Sun, 14 Dec 2014 20:20:43 +0200
- now in color! (titlebar at least anyway)
/* Copyright 2014 Teemu Piippo All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <string.h> #include "interface.h" #include "network/rconsession.h" enum { PAGE_SIZE = 10 }; static String g_input; static int g_cursor = 0; static int g_pan = 0; static bool g_needRefresh = false; static bool g_needStatusBarRender = false; static bool g_needInputRender = false; static bool g_needOutputRender = false; static String g_statusBarText; static struct { char ch; int x; } g_cursorChar; static Vector<String> g_output = {""}; static int g_outputScroll = 0; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static FUNCTION interface_color_pair (Color fg, Color bg) -> int { return COLOR_PAIR ((int (fg) * NUM_COLORS) + int (bg)); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTION Interface::initialize() -> void { ::initscr(); ::start_color(); ::raw(); ::keypad (stdscr, true); ::noecho(); ::refresh(); ::timeout (0); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLORS; ++j) { init_pair ((i * NUM_COLORS + j), (i == DEFAULT) ? -1 : i, (j == DEFAULT) ? -1 : j); } render_full(); refresh(); g_needRefresh = false; print ("Interface initialized.\n"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static FUNCTION interface_sessions_width() -> int { return COLS / 3; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static FUNCTION interface_clear_titlebar() -> void { int pair = interface_color_pair (WHITE, BLUE); attron (pair); mvhline (0, 0, ' ', COLS); attroff (pair); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static FUNCTION interface_render_titlebar() -> void { String versionText = format (APPNAME " %1 (%2)", full_version_string(), changeset_date_string()); if (versionText.length() <= COLS) { int pair = interface_color_pair (WHITE, BLUE); attron (pair); mvprintw (0, (COLS - versionText.length()) / 2, "%s", versionText.chars()); attroff (pair); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static FUNCTION interface_render_output() -> void { int height = LINES - 3; // ensure we're within bounds if (g_outputScroll + height >= g_output.size()) g_outputScroll = g_output.size() - height - 1; else if (g_outputScroll < 0) g_outputScroll = 0; int start = max (0, g_output.size() - height - 1 - g_outputScroll); int end = min (g_output.size(), start + height); int y = 1; assert (end - start <= height); for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { mvhline (y, 0, ' ', COLS); mvprintw (y++, 0, "%s", g_output[i].chars()); } g_needRefresh = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static FUNCTION interface_render_input() -> void { static char prompt[] = "> "; int displaylength = COLS - strlen (prompt) - 1; int y = LINES - 2; // Ensure the cursor is within bounds g_cursor = clamp (g_cursor, 0, g_input.length()); // Ensure that the cursor is always in view, adjust panning if this is not the case if (g_cursor > g_pan + displaylength) g_pan = g_cursor - displaylength; // cursor went too far right else if (g_cursor < g_pan) g_pan = g_cursor; // cursor went past the pan value to the left int start = g_pan; int end = min<int> (g_input.length(), start + displaylength); assert (g_cursor >= start and g_cursor <= end); String displayTextBegin = g_input.mid (start, g_cursor); String displayTextEnd = g_input.mid (g_cursor, end); // Clear, but only as much as is necessary. I want to avoid clearing the entire line to save // bandwidth over SSH connections. Perhaps needlessly? I'm paranoid. int renderLength = strlen (prompt) + displayTextBegin.length() + displayTextEnd.length(); static int lastRenderLength = 0; if (lastRenderLength > renderLength) mvhline (y, renderLength, ' ', lastRenderLength - renderLength); lastRenderLength = renderLength; // Render the input line, with the part of the input string that's before the cursor written // AFTER the part that comes afterwards. This is to ensure that the cursor is placed at the // position where our cursor is. It looks nice like that. :) mvprintw (y, 0, "%s", prompt); mvprintw (y, strlen (prompt) + displayTextBegin.length(), "%s", displayTextEnd.chars()); mvprintw (y, strlen (prompt), "%s", displayTextBegin.chars()); = g_cursor != 0 ? g_input[g_cursor - 1] : '\0'; g_cursorChar.x = strlen (prompt) + displayTextBegin.length() - 1; g_needRefresh = true; g_needInputRender = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static FUNCTION interface_render_statusbar() -> void { int y = LINES - 1; mvhline (y, 0, ' ', COLS); mvprintw (y, 0, "%s", g_statusBarText.chars()); g_needRefresh = true; g_needStatusBarRender = false; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static FUNCTION set_statusbar_text (const String& a) -> void { g_statusBarText = a; g_needStatusBarRender = true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTION Interface::render_full() -> void { interface_clear_titlebar(); interface_render_titlebar(); interface_render_output(); interface_render_statusbar(); interface_render_input(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static FUNCTION interface_position_cursor() -> void { int y = LINES - 2; if ( != '\0') mvprintw (y, g_cursorChar.x, "%c",; else mvprintw (y, 1, " "); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTION Interface::handle_input() -> void { int ch = ::getch(); set_statusbar_text (String::from_number (ch)); if (ch >= 0x20 and ch <= 0x7E) { g_input.insert (g_cursor++, char (ch)); g_needInputRender = true; } else switch (ch) { case KEY_F(1): endwin(); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case KEY_LEFT: if (g_cursor > 0) { g_cursor--; g_needInputRender = true; } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (g_cursor < g_input.length()) { g_cursor++; g_needInputRender = true; } break; case KEY_HOME: if (g_cursor != 0) { g_cursor = 0; g_needInputRender = true; } break; case KEY_END: if (g_cursor != g_input.length()) { g_cursor = g_input.length(); g_needInputRender = true; } break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (g_cursor > 0) { g_input.remove_at (--g_cursor); g_needInputRender = true; } break; case KEY_DC: if (g_cursor < g_input.length()) { g_input.remove_at (g_cursor); g_needInputRender = true; } break; case KEY_PPAGE: g_outputScroll += PAGE_SIZE; g_needOutputRender = true; break; case KEY_NPAGE: g_outputScroll -= PAGE_SIZE; g_needOutputRender = true; break; case '\n': case KEY_ENTER: if (RCONSession::get_session()->send_command (g_input)) { g_input.clear(); g_needInputRender = true; } break; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTION Interface::render() -> void { if (g_needStatusBarRender) interface_render_statusbar(); if (g_needInputRender) interface_render_input(); if (g_needOutputRender) interface_render_output(); if (g_needRefresh) { interface_position_cursor(); refresh(); g_needRefresh = false; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FUNCTION print_to_console (const String& a) -> void { for (char ch : a) { if (ch == '\n') { g_output << ""; continue; } g_output[g_output.size() - 1] += ch; } g_needOutputRender = true; }