Thu, 23 Jul 2015 18:07:39 +0300
Added pdcurses source files, if no curses library is provided, these source files will be fallen back to instead of raising an error. Should make compiling on windows slightly less painful.
zfc9000 --------- zfc9000 is a text-based RCON utility for the Zandronum Doom source port. Features: * Fully textual, can be used over SSH for instance * Supports in-game colorcodes * Input history * A subset of readline shortcuts * a nicklist To use, either: * use the command line: ```zfc9000 <address> <password>``` * use Ctrl-N within the application to create a new connection To compile, clone the sources off the mercurial repository and check out the version desired. Ensure you have the proper ncurses libraries installed, e.g. ```libncurses5-dev``` and ```libncursesw5-dev``` on Ubuntu. Compile using cmake. Binaries are provided but these may or may not work on your system.