Sun, 08 Sep 2013 22:29:56 +0300
further renaming/restructuring
/* * ZCinema: Zandronum demo launcher * Copyright (C) 2013 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QFile> #include <QDataStream> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QProcess> #include "demo.h" #include "misc.h" #include "ui_demoprompt.h" #include "prompts.h" EXTERN_CONFIG (Map, binaryPaths) EXTERN_CONFIG (List, wadpaths) EXTERN_CONFIG (Bool, noprompt) static const uint32 g_demoSignature = makeByteID ('Z', 'C', 'L', 'D'); // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- str uncolorize (const str& in) { str out; int skip = 0; for (const QChar& c : in) { if (skip-- > 0) continue; if (c == QChar ('\034')) { skip = 1; continue; } out += c; } return out; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static str tr (const char* msg) { return QObject::tr (msg); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void error (str msg) { QMessageBox::critical (null, "Error", msg); } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool isKnownVersion (str ver) { for (const QVariant& it : getVersions()) if (it.toString() == ver || it.toString() + 'M' == ver) return true; return false; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static str findWAD (str name) { if (cfg::wadpaths.size() == 0) { error (tr ("No WAD paths configured!")); // Cannot just return an empty string here since that'd trigger // another error prompt - skip ahead and exit. exit (9); } for (const QVariant& it : cfg::wadpaths) { str fullpath = fmt ("%1/%2", it.toString(), name); QFile f (fullpath); if (f.exists()) return fullpath; } return ""; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- str readString (QDataStream& stream) { str out; uint8 c; for (stream >> c; c != '\0'; stream >> c) out += c; return out; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int launchDemo (str path) { QFile f (path); if (! (QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { error (fmt (tr ("Couldn't open '%1' for reading: %2"), path, strerror (errno))); return 1; } QDataStream stream (&f); stream.setByteOrder (QDataStream::LittleEndian); uint8 offset; uint32 length; uint16 zanversionID, numWads; uint32 longSink; str zanversion; list<str> wads; BuildType buildID; bool ready = false; struct { str netname, skin, className; uint8 gender, handicap, unlagged, respawnOnFire, ticsPerUpdate, connectionType; uint32 color, aimdist, railcolor; } userinfo; // Check signature { uint32 sig; stream >> sig; if (sig != g_demoSignature) { error (fmt (tr ("'%1' is not a Zandronum demo file!"), path)); return 3; } } // Zandronum stores CLD_DEMOLENGTH after the signature. This is also the // first demo enumerator, so we can determine the offset (which is variable!) // from this byte stream >> offset >> length; // Read the demo header and get data for (;;) { uint8 header; stream >> header; if (header == DemoBodyStart + offset) { ready = true; break; } elif (header == DemoVersion + offset) { stream >> zanversionID; zanversion = readString (stream); if (!zanversion.startsWith ("1.1-") && !zanversion.startsWith ("1.1.1-")) { uint8 a; stream >> a; buildID = (BuildType) a; } else { // Assume a release build if not supplied. The demo only got the // "ZCLD" signature in the 1.1 release build, 1.1.1 had no testing // binaries and the build ID is included in 1.2 onward. buildID = ReleaseBuild; } stream >> longSink; // rng seed - we don't need it } elif (header == DemoUserInfo + offset) { userinfo.netname = readString (stream); stream >> userinfo.gender >> userinfo.color >> userinfo.aimdist; = readString (stream); stream >> userinfo.railcolor >> userinfo.handicap >> userinfo.unlagged >> userinfo.respawnOnFire >> userinfo.ticsPerUpdate >> userinfo.connectionType; userinfo.className = readString (stream); } elif (header == DemoWads + offset) { str sink; stream >> numWads; for (uint8 i = 0; i < numWads; ++i) { str wad = readString (stream); wads << wad; } // The demo has two checksum strings. We're not interested // in them though. Down the sink they go... for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) sink = readString (stream); } else { error (fmt (tr ("Unknown header %1!\n"), (int) header)); return 3; } } if (!ready) { error (fmt (tr ("Incomplete demo header in '%s'!"), path)); return 3; } if (!isKnownVersion (zanversion)) { UnknownVersionPrompt* prompt = new UnknownVersionPrompt (path, zanversion, (buildID == ReleaseBuild)); if (!prompt->exec()) return 6; if (!isKnownVersion (zanversion)) { error (tr ("Failure in configuration! This shouldn't happen.")); return 6; } } str binarypath = cfg::binaryPaths [zanversion].toString(); if (binarypath.isEmpty()) { error (fmt (tr ("No binary path specified for Zandronum version %1!"), zanversion)); return 7; } str iwadpath; list<str> pwadpaths; // Find the WADs for (const str& wad : wads) { str path = findWAD (wad); // IWAD names can appear in uppercase too. Linux is case-sensitive, so.. if (&wad == &wads[0] && path.isEmpty()) path = findWAD (wad.toUpper()); if (path.isEmpty()) { error (fmt (tr ("Couldn't find %1!"), wad)); return 8; } if (&wad == &wads[0]) iwadpath = path; else pwadpaths << path; } if (!cfg::noprompt) { str pwadtext; for (const str& pwad : wads) { if (&pwad == &wads[0]) continue; // skip the IWAD if (!pwadtext.isEmpty()) pwadtext += "<br />"; pwadtext += pwad; } QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui_DemoPrompt ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); ui.demoNameLabel->setText (basename (path)); ui.demoRecorder->setText (uncolorize (userinfo.netname)); ui.versionLabel->setText (zanversion); ui.iwadLabel->setText (wads[0]); ui.pwadsLabel->setText (pwadtext); dlg->setWindowTitle (versionSignature()); if (!dlg->exec()) return 1; } QStringList cmdlineList ({ "-playdemo", path, "-iwad", iwadpath, }); if (pwadpaths.size() > 0) { cmdlineList << "-file"; cmdlineList << pwadpaths; } print ("Executing: %1 %2\n", binarypath, cmdlineList.join (" ")); QProcess* proc = new QProcess; proc->start (binarypath, cmdlineList); proc->waitForFinished (-1); return 0; }