Fri, 24 Jul 2015 04:24:38 +0300
Apply Leonard's patch for fixing the colors:
The colors were broken again.
* isprint for some reason returned true when the given byte is higher than 255.
The char cast of the byte was then printed which resulted in odd characters
popping up. Black appeared as ^@ which is NULL in caret notation.
* After that, the colors were all messed up because the RLINE enum didn't take
in account the color swapping.
So instead of messing up the enum order/number I went for a new "range-like"
* After fixing all of that, I noticed the Interface::render_colorline had a
broken loop since the VS2010 commits.
This made the lines not print entierely and messed up the colors etc.
/* Public Domain Curses */ #include <curspriv.h> RCSID("$Id: attr.c,v 1.41 2008/07/13 16:08:17 wmcbrine Exp $") /*man-start************************************************************** Name: attr Synopsis: int attroff(chtype attrs); int wattroff(WINDOW *win, chtype attrs); int attron(chtype attrs); int wattron(WINDOW *win, chtype attrs); int attrset(chtype attrs); int wattrset(WINDOW *win, chtype attrs); int standend(void); int wstandend(WINDOW *win); int standout(void); int wstandout(WINDOW *win); int color_set(short color_pair, void *opts); int wcolor_set(WINDOW *win, short color_pair, void *opts); int attr_get(attr_t *attrs, short *color_pair, void *opts); int attr_off(attr_t attrs, void *opts); int attr_on(attr_t attrs, void *opts); int attr_set(attr_t attrs, short color_pair, void *opts); int wattr_get(WINDOW *win, attr_t *attrs, short *color_pair, void *opts); int wattr_off(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, void *opts); int wattr_on(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, void *opts); int wattr_set(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, short color_pair, void *opts); int chgat(int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts); int mvchgat(int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts); int mvwchgat(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts); int wchgat(WINDOW *win, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts); chtype getattrs(WINDOW *win); Description: These functions manipulate the current attributes and/or colors of the named window. These attributes can be any combination of A_STANDOUT, A_REVERSE, A_BOLD, A_DIM, A_BLINK, A_UNDERLINE. These constants are defined in <curses.h> and can be combined with the bitwise-OR operator (|). The current attributes of a window are applied to all chtypes that are written into the window with waddch(). Attributes are a property of the chtype, and move with the character through any scrolling or insert/delete operations. attrset() sets the current attributes of the given window to attrs. attroff() turns off the named attributes without affecting any other attributes; attron() turns them on. color_set() sets the window color to the value of color_pair. standout() is the same as attron(A_STANDOUT). standend() is the same as attrset(A_NORMAL); that is, it turns off all attributes. Return Value: All functions return OK on success and ERR on error. Portability X/Open BSD SYS V attroff Y Y Y wattroff Y Y Y attron Y Y Y wattron Y Y Y attrset Y Y Y wattrset Y Y Y standend Y Y Y wstandend Y Y Y standout Y Y Y wstandout Y Y Y color_set Y wcolor_set Y attr_get Y wattr_get Y attr_on Y wattr_on Y attr_off Y wattr_off Y attr_set Y wattr_set Y chgat Y wchgat Y mvchgat Y mvwchgat Y getattrs - **man-end****************************************************************/ int wattroff(WINDOW *win, chtype attrs) { PDC_LOG(("wattroff() - called\n")); if (!win) return ERR; win->_attrs &= (~attrs & A_ATTRIBUTES); return OK; } int attroff(chtype attrs) { PDC_LOG(("attroff() - called\n")); return wattroff(stdscr, attrs); } int wattron(WINDOW *win, chtype attrs) { chtype newcolr, oldcolr, newattr, oldattr; PDC_LOG(("wattron() - called\n")); if (!win) return ERR; if ((win->_attrs & A_COLOR) && (attrs & A_COLOR)) { oldcolr = win->_attrs & A_COLOR; oldattr = win->_attrs ^ oldcolr; newcolr = attrs & A_COLOR; newattr = (attrs & A_ATTRIBUTES) ^ newcolr; newattr |= oldattr; win->_attrs = newattr | newcolr; } else win->_attrs |= (attrs & A_ATTRIBUTES); return OK; } int attron(chtype attrs) { PDC_LOG(("attron() - called\n")); return wattron(stdscr, attrs); } int wattrset(WINDOW *win, chtype attrs) { PDC_LOG(("wattrset() - called\n")); if (!win) return ERR; win->_attrs = attrs & A_ATTRIBUTES; return OK; } int attrset(chtype attrs) { PDC_LOG(("attrset() - called\n")); return wattrset(stdscr, attrs); } int standend(void) { PDC_LOG(("standend() - called\n")); return wattrset(stdscr, A_NORMAL); } int standout(void) { PDC_LOG(("standout() - called\n")); return wattrset(stdscr, A_STANDOUT); } int wstandend(WINDOW *win) { PDC_LOG(("wstandend() - called\n")); return wattrset(win, A_NORMAL); } int wstandout(WINDOW *win) { PDC_LOG(("wstandout() - called\n")); return wattrset(win, A_STANDOUT); } chtype getattrs(WINDOW *win) { return win ? win->_attrs : 0; } int wcolor_set(WINDOW *win, short color_pair, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("wcolor_set() - called\n")); if (!win) return ERR; win->_attrs = (win->_attrs & ~A_COLOR) | COLOR_PAIR(color_pair); return OK; } int color_set(short color_pair, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("color_set() - called\n")); return wcolor_set(stdscr, color_pair, opts); } int wattr_get(WINDOW *win, attr_t *attrs, short *color_pair, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("wattr_get() - called\n")); if (!win) return ERR; if (attrs) *attrs = win->_attrs & (A_ATTRIBUTES & ~A_COLOR); if (color_pair) *color_pair = PAIR_NUMBER(win->_attrs); return OK; } int attr_get(attr_t *attrs, short *color_pair, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("attr_get() - called\n")); return wattr_get(stdscr, attrs, color_pair, opts); } int wattr_off(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("wattr_off() - called\n")); return wattroff(win, attrs); } int attr_off(attr_t attrs, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("attr_off() - called\n")); return wattroff(stdscr, attrs); } int wattr_on(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("wattr_off() - called\n")); return wattron(win, attrs); } int attr_on(attr_t attrs, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("attr_on() - called\n")); return wattron(stdscr, attrs); } int wattr_set(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, short color_pair, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("wattr_set() - called\n")); if (!win) return ERR; win->_attrs = (attrs & (A_ATTRIBUTES & ~A_COLOR)) | COLOR_PAIR(color_pair); return OK; } int attr_set(attr_t attrs, short color_pair, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("attr_get() - called\n")); return wattr_set(stdscr, attrs, color_pair, opts); } int wchgat(WINDOW *win, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts) { chtype *dest, newattr; int startpos, endpos; PDC_LOG(("wchgat() - called\n")); if (!win) return ERR; newattr = (attr & A_ATTRIBUTES) | COLOR_PAIR(color); startpos = win->_curx; endpos = ((n < 0) ? win->_maxx : min(startpos + n, win->_maxx)) - 1; dest = win->_y[win->_cury]; for (n = startpos; n <= endpos; n++) dest[n] = (dest[n] & A_CHARTEXT) | newattr; n = win->_cury; if (startpos < win->_firstch[n] || win->_firstch[n] == _NO_CHANGE) win->_firstch[n] = startpos; if (endpos > win->_lastch[n]) win->_lastch[n] = endpos; PDC_sync(win); return OK; } int chgat(int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("chgat() - called\n")); return wchgat(stdscr, n, attr, color, opts); } int mvchgat(int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("mvchgat() - called\n")); if (move(y, x) == ERR) return ERR; return wchgat(stdscr, n, attr, color, opts); } int mvwchgat(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("mvwchgat() - called\n")); if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR) return ERR; return wchgat(win, n, attr, color, opts); }