renamed the linetypes namespace to ldraw namespace and added more structures to it

added some sort of lighting

replaced matrix and vertex classes with glm

fix default angle

fix remaining rendering control issues

it works!

added FindGLM.cmake

modelview matrix set up

commit work done on plugging vao to the gl renderer, renders nonsense for now

at least VAOs work now

added debug and release to hgignore

added license

fixed a pile of nonsense that caused subfiles to go haywire

commit work on GL rendering


fixed build

added missing files


added teapot rendering


split quadrilateral and triangle into their own source files



added dependency loading

added matrix conversions and datastream operators

fixed translations being updated twice at the same time, that's bad

added saving of splitter state and recent files

major update with many things

added the settings editor

language support


added regular expressions for the parser

(0) -32 +32 +50 +100 +300 tip
