Mon, 14 Sep 2020 22:55:45 +0300
restore .hg...
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Generate highway shields as SVG files in symbols/shields. from __future__ import print_function import copy, lxml.etree, math, os def main(): namespace = '' svgns = '{' + namespace + '}' svgnsmap = {None: namespace} config = {} config['base'] = {} # font_height and font_width are determined by trial and error config['base']['rounded_corners'] = 2 config['base']['font_height'] = 11 config['base']['font_width'] = 0.85 config['base']['padding_x'] = 8 config['base']['padding_y'] = 2 config['base']['stroke_width'] = 1 # Fall back colours used if no colours are defined in road-colours.yaml for a road type. config['base']['fill'] = '#f1f1f1' config['base']['stroke_fill'] = '#c6c6c6' config['global'] = {} config['global']['types'] = ['valtatie', 'kantatie', 'seututie', 'yhdystie', 'eurooppatie'] config['global']['max_width'] = 48 config['global']['output_dir'] = '../symbols/shields/' # specified relative to the script location config['valtatie'] = {'fill': '#ff163c', 'stroke_fill': 'white'} config['kantatie'] = {'fill': '#ffd90f', 'stroke_fill': 'black', 'stroke_width': 0.5} config['seututie'] = {'fill': 'white', 'stroke_fill': 'black', 'stroke_width': 0.5} config['yhdystie'] = {'fill': '#005eb7', 'stroke_fill': 'white'} config['eurooppatie'] = {'fill': '#00997c', 'stroke_fill': 'white'} if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(config['global']['output_dir'])): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(config['global']['output_dir'])) height = 1 shield_size = 'base' dirpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), config['global']['output_dir']) try: os.makedirs(dirpath) except FileExistsError: pass for width in range(1, config['global']['max_width'] + 1): for shield_type in config['global']['types']: # merge base config and specific styles vars = copy.deepcopy(config['base']) if shield_type in config: for option in config[shield_type]: vars[option] = config[shield_type][option] shield_width = 2 * vars['padding_x'] + math.ceil(vars['font_width'] * width) shield_height = 2 * vars['padding_y'] + math.ceil(vars['font_height'] * height) svg = lxml.etree.Element('svg', nsmap=svgnsmap) svg.set('width', '100%') svg.set('height', '100%') svg.set('viewBox', '0 0 ' + str(shield_width + vars['stroke_width']) + ' ' + str(shield_height + vars['stroke_width'])) if vars['stroke_width'] > 0: offset_x = vars['stroke_width'] / 2.0 offset_y = vars['stroke_width'] / 2.0 else: offset_x = 0 offset_y = 0 background = lxml.etree.Element(svgns + 'rect') background.set('x', str(offset_x)) background.set('y', str(offset_y)) background.set('width', str(shield_width)) background.set('height', str(shield_height)) background.set('id', 'shield-background') background.set('style', 'fill:' + vars['fill']) svg.append(background) shield = lxml.etree.Element(svgns + 'rect') shield.set('x', str(offset_x + 0.5)) shield.set('y', str(offset_y + 0.5)) shield.set('width', str(shield_width - 1)) shield.set('height', str(shield_height - 1)) if vars['rounded_corners'] > 0: shield.set('rx', str(vars['rounded_corners'])) shield.set('ry', str(vars['rounded_corners'])) shield.set('id', 'shield') stroke = '' if vars['stroke_width'] > 0: stroke = 'stroke:' + vars['stroke_fill'] + ';stroke-width:' + str(vars['stroke_width']) + ';' shield.set('style', 'fill:' + vars['fill'] + ';' + stroke) svg.append(shield) filename = shield_type + '_' + str(width) + 'x' + str(height) if shield_size != 'base': filename = filename + '_' + shield_size filename = filename + '.svg' # save file try: shieldpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), config['global']['output_dir'] + filename) print('Writing', os.path.realpath(shieldpath)) shieldfile = open(shieldpath, 'wb') shieldfile.write(lxml.etree.tostring(svg, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True)) shieldfile.close() except IOError: print('Could not save file ' + filename + '.') continue if __name__ == "__main__": main()