Document and refactor colors.cpp and colors.h

Wed, 22 Sep 2021 14:03:43 +0300

Teemu Piippo <>
Wed, 22 Sep 2021 14:03:43 +0300
changeset 139
parent 138
child 140

Document and refactor colors.cpp and colors.h

src/colors.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/colors.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/gl/compiler.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/linetypes/object.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/linetypes/subfilereference.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/linetypes/subfilereference.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/tools/drawtool.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/widgets/colorselectdialog.cpp file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/widgets/colorselectdialog.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/src/colors.cpp	Wed Sep 22 13:28:53 2021 +0300
+++ b/src/colors.cpp	Wed Sep 22 14:03:43 2021 +0300
@@ -18,13 +18,22 @@
 #include "colors.h"
-const ldraw::ColorTable::ColorDefinition ldraw::ColorTable::unknownColor{{}, {}, "Unknown", "???"};
+const ldraw::ColorDefinition ldraw::ColorTable::unknownColor{{}, {}, "Unknown", "???"};
+ * @brief Clears the color table
+ */
 void ldraw::ColorTable::clear()
-	definitions = {};
+	this->definitions = {};
+ * @brief Loads colors from LDConfig.ldr
+ * @param device Opened LDConfig.ldr I/O device
+ * @param errors Where to write any errors into
+ * @returns whether or not it succeeded.
+ */
 Result ldraw::ColorTable::load(QIODevice& device, QTextStream& errors)
@@ -45,7 +54,12 @@
-const ldraw::ColorTable::ColorDefinition& ldraw::ColorTable::operator[](Color color) const
+ * @brief Gets color information by color index.
+ * @param color
+ * @returns color table information
+ */
+const ldraw::ColorDefinition& ldraw::ColorTable::operator[](Color color) const
 	auto it = this->definitions.find(color.index);
 	if (it != this->definitions.end())
@@ -58,6 +72,19 @@
+ * @brief Gets the amount of elements in the color table
+ * @returns int
+ */
+int ldraw::ColorTable::size() const
+	return this->definitions.size();
+ * @brief Parses an LDConfig.ldr line from a string
+ * @param string LDConfig.ldr line to parse
+ */
 void ldraw::ColorTable::loadColorFromString(const QString& string)
 	const QRegExp pattern{
@@ -70,7 +97,7 @@
 	if (pattern.indexIn(string) != -1)
 		const int code = pattern.cap(2).toInt();
-		ColorDefinition& definition = definitions[code];
+		ColorDefinition& definition = this->definitions[code];
 		definition = {}; // in case there's an existing definition = pattern.cap(1);
 		definition.displayName =;
@@ -85,25 +112,42 @@
- * Calculates the luma-value for the given color.
- * c.f.
+ * @brief Calculates the luma-value for the given color.
+ * @details c.f.
+ * @param color
+ * @returns luma value [0, 1]
 double luma(const QColor& color)
 	return 0.2126 * color.redF() + 0.7152 * color.greenF() + 0.0722 * color.blueF();
+ * @brief Returns a direct color index that codes the specified color value
+ * @param color
+ * @returns direct color index
+ */
 ldraw::Color ldraw::directColor(const QColor& color)
 	return ldraw::Color{0x2000000 | ( << 16) | ( << 8) |};
+ * @brief Checks whether or not the specified color index is a direct color
+ * @param color Color to check
+ * @returns bool
+ */
 bool ldraw::isDirectColor(ldraw::Color color)
 	return color.index >= 0x2000000;
+ * @brief Extracts the color value from a direct color index
+ * @param color Direct color index
+ * @returns color value. Returns a default-constructed QColor in case a non-direct color is given.
+ */
 QColor ldraw::directColorFace(ldraw::Color color)
 	if (isDirectColor(color))
@@ -116,6 +160,12 @@
+ * @brief Gets the face color for the specified color index
+ * @param color Color index to get face color for
+ * @param colorTable Color table to use for lookup
+ * @returns QColor
+ */
 QColor ldraw::colorFace(ldraw::Color color, const ldraw::ColorTable& colorTable)
 	if (isDirectColor(color))
@@ -128,11 +178,23 @@
+ * @brief Writes a color index into a @c QDataStream
+ * @param stream
+ * @param color
+ * @returns stream
+ */
 QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& stream, ldraw::Color color)
 	return stream << color.index;
+ * @brief Reads a color index from a @c QDataStream
+ * @param stream
+ * @param color
+ * @returns stream
+ */
 QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& stream, ldraw::Color& color)
 	return stream >> color.index;
--- a/src/colors.h	Wed Sep 22 13:28:53 2021 +0300
+++ b/src/colors.h	Wed Sep 22 14:03:43 2021 +0300
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 namespace ldraw
 	struct Color;
+	struct ColorDefinition;
 	class ColorTable;
 	Color directColor(const QColor& color);
 	bool isDirectColor(Color color);
@@ -30,80 +31,118 @@
 	QColor colorFace(Color color, const ColorTable& colorTable);
+ * @brief Represents an LDraw color index (e.g 16, 24, ...)
+ * 
+ * @details
+ * This is essentially just an integer. It is its own structure for the sake
+ * of type correctness. Commonly used color values are 16 for the main color
+ * and 24 for the edge color.
+ * 
+ * Use @c ldraw::ColorTable to obtain rgb values for color indices.
+ * 
+ * Direct colors are colors whose index is at least 0x2000000. These colors
+ * encode the rgb values directly in the index. The color table code also
+ * handles these cases.
+ * 
+ * Note that it only makes sense to construct a color index from an integer
+ * value if the integer comes from an external source (e.g. user or
+ * LDConfig.ldr). Since this structure only contains an integer, it should be
+ * passed by value to functions instead of l-value reference.
+ */
 struct ldraw::Color
 	qint32 index = 0;
+QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream&, ldraw::Color);
+QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream&, ldraw::Color&);
+namespace ldraw
+	constexpr bool operator==(Color one, Color other)
+	{
+		return one.index == other.index;
+	}
+	constexpr bool operator!=(Color one, Color other)
+	{
+		return one.index != other.index;
+	}
+	constexpr bool operator<(Color one, Color other)
+	{
+		return one.index < other.index;
+	}
+	constexpr bool operator<=(Color one, Color other)
+	{
+		return one.index <= other.index;
+	}
+	constexpr bool operator>(Color one, Color other)
+	{
+		return one.index > other.index;
+	}
+	constexpr bool operator>=(Color one, Color other)
+	{
+		return one.index >= other.index;
+	}
+	static constexpr Color BLACK {0};
+	static constexpr Color BLUE {1};
+	static constexpr Color GREEN {2};
+	static constexpr Color RED {4};
+	static constexpr Color YELLOW {14};
+	static constexpr Color WHITE {15};
+	static constexpr Color MAIN_COLOR {16};
+	static constexpr Color EDGE_COLOR {24};
+ * @brief Contains the information about a specific color
+ */
+struct ldraw::ColorDefinition
+	/**
+	 * @brief The face color. This is the color used for most objects.
+	 * This is also used for the polygons of a subfile reference.
+	 */
+	QColor faceColor;
+	/**
+	 * @brief The edge color, used for the edge lines of a subfile reference.
+	 * Note that edges using a color actually use the face color. LDraw standards
+	 * require edges to use color 24, however.
+	 */
+	QColor edgeColor;
+	/**
+	 * @brief Name of the color
+	 */
+	QString name;
+	/**
+	 * @brief A version of the name that can be shown to the user.
+	 */
+	QString displayName;
+ * @brief Reads LDConfig.ldr and contains color table information for lookup purposes.
+ */
 class ldraw::ColorTable
-	struct ColorDefinition
-	{
-		QColor faceColor;
-		QColor edgeColor;
-		QString name;
-		QString displayName;
-	};
 	void clear();
 	Result load(QIODevice& device, QTextStream& errors);
 	const ColorDefinition& operator[](Color index) const;
 	static const ColorDefinition unknownColor;
 	auto begin() const { return this->definitions.begin(); }
 	auto end() const { return this->definitions.end(); }
-	int size() const { return this->definitions.size(); }
+	int size() const;
 	void loadColorFromString(const QString& string);
 	std::map<qint32, ColorDefinition> definitions;
-namespace ldraw
-	inline bool operator==(const ldraw::Color& one, const ldraw::Color& other)
-	{
-		return one.index == other.index;
-	}
-	inline bool operator!=(const ldraw::Color& one, const ldraw::Color& other)
-	{
-		return one.index != other.index;
-	}
-	inline bool operator<(const ldraw::Color& one, const ldraw::Color& other)
-	{
-		return one.index < other.index;
-	}
-	inline bool operator<=(const ldraw::Color& one, const ldraw::Color& other)
-	{
-		return one.index <= other.index;
-	}
-	inline bool operator>(const ldraw::Color& one, const ldraw::Color& other)
-	{
-		return one.index > other.index;
-	}
-	inline bool operator>=(const ldraw::Color& one, const ldraw::Color& other)
-	{
-		return one.index >= other.index;
-	}
-namespace ldraw
-	static constexpr Color black {0};
-	static constexpr Color blue {1};
-	static constexpr Color green {2};
-	static constexpr Color red {4};
-	static constexpr Color yellow {14};
-	static constexpr Color white {15};
-	static constexpr Color mainColor {16};
-	static constexpr Color edgeColor {24};
 double luma(const QColor& color);
-QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream&, ldraw::Color);
-QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream&, ldraw::Color&);
--- a/src/gl/compiler.cpp	Wed Sep 22 13:28:53 2021 +0300
+++ b/src/gl/compiler.cpp	Wed Sep 22 14:03:43 2021 +0300
@@ -276,11 +276,11 @@
 	QColor color;
 	// For normal colors, use the polygon's color.
-	if (polygon.color == ldraw::mainColor)
+	if (polygon.color == ldraw::MAIN_COLOR)
 		color = preferences.mainColor;
-	else if (polygon.color == ldraw::edgeColor)
+	else if (polygon.color == ldraw::EDGE_COLOR)
 		// Edge color is black, unless we have a dark background, in which case lines need to be bright.
 		color = luma(preferences.backgroundColor) > (40.0 / 256.0) ? Qt::black : Qt::white;
--- a/src/linetypes/object.h	Wed Sep 22 13:28:53 2021 +0300
+++ b/src/linetypes/object.h	Wed Sep 22 14:03:43 2021 +0300
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@
 class ldraw::ColoredObject : public Object
-	ColoredObject(const Color colorIndex = ldraw::mainColor);
+	ColoredObject(const Color colorIndex = ldraw::MAIN_COLOR);
 	bool hasColor() const override final;
 	QVariant getProperty(Property id) const override;
 	QDataStream &serialize(QDataStream& stream) const override;
 	QDataStream& deserialize(QDataStream& stream) override;
-	Color colorIndex = ldraw::mainColor;
+	Color colorIndex = ldraw::MAIN_COLOR;
 	void setProperty(SetPropertyResult* result, const PropertyKeyValue& pair) override;
--- a/src/linetypes/subfilereference.cpp	Wed Sep 22 13:28:53 2021 +0300
+++ b/src/linetypes/subfilereference.cpp	Wed Sep 22 14:03:43 2021 +0300
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
-			if (polygon.color == ldraw::mainColor)
+			if (polygon.color == ldraw::MAIN_COLOR)
 				polygon.color = this->colorIndex;
--- a/src/linetypes/subfilereference.h	Wed Sep 22 13:28:53 2021 +0300
+++ b/src/linetypes/subfilereference.h	Wed Sep 22 14:03:43 2021 +0300
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 		const glm::mat4& transformation,
 		const QString &referenceName,
-		const Color color = ldraw::mainColor);
+		const Color color = ldraw::MAIN_COLOR);
 	QVariant getProperty(Property property) const override;
 	QString textRepresentation() const override;
 	void getPolygons(std::vector<gl::Polygon>& polygons, GetPolygonsContext* context) const override;
--- a/src/tools/drawtool.cpp	Wed Sep 22 13:28:53 2021 +0300
+++ b/src/tools/drawtool.cpp	Wed Sep 22 14:03:43 2021 +0300
@@ -146,13 +146,13 @@
 		switch (this->polygon.size())
 		case 2:
-			edit.append<ldraw::Edge>(vectorToArray<2>(this->polygon), ldraw::edgeColor);
+			edit.append<ldraw::Edge>(vectorToArray<2>(this->polygon), ldraw::EDGE_COLOR);
 		case 3:
-			edit.append<ldraw::Triangle>(vectorToArray<3>(this->polygon), ldraw::mainColor);
+			edit.append<ldraw::Triangle>(vectorToArray<3>(this->polygon), ldraw::MAIN_COLOR);
 		case 4:
-			edit.append<ldraw::Quadrilateral>(vectorToArray<4>(this->polygon), ldraw::mainColor);
+			edit.append<ldraw::Quadrilateral>(vectorToArray<4>(this->polygon), ldraw::MAIN_COLOR);
--- a/src/widgets/colorselectdialog.cpp	Wed Sep 22 13:28:53 2021 +0300
+++ b/src/widgets/colorselectdialog.cpp	Wed Sep 22 14:03:43 2021 +0300
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 	) {
 		const qint32 index = iterator->first;
-		const ldraw::ColorTable::ColorDefinition& colordef = iterator->second;
+		const ldraw::ColorDefinition& colordef = iterator->second;
 		QPushButton* const button = new QPushButton{QString::number(index), this};
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
-		const ldraw::ColorTable::ColorDefinition& colordef = this->colorTable[this->selectedColor];
+		const ldraw::ColorDefinition& colordef = this->colorTable[this->selectedColor];
 	const QColor colorFace = ldraw::colorFace(this->selectedColor, this->colorTable);
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
-		const ldraw::ColorTable::ColorDefinition& colordef = this->colorTable[color];
+		const ldraw::ColorDefinition& colordef = this->colorTable[color];
 		return colordef.displayName.contains(filterText, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
--- a/src/widgets/colorselectdialog.h	Wed Sep 22 13:28:53 2021 +0300
+++ b/src/widgets/colorselectdialog.h	Wed Sep 22 14:03:43 2021 +0300
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@
 	class Ui_ColorSelectDialog& ui;
 	const ldraw::ColorTable& colorTable;
 	std::vector<QPushButton*> buttons;
-	ldraw::Color selectedColor = ldraw::mainColor;
+	ldraw::Color selectedColor = ldraw::MAIN_COLOR;
