
changeset 97
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pdcurses/insch.c	Thu Jul 23 18:07:39 2015 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+/* Public Domain Curses */
+#include <curspriv.h>
+RCSID("$Id: insch.c,v 1.44 2008/07/13 16:08:18 wmcbrine Exp $")
+  Name:                                                         insch
+  Synopsis:
+        int insch(chtype ch);
+        int winsch(WINDOW *win, chtype ch);
+        int mvinsch(int y, int x, chtype ch);
+        int mvwinsch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch);
+        int insrawch(chtype ch);
+        int winsrawch(WINDOW *win, chtype ch);
+        int mvinsrawch(int y, int x, chtype ch);
+        int mvwinsrawch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch);
+        int ins_wch(const cchar_t *wch);
+        int wins_wch(WINDOW *win, const cchar_t *wch);
+        int mvins_wch(int y, int x, const cchar_t *wch);
+        int mvwins_wch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const cchar_t *wch);
+  Description:
+        The insch() functions insert a chtype into the window at the 
+        current or specified cursor position. The cursor is NOT 
+        advanced. A newline is equivalent to clrtoeol(); tabs are 
+        expanded; other control characters are converted as with 
+        unctrl().
+        The ins_wch() functions are the wide-character
+        equivalents, taking cchar_t pointers rather than chtypes.
+        Video attributes can be combined with a character by ORing
+        them into the parameter. Text, including attributes, can be 
+        copied from one place to another using inch() and insch().
+        insrawch() etc. are PDCurses-specific wrappers for insch() etc. 
+        that disable the translation of control characters.
+  Return Value:
+        All functions return OK on success and ERR on error.
+  Portability                                X/Open    BSD    SYS V
+        insch                                   Y       Y       Y
+        winsch                                  Y       Y       Y
+        mvinsch                                 Y       Y       Y
+        mvwinsch                                Y       Y       Y
+        insrawch                                -       -       -
+        winsrawch                               -       -       -
+        ins_wch                                 Y
+        wins_wch                                Y
+        mvins_wch                               Y
+        mvwins_wch                              Y
+#include <string.h>
+int winsch(WINDOW *win, chtype ch)
+    int x, y;
+    chtype attr;
+    bool xlat;
+    PDC_LOG(("winsch() - called: win=%p ch=%x (text=%c attr=0x%x)\n",
+             win, ch, ch & A_CHARTEXT, ch & A_ATTRIBUTES));
+    if (!win)
+        return ERR;
+    x = win->_curx;
+    y = win->_cury;
+    if (y > win->_maxy || x > win->_maxx || y < 0 || x < 0)
+        return ERR;
+    xlat = !SP->raw_out && !(ch & A_ALTCHARSET);
+    attr = ch & A_ATTRIBUTES;
+    ch &= A_CHARTEXT;
+    if (xlat && (ch < ' ' || ch == 0x7f))
+    {
+        int x2;
+        switch (ch)
+        {
+        case '\t':
+            for (x2 = ((x / TABSIZE) + 1) * TABSIZE; x < x2; x++)
+            {
+                if (winsch(win, attr | ' ') == ERR)
+                    return ERR;
+            }
+            return OK;
+        case '\n':
+            wclrtoeol(win);
+            break;
+        case 0x7f:
+            if (winsch(win, attr | '?') == ERR)
+                return ERR;
+            return winsch(win, attr | '^');
+        default:
+            /* handle control chars */
+            if (winsch(win, attr | (ch + '@')) == ERR)
+                return ERR;
+            return winsch(win, attr | '^');
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        int maxx;
+        chtype *temp;
+        /* If the incoming character doesn't have its own attribute,
+           then use the current attributes for the window. If it has
+           attributes but not a color component, OR the attributes to
+           the current attributes for the window. If it has a color
+           component, use the attributes solely from the incoming
+           character. */
+        if (!(attr & A_COLOR))
+            attr |= win->_attrs;
+        /* wrs (4/10/93): Apply the same sort of logic for the window
+           background, in that it only takes precedence if other color
+           attributes are not there and that the background character
+           will only print if the printing character is blank. */
+        if (!(attr & A_COLOR))
+            attr |= win->_bkgd & A_ATTRIBUTES;
+        else
+            attr |= win->_bkgd & (A_ATTRIBUTES ^ A_COLOR);
+        if (ch == ' ')
+            ch = win->_bkgd & A_CHARTEXT;
+        /* Add the attribute back into the character. */
+        ch |= attr;
+        maxx = win->_maxx;
+        temp = &win->_y[y][x];
+        memmove(temp + 1, temp, (maxx - x - 1) * sizeof(chtype));
+        win->_lastch[y] = maxx - 1;
+        if ((win->_firstch[y] == _NO_CHANGE) || (win->_firstch[y] > x))
+            win->_firstch[y] = x;
+        *temp = ch;
+    }
+    PDC_sync(win);
+    return OK;
+int insch(chtype ch)
+    PDC_LOG(("insch() - called\n"));
+    return winsch(stdscr, ch);
+int mvinsch(int y, int x, chtype ch)
+    PDC_LOG(("mvinsch() - called\n"));
+    if (move(y, x) == ERR)
+        return ERR;
+    return winsch(stdscr, ch);
+int mvwinsch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch)
+    PDC_LOG(("mvwinsch() - called\n"));
+    if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR)
+        return ERR;
+    return winsch(win, ch);
+int winsrawch(WINDOW *win, chtype ch)
+    PDC_LOG(("winsrawch() - called: win=%p ch=%x "
+             "(char=%c attr=0x%x)\n", win, ch,
+             ch & A_CHARTEXT, ch & A_ATTRIBUTES));
+    if ((ch & A_CHARTEXT) < ' ' || (ch & A_CHARTEXT) == 0x7f)
+        ch |= A_ALTCHARSET;
+    return winsch(win, ch);
+int insrawch(chtype ch)
+    PDC_LOG(("insrawch() - called\n"));
+    return winsrawch(stdscr, ch);
+int mvinsrawch(int y, int x, chtype ch)
+    PDC_LOG(("mvinsrawch() - called\n"));
+    if (move(y, x) == ERR)
+        return ERR;
+    return winsrawch(stdscr, ch);
+int mvwinsrawch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, chtype ch)
+    PDC_LOG(("mvwinsrawch() - called\n"));
+    if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR)
+        return ERR;
+    return winsrawch(win, ch);
+#ifdef PDC_WIDE
+int wins_wch(WINDOW *win, const cchar_t *wch)
+    PDC_LOG(("wins_wch() - called\n"));
+    return wch ? winsch(win, *wch) : ERR;
+int ins_wch(const cchar_t *wch)
+    PDC_LOG(("ins_wch() - called\n"));
+    return wins_wch(stdscr, wch);
+int mvins_wch(int y, int x, const cchar_t *wch)
+    PDC_LOG(("mvins_wch() - called\n"));
+    if (move(y, x) == ERR)
+        return ERR;
+    return wins_wch(stdscr, wch);
+int mvwins_wch(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, const cchar_t *wch)
+    PDC_LOG(("mvwins_wch() - called\n"));
+    if (wmove(win, y, x) == ERR)
+        return ERR;
+    return wins_wch(win, wch);
