Wed, 25 May 2022 20:36:34 +0300
Fix pick() picking from weird places on the screen with high DPI scaling
glReadPixels reads data from the frame buffer, which contains data after
high DPI scaling, so any reads to that need to take this scaling into account
#include "multiplyfactordialog.h" #include "ui_multiplyfactordialog.h" MultiplyFactorDialog::MultiplyFactorDialog(const glm::vec3& baseVector, QWidget* parent) : QDialog{parent}, baseVector{baseVector}, preview{baseVector, parent, Vec3Editor::NoMultiplyButton} { ui = std::make_unique<Ui::MultiplyFactorDialog>(); ui->setupUi(this); this->preview.setEnabled(false); this->ui->previewGroupBox->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout{parent}); this->ui->previewGroupBox->layout()->addWidget(&this->preview); connect( this->ui->invert, &QCheckBox::clicked, this, &MultiplyFactorDialog::updatePreview); connect( this->ui->factor, qOverload<double>(&DoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &MultiplyFactorDialog::updatePreview); } /** * @brief empty destructor, necessary because std::unique_ptr is used with a forward declaration */ MultiplyFactorDialog::~MultiplyFactorDialog() { } /** * @brief Computes the resulting vector * @return the input vector multiplied by the specified vector */ glm::vec3 MultiplyFactorDialog::value() const { glm::vec3 result = baseVector; if (this->ui->invert->isChecked()) { if (qFuzzyIsNull(this->ui->factor->value())) { constexpr double infinity = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); result = {infinity, infinity, infinity}; } else { result /= this->ui->factor->value(); } } else { result *= this->ui->factor->value(); } return result; } /** * @brief Makes a string that is prefixed to the factor input. * @param ui * @return prefix string */ QString prefixForFactorInput(const Ui::MultiplyFactorDialog& ui) { if (ui.invert->isChecked()) { return "1 : "; } else { return ""; } } /** * @brief Makes a string that is suffixed to the factor input. * @param ui * @return prefix string */ QString suffixForFactorInput(const Ui::MultiplyFactorDialog& ui) { if (ui.invert->isChecked()) { // render the actual factor that stuff gets effectively multiplied by return " = " + QString::number(1.0 / (ui.factor->value())); } else { return ""; } } /** * @brief Responds to changes in the value and updates previews accordingly */ void MultiplyFactorDialog::updatePreview() { this->ui->factor->setPrefix(::prefixForFactorInput(*this->ui)); this->ui->factor->setSuffix(::suffixForFactorInput(*this->ui)); this->preview.setValue(this->value()); }