
changeset 97
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pdcurses/panel.c	Thu Jul 23 18:07:39 2015 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+/* Public Domain Curses */
+#include <curspriv.h>
+RCSID("$Id: panel.c,v 1.8 2008/07/14 12:35:23 wmcbrine Exp $")
+  Name:                                                         panel
+  Synopsis:
+        int bottom_panel(PANEL *pan);
+        int del_panel(PANEL *pan);
+        int hide_panel(PANEL *pan);
+        int move_panel(PANEL *pan, int starty, int startx);
+        PANEL *new_panel(WINDOW *win);
+        PANEL *panel_above(const PANEL *pan);
+        PANEL *panel_below(const PANEL *pan);
+        int panel_hidden(const PANEL *pan);
+        const void *panel_userptr(const PANEL *pan);
+        WINDOW *panel_window(const PANEL *pan);
+        int replace_panel(PANEL *pan, WINDOW *win);
+        int set_panel_userptr(PANEL *pan, const void *uptr);
+        int show_panel(PANEL *pan);
+        int top_panel(PANEL *pan);
+        void update_panels(void);
+  Description:
+        The panel library is built using the curses library, and any
+        program using panels routines must call one of the curses
+        initialization routines such as initscr(). A program using these
+        routines must be linked with the panels and curses libraries.
+        The header <panel.h> includes the header <curses.h>.
+        The panels package gives the applications programmer a way to
+        have depth relationships between curses windows; a curses window
+        is associated with every panel. The panels routines allow curses
+        windows to overlap without making visible the overlapped
+        portions of underlying windows. The initial curses window,
+        stdscr, lies beneath all panels. The set of currently visible
+        panels is the 'deck' of panels.
+        The panels package allows the applications programmer to create
+        panels, fetch and set their associated windows, shuffle panels
+        in the deck, and manipulate panels in other ways.
+        bottom_panel() places pan at the bottom of the deck. The size, 
+        location and contents of the panel are unchanged.
+        del_panel() deletes pan, but not its associated winwow.
+        hide_panel() removes a panel from the deck and thus hides it 
+        from view.
+        move_panel() moves the curses window associated with pan, so 
+        that its upper lefthand corner is at the supplied coordinates. 
+        (Do not use mvwin() on the window.)
+        new_panel() creates a new panel associated with win and returns 
+        the panel pointer. The new panel is placed at the top of the 
+        deck.
+        panel_above() returns a pointer to the panel in the deck above 
+        pan, or NULL if pan is the top panel. If the value of pan passed 
+        is NULL, this function returns a pointer to the bottom panel in 
+        the deck.
+        panel_below() returns a pointer to the panel in the deck below 
+        pan, or NULL if pan is the bottom panel. If the value of pan 
+        passed is NULL, this function returns a pointer to the top panel 
+        in the deck.
+        panel_hidden() returns OK if pan is hidden and ERR if it is not.
+        panel_userptr() - Each panel has a user pointer available for 
+        maintaining relevant information. This function returns a 
+        pointer to that information previously set up by 
+        set_panel_userptr().
+        panel_window() returns a pointer to the curses window associated 
+        with the panel.
+        replace_panel() replaces the current window of pan with win.
+        set_panel_userptr() - Each panel has a user pointer available 
+        for maintaining relevant information. This function sets the 
+        value of that information.
+        show_panel() makes a previously hidden panel visible and places 
+        it back in the deck on top.
+        top_panel() places pan on the top of the deck. The size, 
+        location and contents of the panel are unchanged.
+        update_panels() refreshes the virtual screen to reflect the 
+        depth relationships between the panels in the deck. The user 
+        must use doupdate() to refresh the physical screen.
+  Return Value:
+        Each routine that returns a pointer to an object returns NULL if 
+        an error occurs. Each panel routine that returns an integer, 
+        returns OK if it executes successfully and ERR if it does not.
+  Portability                                X/Open    BSD    SYS V
+        bottom_panel                            -       -       Y
+        del_panel                               -       -       Y
+        hide_panel                              -       -       Y
+        move_panel                              -       -       Y
+        new_panel                               -       -       Y
+        panel_above                             -       -       Y
+        panel_below                             -       -       Y
+        panel_hidden                            -       -       Y
+        panel_userptr                           -       -       Y
+        panel_window                            -       -       Y
+        replace_panel                           -       -       Y
+        set_panel_userptr                       -       -       Y
+        show_panel                              -       -       Y
+        top_panel                               -       -       Y
+        update_panels                           -       -       Y
+  Credits:
+        Original Author - Warren Tucker <wht@n4hgf.mt-park.ga.us>
+#include <panel.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+PANEL *_bottom_panel = (PANEL *)0;
+PANEL *_top_panel = (PANEL *)0;
+PANEL _stdscr_pseudo_panel = { (WINDOW *)0 };
+static void dPanel(char *text, PANEL *pan)
+    PDC_LOG(("%s id=%s b=%s a=%s y=%d x=%d", text, pan->user,
+             pan->below ? pan->below->user : "--",
+             pan->above ? pan->above->user : "--",
+             pan->wstarty, pan->wstartx));
+static void dStack(char *fmt, int num, PANEL *pan)
+    char s80[80];
+    sprintf(s80, fmt, num, pan);
+    PDC_LOG(("%s b=%s t=%s", s80, _bottom_panel ? _bottom_panel->user : "--",
+             _top_panel    ? _top_panel->user    : "--"));
+    if (pan)
+        PDC_LOG(("pan id=%s", pan->user));
+    pan = _bottom_panel;
+    while (pan)
+    {
+        dPanel("stk", pan);
+        pan = pan->above;
+    }
+/* debugging hook for wnoutrefresh */
+static void Wnoutrefresh(PANEL *pan)
+    dPanel("wnoutrefresh", pan);
+    wnoutrefresh(pan->win);
+static void Touchpan(PANEL *pan)
+    dPanel("Touchpan", pan);
+    touchwin(pan->win);
+static void Touchline(PANEL *pan, int start, int count)
+    char s80[80];
+    sprintf(s80, "Touchline s=%d c=%d", start, count);
+    dPanel(s80, pan);
+    touchline(pan->win, start, count);
+#else   /* PANEL_DEBUG */
+#define dPanel(text, pan)
+#define dStack(fmt, num, pan)
+#define Wnoutrefresh(pan) wnoutrefresh((pan)->win)
+#define Touchpan(pan) touchwin((pan)->win)
+#define Touchline(pan, start, count) touchline((pan)->win, start, count)
+#endif  /* PANEL_DEBUG */
+static bool _panels_overlapped(PANEL *pan1, PANEL *pan2)
+    if (!pan1 || !pan2)
+        return FALSE;
+    return ((pan1->wstarty >= pan2->wstarty && pan1->wstarty < pan2->wendy)
+         || (pan2->wstarty >= pan1->wstarty && pan2->wstarty < pan1->wendy))
+        && ((pan1->wstartx >= pan2->wstartx && pan1->wstartx < pan2->wendx)
+         || (pan2->wstartx >= pan1->wstartx && pan2->wstartx < pan1->wendx));
+static void _free_obscure(PANEL *pan)
+    PANELOBS *tobs = pan->obscure;  /* "this" one */
+    PANELOBS *nobs;                 /* "next" one */
+    while (tobs)
+    {
+        nobs = tobs->above;
+        free((char *)tobs);
+        tobs = nobs;
+    }
+    pan->obscure = (PANELOBS *)0;
+static void _override(PANEL *pan, int show)
+    int y;
+    PANEL *pan2;
+    PANELOBS *tobs = pan->obscure;      /* "this" one */
+    if (show == 1)
+        Touchpan(pan);
+    else if (!show)
+    {
+        Touchpan(pan);
+        Touchpan(&_stdscr_pseudo_panel);
+    }
+    else if (show == -1)
+        while (tobs && (tobs->pan != pan))
+            tobs = tobs->above;
+    while (tobs)
+    {
+        if ((pan2 = tobs->pan) != pan)
+            for (y = pan->wstarty; y < pan->wendy; y++)
+                if ((y >= pan2->wstarty) && (y < pan2->wendy) &&
+                   ((is_linetouched(pan->win, y - pan->wstarty)) ||
+                    (is_linetouched(stdscr, y))))
+                    Touchline(pan2, y - pan2->wstarty, 1);
+        tobs = tobs->above;
+    }
+static void _calculate_obscure(void)
+    PANEL *pan, *pan2;
+    PANELOBS *tobs;     /* "this" one */
+    PANELOBS *lobs;     /* last one */
+    pan = _bottom_panel;
+    while (pan)
+    {
+        if (pan->obscure)
+            _free_obscure(pan);
+        lobs = (PANELOBS *)0;
+        pan2 = _bottom_panel;
+        while (pan2)
+        {
+            if (_panels_overlapped(pan, pan2))
+            {
+                if ((tobs = malloc(sizeof(PANELOBS))) == NULL)
+                    return;
+                tobs->pan = pan2;
+                dPanel("obscured", pan2);
+                tobs->above = (PANELOBS *)0;
+                if (lobs)
+                    lobs->above = tobs;
+                else
+                    pan->obscure = tobs;
+                lobs  = tobs;
+            }
+            pan2 = pan2->above;
+        }
+        _override(pan, 1);
+        pan = pan->above;
+    }
+/* check to see if panel is in the stack */
+static bool _panel_is_linked(const PANEL *pan)
+    PANEL *pan2 = _bottom_panel;
+    while (pan2)
+    {
+        if (pan2 == pan)
+            return TRUE;
+        pan2 = pan2->above;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+/* link panel into stack at top */
+static void _panel_link_top(PANEL *pan)
+    dStack("<lt%d>", 1, pan);
+    if (_panel_is_linked(pan))
+        return;
+    pan->above = (PANEL *)0;
+    pan->below = (PANEL *)0;
+    if (_top_panel)
+    {
+        _top_panel->above = pan;
+        pan->below = _top_panel;
+    }
+    _top_panel = pan;
+    if (!_bottom_panel)
+        _bottom_panel = pan;
+    _calculate_obscure();
+    dStack("<lt%d>", 9, pan);
+/* link panel into stack at bottom */
+static void _panel_link_bottom(PANEL *pan)
+    dStack("<lb%d>", 1, pan);
+    if (_panel_is_linked(pan))
+        return;
+    pan->above = (PANEL *)0;
+    pan->below = (PANEL *)0;
+    if (_bottom_panel)
+    {
+        _bottom_panel->below = pan;
+        pan->above = _bottom_panel;
+    }
+    _bottom_panel = pan;
+    if (!_top_panel)
+        _top_panel = pan;
+    _calculate_obscure();
+    dStack("<lb%d>", 9, pan);
+static void _panel_unlink(PANEL *pan)
+    PANEL *prev;
+    PANEL *next;
+    dStack("<u%d>", 1, pan);
+    if (!_panel_is_linked(pan))
+        return;
+    _override(pan, 0);
+    _free_obscure(pan);
+    prev = pan->below;
+    next = pan->above;
+    /* if non-zero, we will not update the list head */
+    if (prev)
+    {
+        prev->above = next;
+        if(next)
+            next->below = prev;
+    }
+    else if (next)
+        next->below = prev;
+    if (pan == _bottom_panel)
+        _bottom_panel = next;
+    if (pan == _top_panel)
+        _top_panel = prev;
+    _calculate_obscure();
+    pan->above = (PANEL *)0;
+    pan->below = (PANEL *)0;
+    dStack("<u%d>", 9, pan);
+ *   The following are the public functions for the panels library.     *
+ ************************************************************************/
+int bottom_panel(PANEL *pan)
+    if (!pan)
+        return ERR;
+    if (pan == _bottom_panel)
+        return OK;
+    if (_panel_is_linked(pan))
+        hide_panel(pan);
+    _panel_link_bottom(pan);
+    return OK;
+int del_panel(PANEL *pan)
+    if (pan)
+    {
+        if (_panel_is_linked(pan))
+            hide_panel(pan);
+        free((char *)pan);
+        return OK;
+    }
+    return ERR;
+int hide_panel(PANEL *pan)
+    if (!pan)
+        return ERR;
+    if (!_panel_is_linked(pan))
+    {
+        pan->above = (PANEL *)0;
+        pan->below = (PANEL *)0;
+        return ERR;
+    }
+    _panel_unlink(pan);
+    return OK;
+int move_panel(PANEL *pan, int starty, int startx)
+    WINDOW *win;
+    int maxy, maxx;
+    if (!pan)
+        return ERR;
+    if (_panel_is_linked(pan))
+        _override(pan, 0);
+    win = pan->win;
+    if (mvwin(win, starty, startx) == ERR)
+        return ERR;
+    getbegyx(win, pan->wstarty, pan->wstartx);
+    getmaxyx(win, maxy, maxx);
+    pan->wendy = pan->wstarty + maxy;
+    pan->wendx = pan->wstartx + maxx;
+    if (_panel_is_linked(pan))
+        _calculate_obscure();
+    return OK;
+PANEL *new_panel(WINDOW *win)
+    PANEL *pan = malloc(sizeof(PANEL));
+    if (!_stdscr_pseudo_panel.win)
+    {
+        _stdscr_pseudo_panel.win = stdscr;
+        _stdscr_pseudo_panel.wstarty = 0;
+        _stdscr_pseudo_panel.wstartx = 0;
+        _stdscr_pseudo_panel.wendy = LINES;
+        _stdscr_pseudo_panel.wendx = COLS;
+        _stdscr_pseudo_panel.user = "stdscr";
+        _stdscr_pseudo_panel.obscure = (PANELOBS *)0;
+    }
+    if (pan)
+    {
+        int maxy, maxx;
+        pan->win = win;
+        pan->above = (PANEL *)0;
+        pan->below = (PANEL *)0;
+        getbegyx(win, pan->wstarty, pan->wstartx);
+        getmaxyx(win, maxy, maxx);
+        pan->wendy = pan->wstarty + maxy;
+        pan->wendx = pan->wstartx + maxx;
+        pan->user = "new";
+        pan->user = (char *)0;
+        pan->obscure = (PANELOBS *)0;
+        show_panel(pan);
+    }
+    return pan;
+PANEL *panel_above(const PANEL *pan)
+    return pan ? pan->above : _bottom_panel;
+PANEL *panel_below(const PANEL *pan)
+    return pan ? pan->below : _top_panel;
+int panel_hidden(const PANEL *pan)
+    if (!pan)
+        return ERR;
+    return _panel_is_linked(pan) ? ERR : OK;
+const void *panel_userptr(const PANEL *pan)
+    return pan ? pan->user : NULL;
+WINDOW *panel_window(const PANEL *pan)
+    PDC_LOG(("panel_window() - called\n"));
+    return pan->win;
+int replace_panel(PANEL *pan, WINDOW *win)
+    int maxy, maxx;
+    if (!pan)
+        return ERR;
+    if (_panel_is_linked(pan))
+        _override(pan, 0);
+    pan->win = win;
+    getbegyx(win, pan->wstarty, pan->wstartx);
+    getmaxyx(win, maxy, maxx);
+    pan->wendy = pan->wstarty + maxy;
+    pan->wendx = pan->wstartx + maxx;
+    if (_panel_is_linked(pan))
+        _calculate_obscure();
+    return OK;
+int set_panel_userptr(PANEL *pan, const void *uptr)
+    if (!pan)
+        return ERR;
+    pan->user = uptr;
+    return OK;
+int show_panel(PANEL *pan)
+    if (!pan)
+        return ERR;
+    if (pan == _top_panel)
+        return OK;
+    if (_panel_is_linked(pan))
+        hide_panel(pan);
+    _panel_link_top(pan);
+    return OK;
+int top_panel(PANEL *pan)
+    return show_panel(pan);
+void update_panels(void)
+    PANEL *pan;
+    PDC_LOG(("update_panels() - called\n"));
+    pan = _bottom_panel;
+    while (pan)
+    {
+        _override(pan, -1);
+        pan = pan->above;
+    }
+    if (is_wintouched(stdscr))
+        Wnoutrefresh(&_stdscr_pseudo_panel);
+    pan = _bottom_panel;
+    while (pan)
+    {
+        if (is_wintouched(pan->win) || !pan->above)
+            Wnoutrefresh(pan);
+        pan = pan->above;
+    }
