
Sat, 02 Jul 2022 19:05:05 +0300

Teemu Piippo <>
Sat, 02 Jul 2022 19:05:05 +0300
changeset 316
parent 315
child 319

Allow make a cylinder even if the world position is not on grid

 *  LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD
 *  Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020 Teemu Piippo
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.

#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QPainter>
#include "thirdparty/earcut.h"
#include "src/model.h"
#include "src/ui/objecteditor.h"
#include "src/gl/partrenderer.h"
#include "src/circularprimitive.h"
#include "src/layers/edittools.h"
#include "src/invert.h"

// Make mapbox::earcut work with glm::vec3
template<> struct mapbox::util::nth<0, glm::vec3>
	static constexpr float get(const glm::vec3& t) { return t.x; }

template<> struct mapbox::util::nth<1, glm::vec3>
	static constexpr float get(const glm::vec3& t) { return t.y; }

EditTools::EditTools(QObject* parent) :


void EditTools::setEditMode(EditingMode newMode)
	this->mode = newMode;
	switch (this->mode) {
	case SelectMode:
		Q_EMIT this->suggestCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
	case DrawMode:
	case CircleMode:
		Q_EMIT this->suggestCursor(Qt::CrossCursor);

void EditTools::setGridMatrix(const glm::mat4& newGridMatrix)
	this->gridMatrix = newGridMatrix;
	this->gridPlane = planeFromTriangle({
		this->gridMatrix * glm::vec4{0, 0, 0, 1},
		this->gridMatrix * glm::vec4{1, 0, 0, 1},
		this->gridMatrix * glm::vec4{0, 1, 0, 1},

void EditTools::setCircleToolOptions(const CircleToolOptions& options)
	this->circleToolOptions = options;

void EditTools::mvpMatrixChanged(const glm::mat4& matrix)
	this->mvpMatrix = matrix;

void EditTools::mouseMoved(const QMouseEvent* event)
	this->worldPosition = this->renderer->screenToModelCoordinates(event->pos(), this->gridPlane);
	this->localPosition = event->localPos();
	if (this->worldPosition.has_value())
		// Snap the position to grid. This procedure is basically the "change of basis" and almost follows the
		// A⁻¹ × M × A formula which is used to perform a transformation in some other coordinate system, except
		// we actually use the inverted matrix first and the regular one last to perform the transformation of
		// grid coordinates in our XY coordinate system. Also, we're rounding the coordinates which is obviously
		// not a linear transformation, but fits the pattern anyway.
		// First transform the coordinates to the XY plane...
		this->worldPosition = glm::inverse(this->gridMatrix) * glm::vec4{*this->worldPosition, 1};
		// Then round the coordinates to integer precision...
		this->worldPosition = glm::round(*this->worldPosition);
		// And finally transform it back to grid coordinates by transforming it with the
		// grid matrix.
		this->worldPosition = this->gridMatrix * glm::vec4{*this->worldPosition, 1};
		this->polygon.back() = *this->worldPosition;
		this->numpoints = this->calcNumPoints();

static QVector<QPointF> convertWorldPointsToScreenPoints(
	const std::vector<glm::vec3> &worldPoints,
	const PartRenderer* renderer)
	QVector<QPointF> points2d;
	for (const glm::vec3& point : worldPoints)
	return points2d;

static Winding worldPolygonWinding(
	const std::vector<glm::vec3> &points,
	const PartRenderer* renderer)
	return winding(QPolygonF{convertWorldPointsToScreenPoints(points, renderer)});

static void drawWorldPoint(
	QPainter* painter,
	const glm::vec3& worldPoint,
	const PartRenderer* renderer)
	const QPointF center = renderer->modelToScreenCoordinates(worldPoint);
	painter->drawEllipse(inscribe(CircleF{center, 5}));

static void drawWorldPolyline(
	QPainter *painter,
	const std::vector<glm::vec3> &points,
	const PartRenderer* renderer)
	painter->drawPolyline(QPolygonF{convertWorldPointsToScreenPoints(points, renderer)});

static void drawWorldPolygon(
	QPainter* painter,
	const std::vector<glm::vec3> &points,
	const PartRenderer* renderer)
	painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF{convertWorldPointsToScreenPoints(points, renderer)});

//! \brief Conversion function from PlainPolygonElement to ModelElement
ModelElement elementFromPolygonAndColor(const PlainPolygonElement& poly, ColorIndex color)
	// use std::visit with a templated lambda to resolve the type of poly.
	return std::visit([color](const auto& resolvedPoly) -> ModelElement {
		// unlike with normal templates we need to pry out the type out manually
		using PolygonType = std::decay_t<decltype(resolvedPoly)>;
		// add color and return as a model element.
		return Colored<PolygonType>{resolvedPoly, color};
	}, poly);

static std::vector<std::vector<glm::vec3>> polygonsToBeInserted(const ModelAction& action)
	std::vector<std::vector<glm::vec3>> result;
	if (const AppendToModel* append = std::get_if<AppendToModel>(&action)) {
		const ModelElement& newElement = append->newElement;
		if (const LineSegment* seg = std::get_if<Colored<LineSegment>>(&newElement)) {
			result.push_back({seg->p1, seg->p2});
		else if (const Triangle* tri = std::get_if<Colored<Triangle>>(&newElement)) {
			result.push_back({tri->p1, tri->p2, tri->p3});
		else if (const Quadrilateral* quad = std::get_if<Colored<Quadrilateral>>(&newElement)) {
			result.push_back({quad->p1, quad->p2, quad->p3, quad->p4});
		else if (const CircularPrimitive* circ = std::get_if<Colored<CircularPrimitive>>(&newElement)) {
			// rasterize the circle down to polygons, and append them to the result.
			rasterize(*circ, [&](const PlainPolygonElement& poly, const ColorIndex color){
				AppendToModel append{elementFromPolygonAndColor(poly, color)};
				const auto& subpoints = polygonsToBeInserted(append);
				std::copy(subpoints.begin(), subpoints.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
	return result;

namespace {
struct Pens
	const QBrush pointBrush;
	const QPen pointPen;
	const QPen textPen;
	const QPen polygonPen;
	const QPen badPolygonPen;
	const QBrush greenPolygonBrush;
	const QBrush redPolygonBrush;

static const Pens brightPens{
	.pointBrush = {Qt::black},
	.pointPen = {QBrush{Qt::black}, 2.0},
	.textPen = {Qt::black},
	.polygonPen = {QBrush{Qt::black}, 2.0, Qt::DashLine},
	.greenPolygonBrush = {QColor{64, 255, 128, 192}},
	.redPolygonBrush = {QColor{255, 96, 96, 192}},

static const Pens darkPens{
	.pointBrush = {Qt::white},
	.pointPen = {QBrush{Qt::white}, 2.0},
	.textPen = {Qt::white},
	.polygonPen = {QBrush{Qt::white}, 2.0, Qt::DashLine},
	.greenPolygonBrush = {QColor{64, 255, 128, 192}},
	.redPolygonBrush = {QColor{255, 96, 96, 192}},

void EditTools::overpaint(QPainter* painter)
	if (this->usePolygon()) {
		const Pens& pens = (this->renderer->isDark() ? darkPens : brightPens);
		this->renderPreview(painter, &pens);
		QFont font;
		if (this->usePolygon() and this->worldPosition.has_value())
			const QPointF pos = this->renderer->modelToScreenCoordinates(*this->worldPosition);
			painter->drawEllipse(pos, 5, 5);
			drawBorderedText(painter, pos + QPointF{5, 5}, font, vectorToString(*this->worldPosition));

const std::vector<ModelAction> EditTools::modelActions() const
	switch(this->mode) {
	case SelectMode:
		return {};
	case DrawMode:
		return drawModeActions();
	case CircleMode:
		return circleModeActions();

constexpr QPointF vecToQPoint(const glm::vec2& a)
	return {a.x, a.y};

void EditTools::renderPreview(QPainter* painter, const void* pensptr)
	const Pens& pens = *reinterpret_cast<const Pens*>(pensptr);
	for (const ModelAction& action : this->modelActions()) {
		for (const std::vector<glm::vec3>& points : polygonsToBeInserted(action)) {
			if (points.size() == 2) {
				drawWorldPolyline(painter, points, renderer);
			else {
				if (worldPolygonWinding(points, this->renderer) == Winding::Clockwise) {
				else {
				drawWorldPolygon(painter, points, this->renderer);
	for (const glm::vec3& point : this->polygon) {
		drawWorldPoint(painter, point, this->renderer);
	if (this->mode == CircleMode and this->polygon.size() >= 2) {
		const glm::vec3 circleOrigin = this->polygon[0];
		const QPointF originScreen = this->renderer->modelToScreenCoordinates(circleOrigin);
		const auto extremity = [this, &originScreen](const glm::vec3& p){
			const QPointF s2 = this->renderer->modelToScreenCoordinates(p);
			const auto intersection = rayRectangleIntersection(
				rayFromPoints(toVec2(originScreen), toVec2(s2)),
			if (intersection.has_value()) {
				return intersection->position;
			else {
				return glm::vec2{s2.x(), s2.y()};
		const glm::vec3 zvec = this->gridMatrix[2];
			const glm::vec2 p1 = extremity(this->polygon[0] + zvec);
			const glm::vec2 p2 = extremity(this->polygon[0] - zvec);
			const glm::vec2 lateral = glm::normalize(glm::mat2{{0, 1}, {-1, 0}} * (p2 - p1));
			painter->setPen(QPen{Qt::white, 3});
			painter->drawLine(vecToQPoint(p1), vecToQPoint(p2));
			constexpr float notchsize = 40.0f;
			for (int a = -30; a <= 30; ++a) {
				const glm::vec3 notch = this->polygon[0] + static_cast<float>(a) * zvec;
				const QPointF s_notchcenter = this->renderer->modelToScreenCoordinates(notch);
				const QPointF notch_s1 = s_notchcenter + notchsize * 0.5f * vecToQPoint(lateral);
				const QPointF notch_s2 = s_notchcenter - notchsize * 0.5f * vecToQPoint(lateral);
				painter->drawLine(notch_s1, notch_s2);
		if (this->polygon.size() >= 3) {
			const opt<float> height = this->cylinderHeight();
			if (height.has_value()) {
				const glm::vec3 heightvec = height.value_or(0) * zvec;
				const glm::vec3 p = this->polygon[1] + 0.5f * heightvec;
				QFont font{};
				drawBorderedText(painter, this->renderer->modelToScreenCoordinates(p), font, QString::number(*height));

void EditTools::removeLastPoint()
	if (this->polygon.size() > 1) {
		this->polygon.erase(this->polygon.end() - 2);
		this->numpoints = this->calcNumPoints();

bool EditTools::isCloseToExistingPoints() const
	if (this->worldPosition.has_value()) {
		const glm::vec3& pos = *this->worldPosition;
		return std::any_of(this->polygon.begin(), this->polygon.end() - 1, [&pos](const glm::vec3& p){
			return isclose(pos, p);
	else {
		return false;

std::size_t EditTools::calcNumPoints() const
	std::size_t result = this->polygon.size();
	if (this->isCloseToExistingPoints()) {
		result -= 1;
	return result;

opt<float> EditTools::cylinderHeight() const
	if (this->polygon.size() < 3) {
		return {};
	else {
		const Plane plane{
			.normal = glm::normalize(this->renderer->cameraVector(this->localPosition)),
			.anchor = this->polygon[0],
		const opt<glm::vec3> p = this->renderer->screenToModelCoordinates(this->localPosition, plane);
		if (p.has_value()) {
			const glm::vec3 heightvec = glm::normalize(glm::vec3{gridMatrix[2]});
			return std::round(glm::dot(*p - polygon[0], heightvec));
		else {
			return {};

EditingMode EditTools::currentEditingMode() const
	return this->mode;

void EditTools::mouseClick(const QMouseEvent* event)
	switch(this->mode) {
	case SelectMode:
		if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
			const ElementId highlighted = this->renderer->pick(event->pos());
			Q_EMIT this->select({highlighted}, false);
	case DrawMode:
		if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton and this->worldPosition.has_value()) {
			if (isCloseToExistingPoints()) {
			else {
	case CircleMode:
		if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
			if (this->polygon.size() == 3) {
			else if (this->worldPosition.has_value()) {
	if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton and this->polygon.size() > 1) {

struct MergedTriangles
	std::vector<Quadrilateral> quadrilaterals;
	std::set<std::size_t> cutTriangles;

static MergedTriangles mergeTriangles(
	const std::vector<std::uint16_t>& indices,
	const std::vector<glm::vec3>& polygon)
	MergedTriangles result;
	using indextype = std::uint16_t;
	using indexpair = std::pair<indextype, indextype>;
	struct boundaryinfo { indextype third; std::size_t triangleid; };
	std::map<indexpair, boundaryinfo> boundaries;
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i += 3) {
		const auto add = [&](const std::size_t o1, const std::size_t o2, const std::size_t o3){
			const auto key = std::make_pair(indices[i + o1], indices[i + o2]);
			boundaries[key] = {indices[i + o3], i};
		add(0, 1, 2);
		add(1, 2, 0);
		add(2, 0, 1);
	std::vector<std::array<indextype, 4>> quadindices;
	std::vector<Quadrilateral> quads;
	bool repeat = true;
	const auto iscut = [&result](const std::size_t i){
		return result.cutTriangles.find(i) != result.cutTriangles.end();
	while (repeat) {
		repeat = false;
		// Go through triangle boundaries
		for (const auto& it1 : boundaries) {
			const indexpair& pair1 = it1.first;
			const boundaryinfo& boundary1 = it1.second;
			// .. the ones we haven't already merged anyway
			if (not iscut(boundary1.triangleid)) {
				// Look for its inverse boundary to find the touching triangle
				const auto pair2 = std::make_pair(pair1.second, pair1.first);
				const auto it2 = boundaries.find(pair2);
				// Also if that hasn't been cut
				if (it2 != boundaries.end() and not iscut(it2->second.triangleid)) {
					const Quadrilateral quad{
					if (isConvex(quad)) {
						repeat = true;
	return result;

const std::vector<ModelAction> EditTools::circleModeActions() const
	std::vector<ModelAction> result;
	if (this->numpoints >= 2) {
		const glm::vec3 x = polygon[1] - polygon[0];
		const opt<float> cyliheight = this->cylinderHeight().value_or(1);
		glm::mat4 transform{
			glm::vec4{x, 0},
			*cyliheight * this->gridMatrix[2],
			glm::vec4{glm::cross(glm::vec3{-this->gridMatrix[2]}, x), 0},
			glm::vec4{this->polygon[0], 1},
		Colored<CircularPrimitive> circ{
				.type = this->circleToolOptions.type,
				.fraction = this->circleToolOptions.fraction,
				.transformation = transform,
		result.push_back(AppendToModel{.newElement = circ});
	return result;

const std::vector<ModelAction> EditTools::drawModeActions() const
	std::vector<ModelAction> result;
	if (this->numpoints == 2) {
		result.push_back(AppendToModel{edge(this->polygon[0], this->polygon[1])});
	else if (this->numpoints > 2) {
		const glm::mat4 inverseGrid = glm::inverse(this->gridMatrix);
		std::vector<std::vector<glm::vec3>> polygons{1};
		std::vector<glm::vec3>& polygon2d = polygons.back();
		for (std::size_t i = 0; i < this->numpoints; ++i) {
			polygon2d.push_back(inverseGrid * glm::vec4{this->polygon[i], 1});
		// mapbox::earcut will always produce a CCW polygon, so if we're drawing
		// a CW polygon, we should invert the result afterwards
		const float shouldInvert = glm::dot(
			glm::cross(this->polygon[0] - this->polygon[1], this->polygon[2] - this->polygon[1]));
		using indextype = std::uint16_t;
		const std::vector<indextype> indices = mapbox::earcut<std::uint16_t>(polygons);
		MergedTriangles mergedTriangles = mergeTriangles(indices, this->polygon);
		for (Quadrilateral& quad : mergedTriangles.quadrilaterals) {
			if (shouldInvert < 0) {
				.newElement = Colored<Quadrilateral>{quad, MAIN_COLOR},
		for (std::size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i += 3) {
			if (mergedTriangles.cutTriangles.find(i) == mergedTriangles.cutTriangles.end()) {
				Colored<Triangle> tri = triangle(
					this->polygon[indices[i + 1]],
					this->polygon[indices[i + 2]]);
				if (shouldInvert < 0) {
	return result;

bool EditTools::usePolygon() const
	switch (this->mode) {
	case SelectMode:
		return false;
	case DrawMode:
	case CircleMode:
		return true;
	return {};

void EditTools::closeShape()
	for (const ModelAction& action : this->modelActions()) {
		Q_EMIT this->modelAction(action);
	this->polygon.push_back(this->worldPosition.value_or(glm::vec3{0, 0, 0}));
