Merged with default protocol5

Renamed Datagram members, RCONSession::handle_packet now takes the datagram as the parameter.

Fixed complation problems. protocol5

Merged with default protocol5

Restored the String::vsprintf buffer to 1024 characters, it only was 64 characters long for testing.

Made String::vsprintf behave properly with long strings.

Documented mystring.cpp. String::trim removed as it does the same as String::removeFromEnd.

Added doxygen documentation to mystring.h

Renamed String methods, and reformatted mystring.h

Restyled geometry.h

Renamed the methods of ColoredLine

Restyled parentheses in coloredline.cpp/.h

Merged with default protocol5

Reformatted parentheses in interface.cpp.

Restyled the names of the private methods of Interface

Restyled Interface's public method names

Made Range not include the 'max' parameter, replaced a lot of for()-loops with C++11-style range-for-loops

Removed the hardcoded /watch from RCONSession::send_command since it already exists in Interface::handle_command protocol5

Removed the disconnection change in Interface::handle_input(), not sure where that even came from protocol5

Removed duplicate ColoredLine::add_string definition protocol5

Merged with default protocol5

Added support for colored nicknames

Merged with default protocol5

Commit ZFC's end of reliable RCON streams protocol5

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