm state)
 		m_inputCursor = 0;
-		mutable_current_input().clear();
+		getEditableInput().clear();
 	switch (newstate)
 		if ( != 0)
-			mutable_current_input() = m_remoteAddress.to_string (IPAddress::WITH_PORT);
+			getEditableInput() = m_remoteAddress.to_string(IPAddress::WITH_PORT);
@@ -146,73 +146,73 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interface::Interface() :
-	m_inputCursor (0),
-	m_cursorPosition (0),
-	m_inputPanning (0),
-	m_needRefresh (false),
-	m_needStatusBarRender (false),
-	m_needInputRender (false),
-	m_needOutputRender (false),
-	m_needNicklistRender (false),
-	m_outputScroll (0),
-	m_inputState (INPUTSTATE_NORMAL),
-	m_disconnectCallback (nullptr)
+	m_inputCursor(0),
+	m_cursorPosition(0),
+	m_inputPanning(0),
+	m_needRefresh(false),
+	m_needStatusBarRender(false),
+	m_needInputRender(false),
+	m_needOutputRender(false),
+	m_needNicklistRender(false),
+	m_outputScroll(0),
+	m_inputState(INPUTSTATE_NORMAL),
+	m_disconnectCallback(nullptr)
-	::keypad (stdscr, true);
+	::keypad(stdscr, true);
-	::timeout (0);
+	::timeout(0);
 	m_inputHistory << "";
 	m_outputLines << ColoredLine();
-	m_session.set_interface (this);
-	reset_title();
+	m_session.set_interface(this);
+	resetTitle();
 	if (::has_colors())
-		bool hasDefaultColors = (::use_default_colors() == OK);
+		bool hasDefaultColors =(::use_default_colors() == OK);
 		int defaultFg = hasDefaultColors ? -1 : COLOR_WHITE;
 		int defaultBg = hasDefaultColors ? -1 : COLOR_BLACK;
 		// Initialize color pairs
-		for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; ++i)
-		for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLORS; ++j)
+		for (int i : range<int>(NUM_COLORS))
+		for (int j : range<int>(NUM_COLORS))
 			int pairnum = 1 + (i * NUM_COLORS + j);
-			int fg = (i == DEFAULT) ? defaultFg : i;
-			int bg = (j == DEFAULT) ? defaultBg : j;
+			int fg =(i == DEFAULT) ? defaultFg : i;
+			int bg =(j == DEFAULT) ? defaultBg : j;
 			if (fg != -1 || bg != -1)
-				if (::init_pair (pairnum, fg, bg) == ERR)
-					print_warning ("Unable to initialize color pair %d (%d, %d)\n", pairnum, fg, bg);
+				if (::init_pair(pairnum, fg, bg) == ERR)
+					printWarning("Unable to initialize color pair %d(%d, %d)\n", pairnum, fg, bg);
-	render_full();
+	renderFull();
 	m_needRefresh = false;
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::render_titlebar()
+void Interface::renderTitlebar()
 	if (m_title.length() <= COLS)
-		chtype pair = color_pair (WHITE, BLUE);
-		int startx = (COLS - m_title.length()) / 2;
+		chtype pair = getColorPair(WHITE, BLUE);
+		int startx =(COLS - m_title.length()) / 2;
 		int endx = startx + m_title.length();
-		attron (pair);
-		mvprintw (0, startx, "%s", m_title.chars());
-		mvhline (0, 0, ' ', startx);
-		mvhline (0, endx, ' ', COLS - endx);
-		attroff (pair);
+		attron(pair);
+		mvprintw(0, startx, "%s", m_title.chars());
+		mvhline(0, 0, ' ', startx);
+		mvhline(0, endx, ' ', COLS - endx);
+		attroff(pair);
 	m_needRefresh = true;
@@ -220,20 +220,20 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::set_title (const String& title)
+void Interface::setTitle(const String& title)
 	m_title = title;
-	render_titlebar();
+	renderTitlebar();
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::safe_disconnect (std::function<void(bool)> afterwards)
+void Interface::safeDisconnect(std::function<void(bool)> afterwards)
 	if (m_session.is_active())
 		m_disconnectCallback = afterwards;
@@ -241,30 +241,28 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int Interface::nicklist_width()
+int Interface::nicklistWidth()
 	// Allocate at least 12 characters, at most 24 characters, for the nicklist. If we cannot
-	// afford that (o_O) then we probably shouldn't draw the nicklist at all I think.
+	// afford that(o_O) then we probably shouldn't draw the nicklist at all I think.
 	int nicklistWidth = COLS / 4;
 	if (nicklistWidth < 12)
 		return 0;
-	return min (nicklistWidth, 24);
+	return min(nicklistWidth, 24);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Renders the given colored line onto the screen. Will wrap if allowWrap is true. Returns the
 // 'y' value for the next line.
-int Interface::render_colorline (int y, int x0, int width, const ColoredLine& line, bool allowWrap)
+int Interface::renderColorline(int y, int x0, int width, const ColoredLine& line, bool allowWrap)
 	int x = x0;
-	for (int i = 0; i <; ++i)
+	for (int byte :
-		int byte =[i];
 		if (x == x0 + width)
 			if (not allowWrap)
@@ -274,24 +272,24 @@
-		if (byte < 256 && isprint (byte))
+		if (byte < 256 && isprint(byte))
-			mvaddch (y, x, char (byte));
+			mvaddch(y, x, char(byte));
-		else if (byte >= RLINE_ON_COLOR and byte < (RLINE_ON_COLOR + 16))
+		else if (byte >= RLINE_ON_COLOR and byte <(RLINE_ON_COLOR + 16))
-			auto attrfunction = (byte < RLINE_OFF_COLOR ? &attron : &attroff);
-			(*attrfunction) (color_pair (Color ((byte - RLINE_ON_COLOR) & 7), DEFAULT));
+			auto attrfunction =(byte < RLINE_OFF_COLOR ? &attron : &attroff);
+			(*attrfunction)(getColorPair(Color((byte - RLINE_ON_COLOR) & 7), DEFAULT));
 		else switch (byte)
 		case RLINE_ON_BOLD:
-			attron (A_BOLD);
+			attron(A_BOLD);
-			attroff (A_BOLD);
+			attroff(A_BOLD);
@@ -301,15 +299,15 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::render_output()
+void Interface::renderOutput()
 	if (m_outputLines.size() == 1)
-	m_outputScroll = clamp (m_outputScroll, 0, m_outputLines.size() - 1);
+	m_outputScroll = clamp(m_outputScroll, 0, m_outputLines.size() - 1);
 	int height = LINES - 3;
-	int width = COLS - nicklist_width();
+	int width = COLS - nicklistWidth();
 	int printOffset = 0;
 	int end = m_outputLines.size() - 1 - m_outputScroll;
 	int start = end;
@@ -320,7 +318,7 @@
 	// Where to start?
 	while (start > 0)
-		int rows = m_outputLines[start - 1].rows (width);
+		int rows = m_outputLines[start - 1].rows(width);
 		if (usedHeight + rows > height)
@@ -333,12 +331,12 @@
 		usedHeight += rows;
-	// See if there's any more rows to use (end may be too small)
+	// See if there's any more rows to use(end may be too small)
 	if (not tightFit)
 		while (end < m_outputLines.size())
-			int rows = m_outputLines[end].rows (width);
+			int rows = m_outputLines[end].rows(width);
 			if (usedHeight + rows > height)
@@ -359,17 +357,17 @@
 	if (start < 0 or start == end or printOffset >= height)
-	assert (start <= end and start - end <= height);
+	assert(start <= end and start - end <= height);
 	// Clear the display
-	for (int i = y; i < y + height; ++i)
-		mvhline (i, 0, ' ', width);
+	for (int i : range(height))
+		mvhline(y + i, 0, ' ', width);
 	// Print the lines
 	y += printOffset;
-	for (int i = start; i < end; ++i)
-		y = render_colorline (y, 0, width, m_outputLines[i], true);
+	for (int i : range(start, end))
+		y = renderColorline(y, 0, width, m_outputLines[i], true);
 	m_needOutputRender = false;
 	m_needRefresh = true;
@@ -377,22 +375,22 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::render_nicklist()
+void Interface::renderNicklist()
-	int width = nicklist_width();
+	int width = nicklistWidth();
 	int height = LINES- 3;
 	int y = 1;
 	int x = COLS - width;
-	if (width == 0)
+	if (width > 0)
-	for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
+	for (int i : range(height))
-		mvhline (y, x, ' ', width);
+		mvhline(y, x, ' ', width);
 		if (i < m_playerNames.size())
-			render_colorline (y, x, width, m_playerNames[i], false);
+			renderColorline(y, x, width, m_playerNames[i], false);
@@ -403,36 +401,36 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::render_input()
+void Interface::renderInput()
-	chtype promptColor = color_pair (WHITE, BLUE);
+	chtype promptColor = getColorPair(WHITE, BLUE);
 	// If we're asking the user if they want to disconnect, we don't render any input strings,
 	// just the confirmation message.
-		attron (promptColor);
-		mvhline (LINES - 2, 0, ' ', COLS);
-		mvprintw (LINES - 2, 0, "Are you sure you want to disconnect? y/n");
-		attroff (promptColor);
+		attron(promptColor);
+		mvhline(LINES - 2, 0, ' ', COLS);
+		mvprintw(LINES - 2, 0, "Are you sure you want to disconnect? y/n");
+		attroff(promptColor);
 		m_needRefresh = true;
-	String prompt = prompt_string();
+	String prompt = getPromptString();
 	int displayLength = COLS - prompt.length() - 2;
-	String displayString = current_input();
+	String displayString = getCurrentInput();
 	int y = LINES - 2;
 	// If we're inputting a password, replace it with asterisks
 	if (m_inputState == INPUTSTATE_PASSWORD)
-		for (int i = 0; i < displayString.length(); ++i)
-			displayString[i] = '*';
+		for (char &ch : displayString)
+			ch = '*';
 	// Ensure the cursor is within bounds
-	m_cursorPosition = clamp (m_cursorPosition, 0, displayString.length());
+	m_cursorPosition = clamp(m_cursorPosition, 0, displayString.length());
 	// Ensure that the cursor is always in view, adjust panning if this is not the case
 	if (m_cursorPosition > m_inputPanning + displayLength)
@@ -442,19 +440,19 @@
 	// What part of the string to draw?
 	int start = m_inputPanning;
-	int end = min<int> (displayString.length(), start + displayLength);
-	assert (m_cursorPosition >= start and m_cursorPosition <= end);
+	int end = min<int>(displayString.length(), start + displayLength);
+	assert(m_cursorPosition >= start and m_cursorPosition <= end);
 	// Render the input string
-	mvhline (LINES - 2, 0, ' ', COLS);
-	mvprintw (y, prompt.length() + 1, "%s", displayString.mid (start, end).chars());
+	mvhline(LINES - 2, 0, ' ', COLS);
+	mvprintw(y, prompt.length() + 1, "%s", displayString.mid(start, end).chars());
 	// Render the prompt
-	attron (promptColor);
-	mvprintw (y, 0, "%s", prompt.chars());
-	attroff (promptColor);
+	attron(promptColor);
+	mvprintw(y, 0, "%s", prompt.chars());
+	attroff(promptColor);
-	// Store in memory where the cursor is now (so that we can re-draw it to position the terminal
+	// Store in memory where the cursor is now(so that we can re-draw it to position the terminal
 	// cursor). = m_cursorPosition != 0 ? displayString[m_cursorPosition - 1] : '\0';
 	m_cursorCharacter.x = prompt.length() + (m_cursorPosition - m_inputPanning);
@@ -464,21 +462,21 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::render_statusbar()
+void Interface::renderStatusBar()
-	chtype color = color_pair (WHITE, BLUE);
+	chtype color = getColorPair(WHITE, BLUE);
 	int y = LINES - 1;
-	attron (color);
-	mvhline (y, 0, ' ', COLS);
-	mvprintw (y, 0, "%s", m_statusBarText.chars());
-	attroff (color);
+	attron(color);
+	mvhline(y, 0, ' ', COLS);
+	mvprintw(y, 0, "%s", m_statusBarText.chars());
+	attroff(color);
 	m_needRefresh = true;
 	m_needStatusBarRender = false;
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::update_statusbar()
+void Interface::updateStatusBar()
 	String text;
@@ -490,7 +488,7 @@
-		text = "Connecting to " + m_session.address().to_string (IPAddress::WITH_PORT) + "...";
+		text = "Connecting to " + m_session.address().to_string(IPAddress::WITH_PORT) + "...";
@@ -503,12 +501,12 @@
-				adminText.sprintf ("%d other admin%s", m_session.num_admins(),
+				adminText.sprintf("%d other admin%s", m_session.num_admins(),
 					m_session.num_admins() != 1 ? "s" : "");
-			text.sprintf ("%s | %s | %s",
-				m_session.address().to_string (IPAddress::WITH_PORT).chars(),
+			text.sprintf("%s | %s | %s",
+				m_session.address().to_string(IPAddress::WITH_PORT).chars(),
@@ -519,7 +517,7 @@
 		text += " | ";
 	text += "Ctrl+N to connect, Ctrl+Q to ";
-	text += (m_session.state() == RCON_DISCONNECTED) ? "quit" : "disconnect";
+	text +=(m_session.state() == RCON_DISCONNECTED) ? "quit" : "disconnect";
 	if (text != m_statusBarText)
@@ -530,19 +528,19 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::render_full()
+void Interface::renderFull()
-	update_statusbar();
-	render_titlebar();
-	render_output();
-	render_statusbar();
-	render_input();
-	render_nicklist();
+	updateStatusBar();
+	renderTitlebar();
+	renderOutput();
+	renderStatusBar();
+	renderInput();
+	renderNicklist();
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::position_cursor()
+void Interface::positionCursor()
 	// This is only relevant if the input string is being drawn
@@ -551,24 +549,24 @@
 	int y = LINES - 2;
 	if ( != '\0')
-		mvprintw (y, m_cursorCharacter.x, "%c",;
+		mvprintw(y, m_cursorCharacter.x, "%c",;
-		mvprintw (y, prompt_string().length(), " ");
+		mvprintw(y, getPromptString().length(), " ");
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int Interface::find_previous_word()
+int Interface::findPreviousWord()
-	const String& input = current_input();
+	const String& input = getCurrentInput();
 	int pos = m_cursorPosition;
 	// Move past whitespace
-	while (pos > 0 and isspace (input[pos - 1]))
+	while (pos > 0 and isspace(input[pos - 1]))
 	// Move past the word
-	while (pos > 0 and not isspace (input[pos - 1]))
+	while (pos > 0 and not isspace(input[pos - 1]))
 	return pos;
@@ -576,17 +574,17 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int Interface::find_next_word()
+int Interface::findNextWord()
-	const String& input = current_input();
+	const String& input = getCurrentInput();
 	int pos = m_cursorPosition;
 	// Move past current whitespace
-	while (pos < input.length() and isspace (input[pos]))
+	while (pos < input.length() and isspace(input[pos]))
 	// Move past the word
-	while (input[pos] != '\0' and not isspace (input[pos]))
+	while (input[pos] != '\0' and not isspace(input[pos]))
 	return pos;
@@ -594,7 +592,7 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::yank (int a, int b)
+void Interface::yank(int a, int b)
 	if (a >= b)
@@ -602,15 +600,15 @@
 	if (m_cursorPosition > a and m_cursorPosition <= b)
 		m_cursorPosition = a;
-	String& input = mutable_current_input();
-	m_pasteBuffer = input.mid (a, b);
-	input.remove (a, b - a);
+	String& input = getEditableInput();
+	m_pasteBuffer = input.mid(a, b);
+	input.remove(a, b - a);
 	m_needInputRender = true;
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::handle_input()
+void Interface::handleInput()
 	int ch = ::getch();
@@ -620,7 +618,7 @@
 	if (ch == KEY_RESIZE)
-		render_full();
+		renderFull();
@@ -632,14 +630,14 @@
 		else if (ch == 'n' or ch == 'N')
-			set_input_state (INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
+			setInputState(INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
 	if (ch >= 0x20 and ch <= 0x7E)
-		mutable_current_input().insert (m_cursorPosition++, char (ch));
+		getEditableInput().insert(m_cursorPosition++, char(ch));
 		m_needInputRender = true;
 	else switch (ch)
@@ -651,11 +649,11 @@
-			safe_disconnect ([&](bool hadsession)
+			safeDisconnect([&](bool hadsession)
 				if (hadsession)
-					set_input_state (INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
+					setInputState(INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
@@ -666,11 +664,11 @@
-			set_input_state (INPUTSTATE_ADDRESS);
+			setInputState(INPUTSTATE_ADDRESS);
-			set_input_state (INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
+			setInputState(INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
@@ -685,7 +683,7 @@
 	case KEY_RIGHT:
 	case 'F' - 'A' + 1: // readline ^F
-		if (m_cursorPosition < current_input().length())
+		if (m_cursorPosition < getCurrentInput().length())
 			m_needInputRender = true;
@@ -694,7 +692,7 @@
 	case KEY_DOWN:
 	case KEY_UP:
-		move_input_cursor (ch == KEY_DOWN ? -1 : 1);
+		moveInputCursor(ch == KEY_DOWN ? -1 : 1);
 	case KEY_HOME:
@@ -708,9 +706,9 @@
 	case KEY_END:
 	case 'E' - 'A' + 1: // readline ^E
-		if (m_cursorPosition != current_input().length())
+		if (m_cursorPosition != getCurrentInput().length())
-			m_cursorPosition = current_input().length();
+			m_cursorPosition = getCurrentInput().length();
 			m_needInputRender = true;
@@ -719,50 +717,50 @@
 	case '\b':
 		if (m_cursorPosition > 0)
-			mutable_current_input().remove_at (--m_cursorPosition);
+			getEditableInput().remove_at(--m_cursorPosition);
 			m_needInputRender = true;
 	case KEY_DC:
 	case 'D' - 'A' + 1: // readline ^D
-		if (m_cursorPosition < current_input().length())
+		if (m_cursorPosition < getCurrentInput().length())
-			mutable_current_input().remove_at (m_cursorPosition);
+			getEditableInput().remove_at(m_cursorPosition);
 			m_needInputRender = true;
 	case KEY_PPAGE:
-		m_outputScroll += min (PAGE_SIZE, LINES / 2);
+		m_outputScroll += min(PAGE_SIZE, LINES / 2);
 		m_needOutputRender = true;
 	case KEY_NPAGE:
-		m_outputScroll -= min (PAGE_SIZE, LINES / 2);
+		m_outputScroll -= min(PAGE_SIZE, LINES / 2);
 		m_needOutputRender = true;
 	case 'U' - 'A' + 1: // readline ^U - delete from start to cursor
 		if (m_cursorPosition > 0)
-			yank (0, m_cursorPosition);
+			yank(0, m_cursorPosition);
 			m_cursorPosition = 0;
 	case 'K' - 'A' + 1: // readline ^K - delete from cursor to end
-		yank (m_cursorPosition, mutable_current_input().length());
+		yank(m_cursorPosition, getEditableInput().length());
 	case 'W' - 'A' + 1: // readline ^W - delete from previous word bounary to current
-		yank (find_previous_word(), m_cursorPosition);
+		yank(findPreviousWord(), m_cursorPosition);
 	case 'Y' - 'A' + 1: // readline ^Y - paste previously deleted text
 		if (not m_pasteBuffer.is_empty())
-			mutable_current_input().insert (m_cursorPosition, m_pasteBuffer);
+			getEditableInput().insert(m_cursorPosition, m_pasteBuffer);
 			m_cursorPosition += m_pasteBuffer.length();
 			m_needInputRender = true;
@@ -770,14 +768,14 @@
 	case '\t':
-			int space = current_input().find (" ");
+			int space = getCurrentInput().find(" ");
 			if (m_inputState == INPUTSTATE_NORMAL
 				and m_cursorPosition > 0
-				and (space == -1 or space >= m_cursorPosition))
+				and(space == -1 or space >= m_cursorPosition))
-				String start = current_input().mid (0, m_cursorPosition);
-				m_session.request_tab_complete (start);
+				String start = getCurrentInput().mid(0, m_cursorPosition);
+				m_session.request_tab_complete(start);
@@ -793,39 +791,39 @@
-				m_remoteAddress = IPAddress::from_string (current_input());
+				m_remoteAddress = IPAddress::from_string(getCurrentInput());
 			catch (std::exception& e)
-				print ("%s\n", e.what());
+				print("%s\n", e.what());
 			if (m_remoteAddress.port == 0)
 				m_remoteAddress.port = 10666;
-			set_input_state (INPUTSTATE_PASSWORD);
-			if (m_inputState == INPUTSTATE_PASSWORD and not current_input().is_empty())
+			if (m_inputState == INPUTSTATE_PASSWORD and not getCurrentInput().is_empty())
-				m_session.set_password (current_input());
-				m_session.connect (m_remoteAddress);
-				set_input_state (INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
+				m_session.set_password(getCurrentInput());
+				m_session.connect(m_remoteAddress);
+				setInputState(INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
-			if (current_input()[0] == '/')
+			if (getCurrentInput()[0] == '/')
-				handle_command(current_input());
-				flush_input();
+				handleCommand(getCurrentInput());
+				flushInput();
-			else if (m_session.send_command (current_input()))
+			else if (m_session.send_command(getCurrentInput()))
-				flush_input();
+				flushInput();
@@ -833,7 +831,7 @@
 	case 'N' - 'A' + 1: // ^N
 		if (m_inputState == INPUTSTATE_NORMAL)
-			safe_disconnect ([&](bool){set_input_state (INPUTSTATE_ADDRESS);});
+			safeDisconnect([&](bool){setInputState(INPUTSTATE_ADDRESS);});
 	case '\x1b': // Escape
@@ -847,26 +845,26 @@
 			case 'b':
 			case 'B':
 				// readline alt-b - move one word to the left
-				m_cursorPosition = find_previous_word();
+				m_cursorPosition = findPreviousWord();
 				m_needInputRender = true;
 			case 'f':
 			case 'F':
 				// readline alt-f - move one word to the right
-				m_cursorPosition = find_next_word();
+				m_cursorPosition = findNextWord();
 				m_needInputRender = true;
 			case 'd':
 			case 'D':
 				// readline alt-d - delete from here till next word boundary
-				yank (m_cursorPosition, find_next_word());
+				yank(m_cursorPosition, findNextWord());
 			case KEY_BACKSPACE: // alt+backspace, remove previous word
 			case '\b':
-				yank (find_previous_word(), m_cursorPosition);
+				yank(findPreviousWord(), m_cursorPosition);
@@ -874,9 +872,9 @@
 			// No alt-key, handle pure escape
 			if (m_inputState == INPUTSTATE_PASSWORD)
-				set_input_state (INPUTSTATE_ADDRESS);
+				setInputState(INPUTSTATE_ADDRESS);
 			else if (m_inputState == INPUTSTATE_ADDRESS)
-				set_input_state (INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
+				setInputState(INPUTSTATE_NORMAL);
@@ -888,14 +886,14 @@
 void Interface::render()
-	if (m_needStatusBarRender) render_statusbar();
-	if (m_needInputRender) render_input();
-	if (m_needOutputRender) render_output();
-	if (m_needNicklistRender) render_nicklist();
+	if (m_needStatusBarRender) renderStatusBar();
+	if (m_needInputRender) renderInput();
+	if (m_needOutputRender) renderOutput();
+	if (m_needNicklistRender) renderNicklist();
 	if (m_needRefresh)
-		position_cursor();
+		positionCursor();
 		m_needRefresh = false;
@@ -903,68 +901,66 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::vprint (const char* fmtstr, va_list args)
+void Interface::vprint(const char* fmtstr, va_list args)
 	String message;
-	message.vsprintf (fmtstr, args);
-	print_to_console (message);
+	message.vsprintf(fmtstr, args);
+	printToConsole(message);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void __cdecl Interface::print_text (const char* fmtstr, ...)
+void __cdecl Interface::printText(const char* fmtstr, ...)
 	va_list args;
-	va_start (args, fmtstr);
-	vprint (fmtstr, args);
-	va_end (args);
+	va_start(args, fmtstr);
+	vprint(fmtstr, args);
+	va_end(args);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void __cdecl Interface::print (const char* fmtstr, ...)
+void __cdecl Interface::print(const char* fmtstr, ...)
 	va_list args;
-	va_start (args, fmtstr);
-	print_to_console (TEXTCOLOR_BrightBlue);
-	vprint (fmtstr, args);
-	va_end (args);
+	va_start(args, fmtstr);
+	printToConsole(TEXTCOLOR_BrightBlue);
+	vprint(fmtstr, args);
+	va_end(args);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void __cdecl Interface::print_warning (const char* fmtstr, ...)
+void __cdecl Interface::printWarning(const char* fmtstr, ...)
 	va_list args;
-	va_start (args, fmtstr);
-	print_to_console (TEXTCOLOR_BrightYellow "-!- ");
-	vprint (fmtstr, args);
-	va_end (args);
+	va_start(args, fmtstr);
+	printToConsole(TEXTCOLOR_BrightYellow "-!- ");
+	vprint(fmtstr, args);
+	va_end(args);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void __cdecl Interface::print_error (const char* fmtstr, ...)
+void __cdecl Interface::printError(const char* fmtstr, ...)
 	va_list args;
-	va_start (args, fmtstr);
-	print_to_console (TEXTCOLOR_BrightRed "!!! ");
-	vprint (fmtstr, args);
-	va_end (args);
+	va_start(args, fmtstr);
+	printToConsole(TEXTCOLOR_BrightRed "!!! ");
+	vprint(fmtstr, args);
+	va_end(args);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::print_to_console (String message)
+void Interface::printToConsole(String message)
 	// Zandronum sometimes sends color codes as "\\c" and sometimes as "\x1C".
 	// Let's correct that on our end and hope this won't cause conflicts.
-	message.replace ("\\c", "\x1C");
+	message.replace("\\c", "\x1C");
-	for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); ++i)
+	for (char ch : message)
-		char ch = message[i];
 		if (ch == '\n')
@@ -975,19 +971,19 @@
 		if (m_outputLines.last().length() == 0)
 			time_t now;
-			time (&now);
+			time(&now);
 			char timestamp[32];
-			strftime (timestamp, sizeof timestamp, "[%H:%M:%S] ", localtime (&now));
+			strftime(timestamp, sizeof timestamp, "[%H:%M:%S] ", localtime(&now));
-			for (char* cp = timestamp; *cp != '\0'; ++cp)
-				m_outputLines.last().add_char (*cp);
+			for (char ch : String(timestamp))
+				m_outputLines.last().add_char(ch);
 		// Remove some lines if there's too many of them. 20,000 should be enough, I hope.
 		while (m_outputLines.size() > 20000)
-		m_outputLines.last().add_char (ch);
+		m_outputLines.last().add_char(ch);
 	m_needOutputRender = true;
@@ -995,15 +991,15 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::connect (String address, String password)
+void Interface::connect(String address, String password)
-		m_remoteAddress = IPAddress::from_string (address);
+		m_remoteAddress = IPAddress::from_string(address);
 	catch (std::exception& e)
-		print ("%s\n", e.what());
+		print("%s\n", e.what());
@@ -1011,22 +1007,22 @@
 		m_remoteAddress.port = 10666;
-	m_session.set_password (password);
-	m_session.connect (m_remoteAddress);
+	m_session.set_password(password);
+	m_session.connect(m_remoteAddress);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::set_player_names (const StringList& names)
+void Interface::setPlayerNames(const StringList& names)
 	for (const String& name : names)
 		ColoredLine coloredname;
-		coloredname.add_string (name);
+		coloredname.add_string(name);
-		m_playerNames.append (coloredname);
+		m_playerNames.append(coloredname);
 	m_needNicklistRender = true;
@@ -1034,16 +1030,16 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::tab_complete (const String& part, String complete)
+void Interface::tabComplete(const String& part, String complete)
-	String& input = mutable_current_input();
+	String& input = getEditableInput();
-	if (input.starts_with (part))
+	if (input.starts_with(part))
 		if (input[part.length()] != ' ')
 			complete += ' ';
-		input.replace (0, part.length(), complete);
+		input.replace(0, part.length(), complete);
 		m_cursorPosition = complete.length();
 		m_needInputRender = true;
@@ -1051,7 +1047,7 @@
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::handle_command(const String& input)
+void Interface::handleCommand(const String& input)
 	if (input[0] != '/')
@@ -1064,7 +1060,7 @@
 		if (args.size() != 2)
-			print_error("Usage: /connect <address> <password>\n");
+			printError("Usage: /connect <address> <password>\n");
@@ -1076,7 +1072,7 @@
 			catch (std::exception& e)
-				print_error("%s\n", e.what());
+				printError("%s\n", e.what());
@@ -1106,7 +1102,7 @@
 			print_error("No CVars to watch.\n");
-		print_error("Unknown command: %s\n", command.chars());
+		printError("Unknown command: %s\n", command.chars());
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1114,22 +1110,22 @@
 void Interface::disconnected()
 	print("Disconnected from %s\n", m_session.address().to_string(IPAddress::WITH_PORT).chars());
-	reset_title();
-	render_full();
+	resetTitle();
+	renderFull();
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::reset_title()
+void Interface::resetTitle()
-	m_title.sprintf ("%s %s (%s)", application_name(), full_version_string(), changeset_date_string());
+	m_title.sprintf("%s %s (%s)", application_name(), full_version_string(), changeset_date_string());
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Interface::flush_input()
+void Interface::flushInput()
-	m_inputHistory.insert (0, "");
+	m_inputHistory.insert(0, "");
 	m_inputCursor = 0;
 	m_needInputRender = true;
--- a/sources/interface.h	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/interface.h	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -49,24 +49,23 @@
-	void handle_input();
+	void connect(String address, String password);
+	void disconnected();
+	RCONSession* getSession() { return &m_session; }
+	void handleCommand(const String& input);
+	void handleInput();
+	void needRefresh();
+	void __cdecl print(const char* fmtstr, ...);
+	void __cdecl printWarning(const char* fmtstr, ...);
+	void __cdecl printError(const char* fmtstr, ...);
+	void __cdecl printText(const char* fmtstr, ...);
 	void render();
-	void render_full();
-	void set_title (const String& message);
-	void update_statusbar();
-	void connect (String address, String password);
-	void set_player_names (const StringList& names);
-	void need_refresh();
-	void tab_complete (const String& part, String complete);
-	RCONSession* get_session() { return &m_session; }
-	void handle_command(const String& input);
-	void disconnected();
-	void vprint (const char* fmtstr, va_list args);
-	void __cdecl print (const char* fmtstr, ...);
-	void __cdecl print_warning (const char* fmtstr, ...);
-	void __cdecl print_error (const char* fmtstr, ...);
-	void __cdecl print_text (const char* fmtstr, ...);
+	void renderFull();
+	void setPlayerNames(const StringList& names);
+	void setTitle(const String& message);
+	void tabComplete(const String& part, String complete);
+	void updateStatusBar();
+	void vprint(const char* fmtstr, va_list args);
 	StringList m_inputHistory;
@@ -90,28 +89,28 @@
 	String m_pasteBuffer;
 	RCONSession m_session;
-	void render_titlebar();
-	void safe_disconnect (std::function<void(bool)> afterwards);
-	int render_colorline (int y, int x0, int width, const ColoredLine& line, bool allowWrap);
-	int nicklist_width();
-	void render_output();
-	void render_nicklist();
-	void render_input();
-	void render_statusbar();
-	void position_cursor();
-	chtype color_pair (Color fg, Color bg);
-	const String& current_input();
-	void detach_input();
-	String& mutable_current_input();
-	void move_input_cursor (int delta);
-	String prompt_string();
-	void set_input_state (InputState newstate);
-	void print_to_console (String message);
-	void yank (int a, int b);
-	int find_previous_word();
-	int find_next_word();
-	void reset_title();
-	void flush_input();
+	void detachInput();
+	int findNextWord();
+	int findPreviousWord();
+	void flushInput();
+	chtype getColorPair(Color fg, Color bg);
+	const String& getCurrentInput();
+	String& getEditableInput();
+	String getPromptString();
+	void moveInputCursor(int delta);
+	int nicklistWidth();
+	void positionCursor();
+	void printToConsole(String message);
+	int renderColorline(int y, int x0, int width, const ColoredLine& line, bool allowWrap);
+	void renderInput();
+	void renderNicklist();
+	void renderOutput();
+	void renderStatusBar();
+	void renderTitlebar();
+	void resetTitle();
+	void safeDisconnect(std::function<void(bool)> afterwards);
+	void setInputState(InputState newstate);
+	void yank(int a, int b);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/sources/list.h	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/list.h	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
 		Self result;
-		for (int i = a; i <= b; ++i)
+		for (int i = a; i < b; ++i)
 			result << operator[] (i);
 		return result;
--- a/sources/main.cpp	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/main.cpp	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 			FD_ZERO (&fdset);
 			FD_SET (0, &fdset);
-			int fd = iface.get_session()->socket()->file_descriptor();
+			int fd = iface.getSession()->socket()->file_descriptor();
 			highest = zfc::max (highest, fd);
 			FD_SET (fd, &fdset);
@@ -93,15 +93,15 @@
 			if (FD_ISSET (0, &fdset))
 				// stdin is ready, what's incoming?
-				iface.handle_input();
+				iface.handleInput();
-			iface.get_session()->tick();
+			iface.getSession()->tick();
 	catch (const zfc::Exitception&) {}
-	iface.get_session()->disconnect();
+	iface.getSession()->disconnect();
 	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
--- a/sources/mystring.cpp	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/mystring.cpp	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -70,13 +70,9 @@
 	String result (m_string);
-	for (int i = 0; i < unwanted.size(); ++i)
-	{
-		String c = unwanted[i];
-		for (int pos = 0; (pos = result.find (c)) != -1;)
-			result.remove_at (pos--);
-	}
+	for (String c : unwanted)
+	for (int pos = 0; (pos = result.find (c)) != -1;)
+		result.remove_at (pos--);
 	return result;
@@ -87,10 +83,10 @@
 	String result (m_string);
-	for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); ++i)
+	for (char &ch : result)
-		if (islower (result[i]))
-			result[i] -= 'a' - 'A';
+		if (islower(ch))
+			ch -= 'a' - 'A';
 	return result;
@@ -102,10 +98,10 @@
 	String result (m_string);
-	for (int i = 0; i < result.length(); ++i)
+	for (char &ch : result)
-		if (isupper (result[i]))
-			result[i] += 'a' - 'A';
+		if (isupper(ch))
+			ch += 'a' - 'A';
 	return result;
@@ -162,9 +158,9 @@
 	int result = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < length(); ++i)
+	for (char ch : *this)
-		if (m_string[i] == needle)
+		if (ch == needle)
@@ -205,12 +201,10 @@
 	int count = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < length(); ++i)
+	for (char ch : *this)
-		if (not isspace (m_string[i]) or ++count < n)
+		if (not isspace(ch) or ++count < n)
-		return i;
 	return -1;
@@ -379,12 +373,12 @@
 	String result;
-	for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i)
+	for (const String &item : container())
 		if (result.is_empty() == false)
 			result += delim;
-		result += container()[i];
+		result += item;
 	return result;
--- a/sources/network/bytestream.cpp	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/network/bytestream.cpp	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 	ensure_read_space (2);
 	short int result = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+	for (int i : range(2))
 		result |= m_cursor[i] << (i * 8);
 	m_cursor += 2;
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
 	ensure_read_space (4);
 	long int result = 0;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+	for (int i : range(4))
 		result |= m_cursor[i] << (i * 8);
 	m_cursor += 4;
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
 	grow_to_fit (2);
-	for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+	for (int i : range(2))
 		write ((val >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF);
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
 	grow_to_fit (4);
-	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+	for (int i : range(4))
 		write ((val >> (i * 8)) & 0xFF);
--- a/sources/network/ipaddress.cpp	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/network/ipaddress.cpp	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 bool IPAddress::compare (const IPAddress& other) const
-	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+	for (int i : range(4))
 		if (octet (i) != other.octet (i))
 			return false;
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 bool IPAddress::operator< (const IPAddress& other) const
-	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+	for (int i : range(4))
 		if (octet (i) != other.octet (i))
 			return octet (i) < other.octet (i);
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 	// Try scanf the IPv4 host first
 	if (sscanf (addressString, "%u.%u.%u.%u", &parts[0], &parts[1], &parts[2], &parts[3]))
-		for (short i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+		for (int i : range(4))
 			value.set_octet (i, parts[i]);
--- a/sources/network/rconsession.cpp	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/network/rconsession.cpp	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	m_address = address;
 	m_state = RCON_CONNECTING;
-	m_interface->update_statusbar();
+	m_interface->updateStatusBar();
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 			switch (ServerResponse (header))
-				m_interface->print_error ("Your RCON client is using outdated protocol.\n");
+				m_interface->printError ("Your RCON client is using outdated protocol.\n");
 				m_state = RCON_DISCONNECTED;
 			case SVRC_BANNED:
-				m_interface->print_error ("You have been banned from the server.\n");
+				m_interface->printError ("You have been banned from the server.\n");
 				m_state = RCON_DISCONNECTED;
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
-				m_interface->print_error ("Login failed.\n");
+				m_interface->printError ("Login failed.\n");
 				m_state = RCON_DISCONNECTED;
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
 					String message = packet.read_string();
-					m_interface->print_text ("%s\n", message.chars());
+					m_interface->printText ("%s\n", message.chars());
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 				m_interface->print ("Login successful!\n");
 				m_serverProtocol = packet.read_byte();
 				m_hostname = packet.read_string();
-				m_interface->set_title (m_hostname);
+				m_interface->setTitle (m_hostname);
 				m_state = RCON_CONNECTED;
 				for (int i = packet.read_byte(); i > 0; --i)
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
 					String message = packet.read_string();
-					m_interface->print_text ("--- %s\n", message.chars());
+					m_interface->printText ("--- %s\n", message.chars());
 				m_interface->print ("End of previous messages.\n");
@@ -209,21 +209,22 @@
 					StringList completes;
+					completes.resize(packet.read_byte());
-					for (signed int i = packet.read_byte(); i > 0; --i)
-						completes << packet.read_string();
+					for (String& completion : completes)
+						completion = packet.read_string();
 					if (completes.size() == 1)
-						m_interface->tab_complete (m_lastTabComplete, completes[0]);
+						m_interface->tabComplete (m_lastTabComplete, completes[0]);
 					else if (not completes.is_empty())
 						m_interface->print ("Completions for '%s':\n", m_lastTabComplete.chars());
-						for (int i = 0; i < completes.size(); i += 8)
+						for (int i : range(0, completes.size(), 8))
-							Range<int> spliceRange (i, min (i + 8, completes.size() - 1));
+							Range<int> spliceRange (i, min (i + 8, completes.size()));
 							StringList splice (completes.splice (spliceRange));
 							m_interface->print ("- %s\n", splice.join (", ").chars());
@@ -269,7 +270,7 @@
 	catch (std::exception& e)
-		m_interface->print_warning ("Couldn't process packet: %s\n", e.what());
+		m_interface->printWarning ("Couldn't process packet: %s\n", e.what());
@@ -286,22 +287,22 @@
 			for (int i = packet.read_byte(); i > 0; --i)
 				players.append (packet.read_string());
-			m_interface->set_player_names (players);
+			m_interface->setPlayerNames (players);
 		m_numAdmins = packet.read_byte();
-		m_interface->update_statusbar();
+		m_interface->updateStatusBar();
 	case SVRCU_MAP:
 		m_level = packet.read_string();
-		m_interface->update_statusbar();
+		m_interface->updateStatusBar();
-		m_interface->print_warning ("Unknown server update type: %d\n", header);
+		m_interface->printWarning ("Unknown server update type: %d\n", header);
--- a/sources/range.h	Wed Jul 20 13:29:03 2016 +0300
+++ b/sources/range.h	Wed Jul 20 15:03:37 2016 +0300
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 		bool operator!= (const Iterator& other) const
-			return value != other.value;
+			return value < other.value;
 		Iterator& operator++()
@@ -90,18 +90,12 @@
 	Iterator begin() const
-		Iterator it;
-		it.value = min();
-		it.step = m_step;
-		return it;
+		return Iterator(min(), m_step);
 	Iterator end() const
-		Iterator it;
-		it.value = max() + 1;
-		it.step = m_step;
-		return it;
+		return Iterator(max(), m_step);
 	T min() const
@@ -150,4 +144,16 @@
+template<typename T>
+Range<T> range(T a, T b, T step = 1)
+	return Range<T>(a, b, step);
+template<typename T>
+Range<T> range(T b)
+	return Range<T>(T(), b);
