
Mon, 11 Jan 2016 02:59:18 +0200

Teemu Piippo <crimsondusk64@gmail.com>
Mon, 11 Jan 2016 02:59:18 +0200
changeset 120
parent 97

Fixed missing newline in /connect usage message

/* Public Domain Curses */

#include <curspriv.h>

RCSID("$Id: inopts.c,v 1.43 2008/07/13 16:08:18 wmcbrine Exp $")


  Name:                                                         inopts

        int cbreak(void);
        int nocbreak(void);
        int echo(void);
        int noecho(void);
        int halfdelay(int tenths);
        int intrflush(WINDOW *win, bool bf);
        int keypad(WINDOW *win, bool bf);
        int meta(WINDOW *win, bool bf);
        int nl(void);
        int nonl(void);
        int nodelay(WINDOW *win, bool bf);
        int notimeout(WINDOW *win, bool bf);
        int raw(void);
        int noraw(void);
        void noqiflush(void);
        void qiflush(void);
        void timeout(int delay);
        void wtimeout(WINDOW *win, int delay);
        int typeahead(int fildes);

        int crmode(void);
        int nocrmode(void);

        cbreak() and nocbreak() toggle cbreak mode. In cbreak mode, 
        characters typed by the user are made available immediately, and 
        erase/kill character processing is not performed.  In nocbreak 
        mode, typed characters are buffered until a newline or carriage 
        return. Interrupt and flow control characters are unaffected by 
        this mode. PDCurses always starts in cbreak mode.

        echo() and noecho() control whether typed characters are echoed 
        by the input routine.  Initially, input characters are echoed.  
        Subsequent calls to echo() and noecho() do not flush type-ahead.

        halfdelay() is similar to cbreak(), but allows for a time limit 
        to be specified, in tenths of a second. This causes getch() to 
        block for that period before returning ERR if no key has been 
        received.  tenths must be between 1 and 255.

        keypad() controls whether getch() returns function/special keys 
        as single key codes (e.g., the left arrow key as KEY_LEFT). Per 
        X/Open, the default for keypad mode is OFF. You'll probably want 
        it on. With keypad mode off, if a special key is pressed, 
        getch() does nothing or returns ERR.

        nodelay() controls whether wgetch() is a non-blocking call. If 
        the option is enabled, and no input is ready, wgetch() will 
        return ERR. If disabled, wgetch() will hang until input is 

        nl() enables the translation of a carriage return into a newline 
        on input. nonl() disables this. Initially, the translation does 

        raw() and noraw() toggle raw mode. Raw mode is similar to cbreak 
        mode, in that characters typed are immediately passed through to 
        the user program.  The difference is that in raw mode, the INTR, 
        QUIT, SUSP, and STOP characters are passed through without being 
        interpreted, and without generating a signal.

        In PDCurses, the meta() function sets raw mode on or off.

        timeout() and wtimeout() set blocking or non-blocking reads for 
        the specified window. The delay is measured in milliseconds. If 
        it's negative, a blocking read is used; if zero, then non- 
        blocking reads are done -- if no input is waiting, ERR is 
        returned immediately. If the delay is positive, the read blocks 
        for the delay period; if the period expires, ERR is returned.

        intrflush(), notimeout(), noqiflush(), qiflush() and typeahead()
        do nothing in PDCurses, but are included for compatibility with 
        other curses implementations.

        crmode() and nocrmode() are archaic equivalents to cbreak() and 
        nocbreak(), respectively.

  Return Value:
        All functions return OK on success and ERR on error.

  Portability                                X/Open    BSD    SYS V
        cbreak                                  Y       Y       Y
        nocbreak                                Y       Y       Y
        echo                                    Y       Y       Y
        noecho                                  Y       Y       Y
        halfdelay                               Y       -       Y
        intrflush                               Y       -       Y
        keypad                                  Y       -       Y
        meta                                    Y       -       Y
        nl                                      Y       Y       Y
        nonl                                    Y       Y       Y
        nodelay                                 Y       -       Y
        notimeout                               Y       -       Y
        raw                                     Y       Y       Y
        noraw                                   Y       Y       Y
        noqiflush                               Y       -       Y
        qiflush                                 Y       -       Y
        timeout                                 Y       -       Y
        wtimeout                                Y       -       Y
        typeahead                               Y       -       Y
        crmode                                  -
        nocrmode                                -


int cbreak(void)
    PDC_LOG(("cbreak() - called\n"));

    SP->cbreak = TRUE;

    return OK;

int nocbreak(void)
    PDC_LOG(("nocbreak() - called\n"));

    SP->cbreak = FALSE;
    SP->delaytenths = 0;

    return OK;

int echo(void)
    PDC_LOG(("echo() - called\n"));

    SP->echo = TRUE;

    return OK;

int noecho(void)
    PDC_LOG(("noecho() - called\n"));

    SP->echo = FALSE;

    return OK;

int halfdelay(int tenths)
    PDC_LOG(("halfdelay() - called\n"));

    if (tenths < 1 || tenths > 255)
        return ERR;

    SP->delaytenths = tenths;

    return OK;

int intrflush(WINDOW *win, bool bf)
    PDC_LOG(("intrflush() - called\n"));

    return OK;

int keypad(WINDOW *win, bool bf)
    PDC_LOG(("keypad() - called\n"));

    if (!win)
        return ERR;

    win->_use_keypad = bf;

    return OK;

int meta(WINDOW *win, bool bf)
    PDC_LOG(("meta() - called\n"));

    SP->raw_inp = bf;

    return OK;

int nl(void)
    PDC_LOG(("nl() - called\n"));

    SP->autocr = TRUE;

    return OK;

int nonl(void)
    PDC_LOG(("nonl() - called\n"));

    SP->autocr = FALSE;

    return OK;

int nodelay(WINDOW *win, bool flag)
    PDC_LOG(("nodelay() - called\n"));

    if (!win)
        return ERR;

    win->_nodelay = flag;

    return OK;

int notimeout(WINDOW *win, bool flag)
    PDC_LOG(("notimeout() - called\n"));

    return OK;

int raw(void)
    PDC_LOG(("raw() - called\n"));

    SP->raw_inp = TRUE;

    return OK;

int noraw(void)
    PDC_LOG(("noraw() - called\n"));

    SP->raw_inp = FALSE;

    return OK;

void noqiflush(void)
    PDC_LOG(("noqiflush() - called\n"));

void qiflush(void)
    PDC_LOG(("qiflush() - called\n"));

int typeahead(int fildes)
    PDC_LOG(("typeahead() - called\n"));

    return OK;

void wtimeout(WINDOW *win, int delay)
    PDC_LOG(("wtimeout() - called\n"));

    if (!win)

    if (delay < 0)
        /* This causes a blocking read on the window, so turn on delay 
           mode */

        win->_nodelay = FALSE;
        win->_delayms = 0;
    else if (!delay)
        /* This causes a non-blocking read on the window, so turn off 
           delay mode */

        win->_nodelay = TRUE;
        win->_delayms = 0;
        /* This causes the read on the window to delay for the number of 
           milliseconds. Also forces the window into non-blocking read 
           mode */

        /*win->_nodelay = TRUE;*/
        win->_delayms = delay;

void timeout(int delay)
    PDC_LOG(("timeout() - called\n"));

    wtimeout(stdscr, delay);

int crmode(void)
    PDC_LOG(("crmode() - called\n"));

    return cbreak();

int nocrmode(void)
    PDC_LOG(("nocrmode() - called\n"));

    return nocbreak();
