Fri, 24 Jul 2015 04:24:38 +0300
Apply Leonard's patch for fixing the colors:
The colors were broken again.
* isprint for some reason returned true when the given byte is higher than 255.
The char cast of the byte was then printed which resulted in odd characters
popping up. Black appeared as ^@ which is NULL in caret notation.
* After that, the colors were all messed up because the RLINE enum didn't take
in account the color swapping.
So instead of messing up the enum order/number I went for a new "range-like"
* After fixing all of that, I noticed the Interface::render_colorline had a
broken loop since the VS2010 commits.
This made the lines not print entierely and messed up the colors etc.
/* Public Domain Curses */ #include "pdcwin.h" RCSID("$Id: pdcscrn.c,v 1.92 2008/07/20 20:12:04 wmcbrine Exp $") #ifdef CHTYPE_LONG # define PDC_OFFSET 32 #else # define PDC_OFFSET 8 #endif /* COLOR_PAIR to attribute encoding table. */ unsigned char *pdc_atrtab = (unsigned char *)NULL; HANDLE pdc_con_out = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE pdc_con_in = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD pdc_quick_edit; static short curstoreal[16], realtocurs[16] = { COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_RED, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK + 8, COLOR_BLUE + 8, COLOR_GREEN + 8, COLOR_CYAN + 8, COLOR_RED + 8, COLOR_MAGENTA + 8, COLOR_YELLOW + 8, COLOR_WHITE + 8 }; enum { PDC_RESTORE_NONE, PDC_RESTORE_BUFFER, PDC_RESTORE_WINDOW }; /* Struct for storing console registry keys, and for use with the undocumented WM_SETCONSOLEINFO message. Originally by James Brown, */ static struct { ULONG Length; COORD ScreenBufferSize; COORD WindowSize; ULONG WindowPosX; ULONG WindowPosY; COORD FontSize; ULONG FontFamily; ULONG FontWeight; WCHAR FaceName[32]; ULONG CursorSize; ULONG FullScreen; ULONG QuickEdit; ULONG AutoPosition; ULONG InsertMode; USHORT ScreenColors; USHORT PopupColors; ULONG HistoryNoDup; ULONG HistoryBufferSize; ULONG NumberOfHistoryBuffers; COLORREF ColorTable[16]; ULONG CodePage; HWND Hwnd; WCHAR ConsoleTitle[0x100]; } console_info; static CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO orig_scr; static CHAR_INFO *ci_save = NULL; static DWORD old_console_mode = 0; static bool is_nt; static HWND _find_console_handle(void) { TCHAR orgtitle[1024], temptitle[1024]; HWND wnd; GetConsoleTitle(orgtitle, 1024); wsprintf(temptitle, TEXT("%d/%d"), GetTickCount(), GetCurrentProcessId()); SetConsoleTitle(temptitle); Sleep(40); wnd = FindWindow(NULL, temptitle); SetConsoleTitle(orgtitle); return wnd; } /* Undocumented console message */ #define WM_SETCONSOLEINFO (WM_USER + 201) /* Wrapper around WM_SETCONSOLEINFO. We need to create the necessary section (file-mapping) object in the context of the process which owns the console, before posting the message. Originally by JB. */ static void _set_console_info(void) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; DWORD dwConsoleOwnerPid; HANDLE hProcess; HANDLE hSection, hDupSection; PVOID ptrView; /* Each-time initialization for console_info */ GetConsoleCursorInfo(pdc_con_out, &cci); console_info.CursorSize = cci.dwSize; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(pdc_con_out, &csbi); console_info.ScreenBufferSize = csbi.dwSize; console_info.WindowSize.X = csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1; console_info.WindowSize.Y = csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1; console_info.WindowPosX = csbi.srWindow.Left; console_info.WindowPosY = csbi.srWindow.Top; /* Open the process which "owns" the console */ GetWindowThreadProcessId(console_info.Hwnd, &dwConsoleOwnerPid); hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dwConsoleOwnerPid); /* Create a SECTION object backed by page-file, then map a view of this section into the owner process so we can write the contents of the CONSOLE_INFO buffer into it */ hSection = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(console_info), 0); /* Copy our console structure into the section-object */ ptrView = MapViewOfFile(hSection, FILE_MAP_WRITE|FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, sizeof(console_info)); memcpy(ptrView, &console_info, sizeof(console_info)); UnmapViewOfFile(ptrView); /* Map the memory into owner process */ DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hSection, hProcess, &hDupSection, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); /* Send console window the "update" message */ SendMessage(console_info.Hwnd, WM_SETCONSOLEINFO, (WPARAM)hDupSection, 0); CloseHandle(hSection); CloseHandle(hProcess); } /* One-time initialization for console_info -- color table and font info from the registry; other values from functions. */ static void _init_console_info(void) { DWORD scrnmode, len; HKEY reghnd; int i; console_info.Hwnd = _find_console_handle(); console_info.Length = sizeof(console_info); GetConsoleMode(pdc_con_in, &scrnmode); console_info.QuickEdit = !!(scrnmode & 0x0040); console_info.InsertMode = !!(scrnmode & 0x0020); console_info.FullScreen = FALSE; console_info.AutoPosition = 0x10000; console_info.ScreenColors = SP->orig_back << 4 | SP->orig_fore; console_info.PopupColors = 0xf5; console_info.HistoryNoDup = FALSE; console_info.HistoryBufferSize = 50; console_info.NumberOfHistoryBuffers = 4; console_info.CodePage = GetConsoleOutputCP(); RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Console"), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, ®hnd); len = sizeof(DWORD); /* Default color table */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { char tname[13]; sprintf(tname, "ColorTable%02d", i); RegQueryValueExA(reghnd, tname, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)(&(console_info.ColorTable[i])), &len); } /* Font info */ RegQueryValueEx(reghnd, TEXT("FontSize"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)(&console_info.FontSize), &len); RegQueryValueEx(reghnd, TEXT("FontFamily"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)(&console_info.FontFamily), &len); RegQueryValueEx(reghnd, TEXT("FontWeight"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)(&console_info.FontWeight), &len); len = sizeof(WCHAR) * 32; RegQueryValueExW(reghnd, L"FaceName", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)(console_info.FaceName), &len); RegCloseKey(reghnd); } /* close the physical screen -- may restore the screen to its state before PDC_scr_open(); miscellaneous cleanup */ void PDC_scr_close(void) { COORD origin; SMALL_RECT rect; PDC_LOG(("PDC_scr_close() - called\n")); PDC_reset_shell_mode(); if (SP->_restore != PDC_RESTORE_NONE) { if (SP->_restore == PDC_RESTORE_WINDOW) { rect.Top = orig_scr.srWindow.Top; rect.Left = orig_scr.srWindow.Left; rect.Bottom = orig_scr.srWindow.Bottom; rect.Right = orig_scr.srWindow.Right; } else /* PDC_RESTORE_BUFFER */ { rect.Top = rect.Left = 0; rect.Bottom = orig_scr.dwSize.Y - 1; rect.Right = orig_scr.dwSize.X - 1; } origin.X = origin.Y = 0; if (!WriteConsoleOutput(pdc_con_out, ci_save, orig_scr.dwSize, origin, &rect)) return; } if (SP->visibility != 1) curs_set(1); /* Position cursor to the bottom left of the screen. */ PDC_gotoyx(PDC_get_buffer_rows() - 2, 0); } void PDC_scr_free(void) { if (SP) free(SP); if (pdc_atrtab) free(pdc_atrtab); pdc_atrtab = (unsigned char *)NULL; } /* open the physical screen -- allocate SP, miscellaneous intialization, and may save the existing screen for later restoration */ int PDC_scr_open(int argc, char **argv) { COORD bufsize, origin; SMALL_RECT rect; const char *str; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; int i; PDC_LOG(("PDC_scr_open() - called\n")); SP = calloc(1, sizeof(SCREEN)); pdc_atrtab = calloc(PDC_COLOR_PAIRS * PDC_OFFSET, 1); if (!SP || !pdc_atrtab) return ERR; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) curstoreal[realtocurs[i]] = i; pdc_con_out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); pdc_con_in = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (GetFileType(pdc_con_in) != FILE_TYPE_CHAR) { fprintf(stderr, "\nRedirection is not supported.\n"); exit(1); } is_nt = !(GetVersion() & 0x80000000); GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(pdc_con_out, &csbi); GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(pdc_con_out, &orig_scr); GetConsoleMode(pdc_con_in, &old_console_mode); /* preserve QuickEdit Mode setting for use in PDC_mouse_set() when the mouse is not enabled -- other console input settings are cleared */ pdc_quick_edit = old_console_mode & 0x0040; SP->lines = (str = getenv("LINES")) ? atoi(str) : PDC_get_rows(); SP->cols = (str = getenv("COLS")) ? atoi(str) : PDC_get_columns(); SP->mouse_wait = PDC_CLICK_PERIOD; SP->audible = TRUE; if (SP->lines < 2 || SP->lines > csbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y) { fprintf(stderr, "LINES value must be >= 2 and <= %d: got %d\n", csbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y, SP->lines); return ERR; } if (SP->cols < 2 || SP->cols > csbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.X) { fprintf(stderr, "COLS value must be >= 2 and <= %d: got %d\n", csbi.dwMaximumWindowSize.X, SP->cols); return ERR; } SP->orig_fore = csbi.wAttributes & 0x0f; SP->orig_back = (csbi.wAttributes & 0xf0) >> 4; SP->orig_attr = TRUE; SP->_restore = PDC_RESTORE_NONE; if (getenv("PDC_RESTORE_SCREEN")) { /* Attempt to save the complete console buffer */ ci_save = malloc(orig_scr.dwSize.X * orig_scr.dwSize.Y * sizeof(CHAR_INFO)); if (!ci_save) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_scr_open() - malloc failure (1)\n")); return ERR; } bufsize.X = orig_scr.dwSize.X; bufsize.Y = orig_scr.dwSize.Y; origin.X = origin.Y = 0; rect.Top = rect.Left = 0; rect.Bottom = orig_scr.dwSize.Y - 1; rect.Right = orig_scr.dwSize.X - 1; if (!ReadConsoleOutput(pdc_con_out, ci_save, bufsize, origin, &rect)) { /* We can't save the complete buffer, so try and save just the displayed window */ free(ci_save); ci_save = NULL; bufsize.X = orig_scr.srWindow.Right - orig_scr.srWindow.Left + 1; bufsize.Y = orig_scr.srWindow.Bottom - orig_scr.srWindow.Top + 1; ci_save = malloc(bufsize.X * bufsize.Y * sizeof(CHAR_INFO)); if (!ci_save) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_scr_open() - malloc failure (2)\n")); return ERR; } origin.X = origin.Y = 0; rect.Top = orig_scr.srWindow.Top; rect.Left = orig_scr.srWindow.Left; rect.Bottom = orig_scr.srWindow.Bottom; rect.Right = orig_scr.srWindow.Right; if (!ReadConsoleOutput(pdc_con_out, ci_save, bufsize, origin, &rect)) { #ifdef PDCDEBUG CHAR LastError[256]; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), LastError, 256, NULL); PDC_LOG(("PDC_scr_open() - %s\n", LastError)); #endif free(ci_save); ci_save = NULL; return ERR; } SP->_restore = PDC_RESTORE_WINDOW; } else SP->_restore = PDC_RESTORE_BUFFER; } SP->_preserve = (getenv("PDC_PRESERVE_SCREEN") != NULL); PDC_reset_prog_mode(); SP->mono = FALSE; return OK; } /* Calls SetConsoleWindowInfo with the given parameters, but fits them if a scoll bar shrinks the maximum possible value. The rectangle must at least fit in a half-sized window. */ static BOOL _fit_console_window(HANDLE con_out, CONST SMALL_RECT *rect) { SMALL_RECT run; SHORT mx, my; if (SetConsoleWindowInfo(con_out, TRUE, rect)) return TRUE; run = *rect; run.Right /= 2; run.Bottom /= 2; mx = run.Right; my = run.Bottom; if (!SetConsoleWindowInfo(con_out, TRUE, &run)) return FALSE; for (run.Right = rect->Right; run.Right >= mx; run.Right--) if (SetConsoleWindowInfo(con_out, TRUE, &run)) break; if (run.Right < mx) return FALSE; for (run.Bottom = rect->Bottom; run.Bottom >= my; run.Bottom--) if (SetConsoleWindowInfo(con_out, TRUE, &run)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* the core of resize_term() */ int PDC_resize_screen(int nlines, int ncols) { SMALL_RECT rect; COORD size, max; if (nlines < 2 || ncols < 2) return ERR; max = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(pdc_con_out); rect.Left = rect.Top = 0; rect.Right = ncols - 1; if (rect.Right > max.X) rect.Right = max.X; rect.Bottom = nlines - 1; if (rect.Bottom > max.Y) rect.Bottom = max.Y; size.X = rect.Right + 1; size.Y = rect.Bottom + 1; _fit_console_window(pdc_con_out, &rect); SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(pdc_con_out, size); _fit_console_window(pdc_con_out, &rect); SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(pdc_con_out, size); SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(pdc_con_out); return OK; } void PDC_reset_prog_mode(void) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_reset_prog_mode() - called.\n")); if (is_nt) { COORD bufsize; SMALL_RECT rect; bufsize.X = orig_scr.srWindow.Right - orig_scr.srWindow.Left + 1; bufsize.Y = orig_scr.srWindow.Bottom - orig_scr.srWindow.Top + 1; rect.Top = rect.Left = 0; rect.Bottom = bufsize.Y - 1; rect.Right = bufsize.X - 1; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(pdc_con_out, bufsize); SetConsoleWindowInfo(pdc_con_out, TRUE, &rect); SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(pdc_con_out, bufsize); SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(pdc_con_out); } PDC_mouse_set(); } void PDC_reset_shell_mode(void) { PDC_LOG(("PDC_reset_shell_mode() - called.\n")); if (is_nt) { SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(pdc_con_out, orig_scr.dwSize); SetConsoleWindowInfo(pdc_con_out, TRUE, &orig_scr.srWindow); SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(pdc_con_out, orig_scr.dwSize); SetConsoleWindowInfo(pdc_con_out, TRUE, &orig_scr.srWindow); SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(pdc_con_out); } SetConsoleMode(pdc_con_in, old_console_mode); } void PDC_restore_screen_mode(int i) { } void PDC_save_screen_mode(int i) { } void PDC_init_pair(short pair, short fg, short bg) { unsigned char att, temp_bg; chtype i; fg = curstoreal[fg]; bg = curstoreal[bg]; for (i = 0; i < PDC_OFFSET; i++) { att = fg | (bg << 4); if (i & (A_REVERSE >> PDC_ATTR_SHIFT)) att = bg | (fg << 4); if (i & (A_UNDERLINE >> PDC_ATTR_SHIFT)) att = 1; if (i & (A_INVIS >> PDC_ATTR_SHIFT)) { temp_bg = att >> 4; att = temp_bg << 4 | temp_bg; } if (i & (A_BOLD >> PDC_ATTR_SHIFT)) att |= 8; if (i & (A_BLINK >> PDC_ATTR_SHIFT)) att |= 128; pdc_atrtab[pair * PDC_OFFSET + i] = att; } } int PDC_pair_content(short pair, short *fg, short *bg) { *fg = realtocurs[pdc_atrtab[pair * PDC_OFFSET] & 0x0F]; *bg = realtocurs[(pdc_atrtab[pair * PDC_OFFSET] & 0xF0) >> 4]; return OK; } bool PDC_can_change_color(void) { return is_nt; } int PDC_color_content(short color, short *red, short *green, short *blue) { DWORD col; if (!console_info.Hwnd) _init_console_info(); col = console_info.ColorTable[curstoreal[color]]; *red = DIVROUND(GetRValue(col) * 1000, 255); *green = DIVROUND(GetGValue(col) * 1000, 255); *blue = DIVROUND(GetBValue(col) * 1000, 255); return OK; } int PDC_init_color(short color, short red, short green, short blue) { if (!console_info.Hwnd) _init_console_info(); console_info.ColorTable[curstoreal[color]] = RGB(DIVROUND(red * 255, 1000), DIVROUND(green * 255, 1000), DIVROUND(blue * 255, 1000)); _set_console_info(); return OK; }