
changeset 106
parent 97
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pdcurses/clear.c	Sat Jan 09 17:41:21 2016 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+/* Public Domain Curses */
+#include <curspriv.h>
+RCSID("$Id: clear.c,v 1.35 2008/07/13 16:08:18 wmcbrine Exp $")
+  Name:                                                         clear
+  Synopsis:
+        int clear(void);
+        int wclear(WINDOW *win);
+        int erase(void);
+        int werase(WINDOW *win);
+        int clrtobot(void);
+        int wclrtobot(WINDOW *win);
+        int clrtoeol(void);
+        int wclrtoeol(WINDOW *win);
+  Description:
+        erase() and werase() copy blanks (i.e. the background chtype) to 
+        every cell of the window.
+        clear() and wclear() are similar to erase() and werase(), but
+        they also call clearok() to ensure that the the window is 
+        cleared on the next wrefresh().
+        clrtobot() and wclrtobot() clear the window from the current 
+        cursor position to the end of the window.
+        clrtoeol() and wclrtoeol() clear the window from the current
+        cursor position to the end of the current line.
+  Return Value:
+        All functions return OK on success and ERR on error.
+  Portability                                X/Open    BSD    SYS V
+        clear                                   Y       Y       Y
+        wclear                                  Y       Y       Y
+        erase                                   Y       Y       Y
+        werase                                  Y       Y       Y
+        clrtobot                                Y       Y       Y
+        wclrtobot                               Y       Y       Y
+        clrtoeol                                Y       Y       Y
+        wclrtoeol                               Y       Y       Y
+int wclrtoeol(WINDOW *win)
+    int x, y, minx;
+    chtype blank, *ptr;
+    PDC_LOG(("wclrtoeol() - called: Row: %d Col: %d\n",
+             win->_cury, win->_curx));
+    if (!win)
+        return ERR;
+    y = win->_cury;
+    x = win->_curx;
+    /* wrs (4/10/93) account for window background */
+    blank = win->_bkgd;
+    for (minx = x, ptr = &win->_y[y][x]; minx < win->_maxx; minx++, ptr++)
+        *ptr = blank;
+    if (x < win->_firstch[y] || win->_firstch[y] == _NO_CHANGE)
+        win->_firstch[y] = x;
+    win->_lastch[y] = win->_maxx - 1;
+    PDC_sync(win);
+    return OK;
+int clrtoeol(void)
+    PDC_LOG(("clrtoeol() - called\n"));
+    return wclrtoeol(stdscr);
+int wclrtobot(WINDOW *win)
+    int savey = win->_cury;
+    int savex = win->_curx;
+    PDC_LOG(("wclrtobot() - called\n"));
+    if (!win)
+        return ERR;
+    /* should this involve scrolling region somehow ? */
+    if (win->_cury + 1 < win->_maxy)
+    {
+        win->_curx = 0;
+        win->_cury++;
+        for (; win->_maxy > win->_cury; win->_cury++)
+            wclrtoeol(win);
+        win->_cury = savey;
+        win->_curx = savex;
+    }
+    wclrtoeol(win);
+    PDC_sync(win);
+    return OK;
+int clrtobot(void)
+    PDC_LOG(("clrtobot() - called\n"));
+    return wclrtobot(stdscr);
+int werase(WINDOW *win)
+    PDC_LOG(("werase() - called\n"));
+    if (wmove(win, 0, 0) == ERR)
+        return ERR;
+    return wclrtobot(win);
+int erase(void)
+    PDC_LOG(("erase() - called\n"));
+    return werase(stdscr);
+int wclear(WINDOW *win)
+    PDC_LOG(("wclear() - called\n"));
+    if (!win)
+        return ERR;
+    win->_clear = TRUE;
+    return werase(win);
+int clear(void)
+    PDC_LOG(("clear() - called\n"));
+    return wclear(stdscr);
