Thu, 23 Jul 2015 18:07:39 +0300
Added pdcurses source files, if no curses library is provided, these source files will be fallen back to instead of raising an error. Should make compiling on windows slightly less painful.
/* Public Domain Curses */ #include <curspriv.h> RCSID("$Id: slk.c,v 1.61 2008/07/13 16:08:18 wmcbrine Exp $") /*man-start************************************************************** Name: slk Synopsis: int slk_init(int fmt); int slk_set(int labnum, const char *label, int justify); int slk_refresh(void); int slk_noutrefresh(void); char *slk_label(int labnum); int slk_clear(void); int slk_restore(void); int slk_touch(void); int slk_attron(const chtype attrs); int slk_attr_on(const attr_t attrs, void *opts); int slk_attrset(const chtype attrs); int slk_attr_set(const attr_t attrs, short color_pair, void *opts); int slk_attroff(const chtype attrs); int slk_attr_off(const attr_t attrs, void *opts); int slk_color(short color_pair); int slk_wset(int labnum, const wchar_t *label, int justify); int PDC_mouse_in_slk(int y, int x); void PDC_slk_free(void); void PDC_slk_initialize(void); wchar_t *slk_wlabel(int labnum) Description: These functions manipulate a window that contain Soft Label Keys (SLK). To use the SLK functions, a call to slk_init() must be made BEFORE initscr() or newterm(). slk_init() removes 1 or 2 lines from the useable screen, depending on the format selected. The line(s) removed from the screen are used as a separate window, in which SLKs are displayed. slk_init() requires a single parameter which describes the format of the SLKs as follows: 0 3-2-3 format 1 4-4 format 2 4-4-4 format (ncurses extension) 3 4-4-4 format with index line (ncurses extension) 2 lines used 55 5-5 format (pdcurses format) slk_refresh(), slk_noutrefresh() and slk_touch() are analogous to refresh(), noutrefresh() and touch(). Return Value: All functions return OK on success and ERR on error. Portability X/Open BSD SYS V slk_init Y - Y slk_set Y - Y slk_refresh Y - Y slk_noutrefresh Y - Y slk_label Y - Y slk_clear Y - Y slk_restore Y - Y slk_touch Y - Y slk_attron Y - Y slk_attrset Y - Y slk_attroff Y - Y slk_attr_on Y slk_attr_set Y slk_attr_off Y slk_wset Y PDC_mouse_in_slk - - - PDC_slk_free - - - PDC_slk_initialize - - - slk_wlabel - - - **man-end****************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> enum { LABEL_NORMAL = 8, LABEL_EXTENDED = 10, LABEL_NCURSES_EXTENDED = 12 }; static int label_length = 0; static int labels = 0; static int label_fmt = 0; static int label_line = 0; static bool hidden = FALSE; static struct SLK { chtype label[32]; int len; int format; int start_col; } *slk = (struct SLK *)NULL; /* slk_init() is the slk initialization routine. This must be called before initscr(). label_fmt = 0, 1 or 55. 0 = 3-2-3 format 1 = 4 - 4 format 2 = 4-4-4 format (ncurses extension for PC 12 function keys) 3 = 4-4-4 format (ncurses extension for PC 12 function keys - with index line) 55 = 5 - 5 format (extended for PC, 10 function keys) */ int slk_init(int fmt) { PDC_LOG(("slk_init() - called\n")); if (SP) return ERR; switch (fmt) { case 0: /* 3 - 2 - 3 */ labels = LABEL_NORMAL; break; case 1: /* 4 - 4 */ labels = LABEL_NORMAL; break; case 2: /* 4 4 4 */ labels = LABEL_NCURSES_EXTENDED; break; case 3: /* 4 4 4 with index */ labels = LABEL_NCURSES_EXTENDED; break; case 55: /* 5 - 5 */ labels = LABEL_EXTENDED; break; default: return ERR; } label_fmt = fmt; slk = calloc(labels, sizeof(struct SLK)); if (!slk) labels = 0; return slk ? OK : ERR; } /* draw a single button */ static void _drawone(int num) { int i, col, slen; if (hidden) return; slen = slk[num].len; switch (slk[num].format) { case 0: /* LEFT */ col = 0; break; case 1: /* CENTER */ col = (label_length - slen) / 2; if (col + slen > label_length) --col; break; default: /* RIGHT */ col = label_length - slen; } wmove(SP->slk_winptr, label_line, slk[num].start_col); for (i = 0; i < label_length; ++i) waddch(SP->slk_winptr, (i >= col && i < (col + slen)) ? slk[num].label[i - col] : ' '); } /* redraw each button */ static void _redraw(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < labels; ++i) _drawone(i); } /* slk_set() Used to set a slk label to a string. labnum = 1 - 8 (or 10) (number of the label) label = string (8 or 7 bytes total), or NULL justify = 0 : left, 1 : center, 2 : right */ int slk_set(int labnum, const char *label, int justify) { #ifdef PDC_WIDE wchar_t wlabel[32]; PDC_mbstowcs(wlabel, label, 31); return slk_wset(labnum, wlabel, justify); #else PDC_LOG(("slk_set() - called\n")); if (labnum < 1 || labnum > labels || justify < 0 || justify > 2) return ERR; labnum--; if (!label || !(*label)) { /* Clear the label */ *slk[labnum].label = 0; slk[labnum].format = 0; slk[labnum].len = 0; } else { int i, j = 0; /* Skip leading spaces */ while (label[j] == ' ') j++; /* Copy it */ for (i = 0; i < label_length; i++) { chtype ch = label[i + j]; slk[labnum].label[i] = ch; if (!ch) break; } /* Drop trailing spaces */ while ((i + j) && (label[i + j - 1] == ' ')) i--; slk[labnum].label[i] = 0; slk[labnum].format = justify; slk[labnum].len = i; } _drawone(labnum); return OK; #endif } int slk_refresh(void) { PDC_LOG(("slk_refresh() - called\n")); return (slk_noutrefresh() == ERR) ? ERR : doupdate(); } int slk_noutrefresh(void) { PDC_LOG(("slk_noutrefresh() - called\n")); return wnoutrefresh(SP->slk_winptr); } char *slk_label(int labnum) { static char temp[33]; #ifdef PDC_WIDE wchar_t *wtemp = slk_wlabel(labnum); PDC_wcstombs(temp, wtemp, 32); #else chtype *p; int i; PDC_LOG(("slk_label() - called\n")); if (labnum < 1 || labnum > labels) return (char *)0; for (i = 0, p = slk[labnum - 1].label; *p; i++) temp[i] = *p++; temp[i] = '\0'; #endif return temp; } int slk_clear(void) { PDC_LOG(("slk_clear() - called\n")); hidden = TRUE; werase(SP->slk_winptr); return wrefresh(SP->slk_winptr); } int slk_restore(void) { PDC_LOG(("slk_restore() - called\n")); hidden = FALSE; _redraw(); return wrefresh(SP->slk_winptr); } int slk_touch(void) { PDC_LOG(("slk_touch() - called\n")); return touchwin(SP->slk_winptr); } int slk_attron(const chtype attrs) { int rc; PDC_LOG(("slk_attron() - called\n")); rc = wattron(SP->slk_winptr, attrs); _redraw(); return rc; } int slk_attr_on(const attr_t attrs, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("slk_attr_on() - called\n")); return slk_attron(attrs); } int slk_attroff(const chtype attrs) { int rc; PDC_LOG(("slk_attroff() - called\n")); rc = wattroff(SP->slk_winptr, attrs); _redraw(); return rc; } int slk_attr_off(const attr_t attrs, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("slk_attr_off() - called\n")); return slk_attroff(attrs); } int slk_attrset(const chtype attrs) { int rc; PDC_LOG(("slk_attrset() - called\n")); rc = wattrset(SP->slk_winptr, attrs); _redraw(); return rc; } int slk_color(short color_pair) { int rc; PDC_LOG(("slk_color() - called\n")); rc = wcolor_set(SP->slk_winptr, color_pair, NULL); _redraw(); return rc; } int slk_attr_set(const attr_t attrs, short color_pair, void *opts) { PDC_LOG(("slk_attr_set() - called\n")); return slk_attrset(attrs | COLOR_PAIR(color_pair)); } static void _slk_calc(void) { int i, center, col = 0; label_length = COLS / labels; if (label_length > 31) label_length = 31; switch (label_fmt) { case 0: /* 3 - 2 - 3 F-Key layout */ --label_length; slk[0].start_col = col; slk[1].start_col = (col += label_length); slk[2].start_col = (col += label_length); center = COLS / 2; slk[3].start_col = center - label_length + 1; slk[4].start_col = center + 1; col = COLS - (label_length * 3) + 1; slk[5].start_col = col; slk[6].start_col = (col += label_length); slk[7].start_col = (col += label_length); break; case 1: /* 4 - 4 F-Key layout */ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { slk[i].start_col = col; col += label_length; if (i == 3) col = COLS - (label_length * 4) + 1; } break; case 2: /* 4 4 4 F-Key layout */ case 3: /* 4 4 4 F-Key layout with index */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { slk[i].start_col = col; col += label_length; } center = COLS/2; slk[4].start_col = center - (label_length * 2) + 1; slk[5].start_col = center - label_length - 1; slk[6].start_col = center + 1; slk[7].start_col = center + label_length + 1; col = COLS - (label_length * 4) + 1; for (i = 8; i < 12; i++) { slk[i].start_col = col; col += label_length; } break; default: /* 5 - 5 F-Key layout */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { slk[i].start_col = col; col += label_length; if (i == 4) col = COLS - (label_length * 5) + 1; } } --label_length; /* make sure labels are all in window */ _redraw(); } void PDC_slk_initialize(void) { if (slk) { if (label_fmt == 3) { SP->slklines = 2; label_line = 1; } else SP->slklines = 1; if (!SP->slk_winptr) { if ( !(SP->slk_winptr = newwin(SP->slklines, COLS, LINES - SP->slklines, 0)) ) return; wattrset(SP->slk_winptr, A_REVERSE); } _slk_calc(); /* if we have an index line, display it now */ if (label_fmt == 3) { chtype save_attr; int i; save_attr = SP->slk_winptr->_attrs; wattrset(SP->slk_winptr, A_NORMAL); wmove(SP->slk_winptr, 0, 0); whline(SP->slk_winptr, 0, COLS); for (i = 0; i < labels; i++) mvwprintw(SP->slk_winptr, 0, slk[i].start_col, "F%d", i + 1); SP->slk_winptr->_attrs = save_attr; } touchwin(SP->slk_winptr); } } void PDC_slk_free(void) { if (slk) { if (SP->slk_winptr) { delwin(SP->slk_winptr); SP->slk_winptr = (WINDOW *)NULL; } free(slk); slk = (struct SLK *)NULL; label_length = 0; labels = 0; label_fmt = 0; label_line = 0; hidden = FALSE; } } int PDC_mouse_in_slk(int y, int x) { int i; PDC_LOG(("PDC_mouse_in_slk() - called: y->%d x->%d\n", y, x)); /* If the line on which the mouse was clicked is NOT the last line of the screen, we are not interested in it. */ if (!slk || !SP->slk_winptr || (y != SP->slk_winptr->_begy + label_line)) return 0; for (i = 0; i < labels; i++) if (x >= slk[i].start_col && x < (slk[i].start_col + label_length)) return i + 1; return 0; } #ifdef PDC_WIDE int slk_wset(int labnum, const wchar_t *label, int justify) { PDC_LOG(("slk_wset() - called\n")); if (labnum < 1 || labnum > labels || justify < 0 || justify > 2) return ERR; labnum--; if (!label || !(*label)) { /* Clear the label */ *slk[labnum].label = 0; slk[labnum].format = 0; slk[labnum].len = 0; } else { int i, j = 0; /* Skip leading spaces */ while (label[j] == L' ') j++; /* Copy it */ for (i = 0; i < label_length; i++) { chtype ch = label[i + j]; slk[labnum].label[i] = ch; if (!ch) break; } /* Drop trailing spaces */ while ((i + j) && (label[i + j - 1] == L' ')) i--; slk[labnum].label[i] = 0; slk[labnum].format = justify; slk[labnum].len = i; } _drawone(labnum); return OK; } wchar_t *slk_wlabel(int labnum) { static wchar_t temp[33]; chtype *p; int i; PDC_LOG(("slk_wlabel() - called\n")); if (labnum < 1 || labnum > labels) return (wchar_t *)0; for (i = 0, p = slk[labnum - 1].label; *p; i++) temp[i] = *p++; temp[i] = '\0'; return temp; } #endif