Wed, 27 Jan 2021 18:55:14 +0200
fixed an off-by-one error
/* * skulltag::HuffmanCodec class - Huffman encoder and decoder. * * Copyright 2009 Timothy Landers * email: * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _HUFFMAN_CODEC_VERSION #define _HUFFMAN_CODEC_VERSION 1 #define _HUFFMAN_CODEC_REV 0 #include "codec.h" #include "bitwriter.h" #include "bitreader.h" /** Prevents naming convention problems via encapsulation. */ namespace skulltag { /** HuffmanCodec class - Encodes and Decodes data using a Huffman tree. */ class HuffmanCodec : public Codec { /** top level node of the Huffman tree used for decoding. */ HuffmanNode * root; /** table of Huffman codes and bit lengths used for encoding. */ HuffmanNode ** codeTable; /** intermediary destination of huffman codes. */ BitWriter * writer; /** When true this HuffmanCodec reverses its bytes after encoding and before decoding to * provide compatibility with the backwards bit ordering of the original ST Huffman Encoding. * Default value is "false" (do not reverse bits). */ bool reverseBits; /** When false this HuffmanCodec return -1 instead of expanding data during encoding. * Default value is "true" (allow data expansion). */ bool expandable; /** Determines if this HuffmanCodec owns its Huffman tree nodes. */ bool huffResourceOwner; /** Reverses the order of bits in a byte. * EG: The statement <code>reverseMap[0xAF] == 0xF5</code> is <code>true</code>. <br> * The index <code>10101111</code> stores the reverse value: <code>11110101</code>. <br> * Note: One array lookup is much faster than Eight bit manipulating loop iterations. */ static unsigned char const reverseMap[]; /** Number of bits the shortest huffman code in the tree has. */ int shortestCode; public: /** Creates a new HuffmanCodec from the Huffman tree data. * @param treeData pointer to a buffer containing the Huffman tree structure definition. * @param dataLength length in bytes of the Huffman tree structure data. */ HuffmanCodec( unsigned char const * const treeData, int dataLength ); /** Creates a new HuffmanCodec that uses the specified Huffman resources. * @param treeRootNode The root node of a valid huffman tree. * @param leafCodeTable A code lookup table where references to HuffmanNodes are stored with their array index equal to their value. * Note: The tree nodes will not be released upon destruction of this HuffmanCodec. */ HuffmanCodec( HuffmanNode * treeRootNode, HuffmanNode ** leafCodeTable ); /** Frees resources used internally by this HuffmanCodec. */ virtual ~HuffmanCodec(); /** Decodes data read from an input buffer and stores the result in the output buffer. * @return number of bytes stored in the output buffer or -1 if an error occurs while encoding. */ virtual int encode( unsigned char const * const input, /**< in: pointer to the first byte to encode. */ unsigned char * const output, /**< out: pointer to an output buffer to store data. */ int const &inLength, /**< in: number of bytes of input buffer to encoded. */ int const &outLength /**< in: maximum length of data to output. */ ) const; /** Decodes data read from an input buffer and stores the result in the output buffer. * @return number of bytes stored in the output buffer or -1 if an error occurs while decoding. */ virtual int decode( unsigned char const * const input, /**< in: pointer to data that needs decoding. */ unsigned char * const output, /**< out: pointer to output buffer to store decoded data. */ int const &inLength, /**< in: number of bytes of input buffer to read. */ int const &outLength /**< in: maximum length of data to output. */ ); /** Enables or Disables backwards bit ordering of bytes. * @param backwards "true" enables reversed bit order bytes, "false" uses standard byte bit ordering. */ void reversedBytes( bool backwards ); /** Check the state of backwards bit ordering for bytes. * @return true: bits within bytes are reversed. false: bits within bytes are normal. */ bool reversedBytes(); /** Enable or Disable data expansion during encoding. * @param expandingAllowed "true" allows encoding to expand data. "false" causes failure upon expansion. */ void allowExpansion( bool expandable ); /** Check the state of data expandability. * @return true: data expansion is allowed. false: data is not allowed to expand. */ bool allowExpansion(); /** Sets the ownership of this HuffmanCodec's resources. * @param ownsResources When false the tree will not be released upon destruction of this HuffmanCodec. * When true deleting this HuffmanCodec will cause the Huffman tree to be released. */ void huffmanResourceOwner( bool ownsResources ); /** Checks the ownership state of this HuffmanCodec's resources. * @return ownsResources When false the tree will not be released upon destruction of this HuffmanCodec. * When true deleting this HuffmanCodec will cause the Huffman tree to be released. */ bool huffmanResourceOwner(); /** Deletes all sub nodes of a HuffmanNode by traversing and deleting its child nodes. * @param treeNode pointer to a HuffmanNode whos children will be deleted. */ static void deleteTree( HuffmanNode * treeNode ); /** Recursively builds a Huffman Tree. <br> * The initial root node should have the following field values: <br> * <pre> * bitCount : 0 * code : 0 * value : -1 * branch : 0 (NULL) * </pre> * @param node in/out: branch node of the Huffman Tree. * @param treeData in: char array containing the Huffman Tree's byte representation. * @param index in: Current array element to read the next tree node from. * @param dataLength in: Length of treeData * @param codeTable in/out: array of pointers to HuffmanNode structs. * @param tableLength in: maximum index allowed in the codeTable. * @return the next index to read from or -1 if an error occurs. * */ int buildTree( HuffmanNode * node, unsigned char const * const treeData, int index, int dataLength, HuffmanNode ** const &codeTable, int tableLength ); /** Decreases a codeLength to the shortest Huffman code bit length found in the node or any of its children. <br> * Set to Zero before calling to determine minimum code bit length. * @param node in: The node to begin searching at. * @param codeLength out: Variable to hold the longest code bit length found. */ static void minCodeLength( HuffmanNode const * const node, int &codeLength ); /** Increases a codeLength up to the longest Huffman code bit length found in the node or any of its children. <br> * Set to Zero before calling to determine maximum code bit length. * @param node in: The node to begin searching at. * @param codeLength out: Variable to hold the longest code bit length found. */ static void maxCodeLength( HuffmanNode const * const node, int &codeLength ); private: /** Perform initialization procedures common to all constructors. */ void init(); }; // end class Huffman Codec. } // end namespace skulltag #endif