Improved the color handling a tad

Fixed: sending a message from earlier history did not flush to a new input line, instead just up a single level in history

ZFC's own messages are now printed in blue to distinguish them from messages from the server.

Need to `#include <stdlib.h>` in basics.h or md5.cpp doesn't compile under Linux/Clang

Added support for long-form color codes, such as \c[Green]

Added /disconnect

Now disconnects properly without instantly quitting

Fix compilation on MSVC 2010

Happy new year 2016

Merged with default protocol5

Backport string changes from protocol5

Merged with default protocol5

Added some basic IRC-like commands that can be used to do what keystrokes can do without actually using keystrokes

Update the titlebar when sv_hostname changes protocol5

CVar watching stuff works now, fixed compilation protocol5

And another refactor on that..

(0) -100 -16 +16 tip
