Thu, 28 Jan 2021 11:39:30 +0200
reduce delta with protocol5
/* * skulltag::BitWriter class - Enables writing arbitrary bit lengths of data. * * Copyright 2009 Timothy Landers * email: * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "bitwriter.h" /* The internal buffer of bits is an int which is initiallized to zero. * The Bit Buffer: [00000000000000000000000000000000] - 0 bits stored. * * Bits stored in the bit buffer occupy the most significant bits available. * When bits are stored their order is preserved. * Storing the 5 bits 01011 into the bit buffer would result in: * The Bit Buffer: [01011000000000000000000000000000] - 5 bits stored. * * Additionally storing 0x12f3 (13 bits) would result in: * The Bit Buffer: [01011100101111001100000000000000] - 18 bits stored. * * Data is stored via any of the put(...) functions. * * To retrieve bytes (chars) of data from the bit buffer and empty the bit buffer: flush(); * Flushing the bit buffer takes groups of 8 bits (octets) and stores them in the * output buffer at the current byte position. Calling flush() would cause output * to receive 2 bytes (0x5c, 0xbc) == (01011100, 10111100) and the remaining bits would * be moved to the most significant bit positions. * The Bit Buffer: [11000000000000000000000000000000] - 2 bits stored. * Note: The empty bits of the bit buffer must be zero to avoid additional masking operations. * flush() is called automatically if the bit buffer is too full during a call to put(...) * * When the bit storage operation is complete call finish(...). Finish will flush as many full * bytes of data into the output buffer as possible, the remaining bits will be padded out * to a full octet with zeros (on their less significant side), then written to the output * buffer. finish( bytesStored, padding ) passes by reference the number of bytes stored * and number of padding bits added (0 to 7) to the last stored byte. * * Bits are not added one at a time, they are masked, shifted and bitwise OR'ed into * the buffer in as large a group as possible. This allows the BitWriter to add multiple bits in a single * operation instead of calling a function for each 1 bit added. * * Normal usage: * * char * dataArray = new char[ max_output_size ]; * BitWriter * buffer = new BitWriter( dataArray, max_output_size ); * ... * // various calls to put(...); * ... * int numBytesOutput, paddedBits; * buffer->finish( numBytesOutput, paddedBits ); * ... * // do something with dataArray * ... * delete buffer; * delete dataArray; * * */ /** Prevents naming convention problems via encapsulation. */ namespace skulltag { // Static variable initially set to zero as a signal for init() int BitWriter::intSize = 0; int BitWriter::mask[32]; /** Initializes this BitWriter. */ void BitWriter::init(){ // initialize static variables if not initialized yet. if ( intSize == 0 ){ intSize = sizeof maximumBytes; mask[0] = 0; // fill mask such that m = { 0, 1, 3, 7, 15, etc. } for ( int i = 1; i < 32; i++ ) mask[i] = (mask[i-1] << 1) | 1; } // initialize member variables. bitsAvailable = 0; bytesAvailable = 0; bufferBits = 0; currentByte = 0; maximumBytes = 0; bitsLeft = intSize << 3; } /** Creates a new BitWriter. */ BitWriter::BitWriter(){ init(); } /** Creates a new BitWriter. * @param output Destination that bits will be written to. * @param max Maximum number of chars to output. */ BitWriter::BitWriter( unsigned char * const output, int const &max ){ outputBuffer( output, max ); } /** Sets the output buffer that bytes will be written to. * @param output Destination that bits will be written to. * @param max Maximum number of chars to output. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool BitWriter::outputBuffer( unsigned char * const output, int const &max ){ init(); // zero the vars. currentByte = output; if ( output == 0 ) return false; if ( max < 1 ) return false; bytesAvailable = max; bitsAvailable = max << 3; maximumBytes = max; return true; } /** Appends a char worth of bits to the buffer. * @param bits the bits to append. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool BitWriter::put( unsigned char const &bits ){ return put( (int)bits, 8 ); } /** Appends a short worth of bits to the buffer. * @param bits the bits to append. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool BitWriter::put( short const &bits ){ static int shortBitSize = (sizeof bits) << 3; return put( (int)bits, shortBitSize ); } /** Appends an int worth of bits to the buffer. * @param bits the bits to append. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool BitWriter::put( int const &bits ){ static int intBitSize = intSize << 3; return put( bits, intBitSize); } /** Appends multiple chars from a buffer to this BitWriter. * @param inputBuffer pointer to char data * @param count number of chars to read * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool BitWriter::put( unsigned char const * const inputBuffer, int count ){ int i = 0; // Read in 4 bytes at a time and send all at once to the bit buffer. while ( (i + 3) < count ){ if ( !put( ((int)inputBuffer[ i ] << 24) | ((int)inputBuffer[i+1] << 16) | ((int)inputBuffer[i+2] << 8) | (int)inputBuffer[i+3], 32 ) ) return false; i+=4; } // If any bytes remain, output them one at a time. while ( i < count ){ if ( !put( (int)inputBuffer[ i ], 8 ) ) return false; i++; } return true; } /** Appends a specified number of bits from an int to the buffer. * @param bits the bits to append. <br> * The bits should be stored in the least significant portion of the int. * @param count the number of bits to append. * @return true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool BitWriter::put( int const &bits, int count ){ if ( count > bitsAvailable ) return false; if ( (bitsLeft < 1) && (!flush()) ) return false; if ( count > bitsLeft ){ // not enough space in buffer, fill buffer with top end of input bits then flush. bufferBits |= mask[bitsLeft] & (bits >> (count - bitsLeft)); count -= bitsLeft; bitsAvailable -= bitsLeft; bitsLeft = 0; // Buffer's full, needs flushing. if (!flush()) return false; } // if there are still bits of input... if ( count > 0 ){ // shift the input bits up to the end of the bit buffer. bufferBits |= (mask[count] & bits) << (bitsLeft - count); bitsAvailable -= count; bitsLeft -= count; } return true; } /** Writes any full chars of data stored in this BitWriter to the output char buffer. * @return true if successful, false if an error occurs. */ bool BitWriter::flush(){ // static var to hold how many bits are in an int. static int intBitSize = intSize << 3; if ( currentByte == 0 ) return false; int numBits = intBitSize - bitsLeft; // while there's at least one octet of data in the buffer. while ( numBits > 7 ){ // fail if no bytes can be written. if ( bytesAvailable <= 0 ) return false; // get a byte off the top end of the buffer. *currentByte = (bufferBits >> (intBitSize - 8)) & mask[8]; // Set variables to reflect the change. currentByte++; bytesAvailable--; bufferBits = bufferBits << 8; bitsLeft += 8; numBits -= 8; } return true; } /** Flushes this BitWriter then outputs any partial chars by padding them with zeros. <br> * After calling finish() all other calls to update the BitWriter will fail until a buffer is set via outputBuffer(). * @param bytesWritten out: the number of bytes written to the output buffer. * @param paddingBits out: the number of padding bits used in the final byte of output. * @return true if successful, false if an error occurs. */ bool BitWriter::finish( int &bytesWritten, int &paddingBits ){ static int intBitSize = intSize << 3; // set meaningful return values even if flush() fails. bytesWritten = maximumBytes - bytesAvailable; paddingBits = 0; if ( flush() ){ // use a temp var to avoid setting paddingBits to invalid value on failure. int pad = (8 - (intBitSize - bitsLeft)) & 7; if ( pad > 0 ){ // all empty bits should be zero. Artificially extend by the number of bits needed. bitsLeft -= pad; if ( !flush() ){ // Prevent futher use even on failure. init(); return false; } // return the temp bit padding value. paddingBits = pad; } bytesWritten = maximumBytes - bytesAvailable; init(); // set initial state -- no further writing can occur. return true; } // Prevents futher use even on failure. init(); return false; } }