Sat, 05 Mar 2022 13:19:59 +0200
only render svg to png if the png does not exist
#include <QVBoxLayout> #include "objecteditor.h" #include "document.h" ObjectEditor::ObjectEditor(Document* document, const ldraw::id_t id) : QWidget{document}, document{document} { this->setObjectId(id); this->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout{this}); } void ObjectEditor::setObjectId(const ldraw::id_t id) { this->objectId = id; const ldraw::Object* object = this->document->getModel().get(id); if (object != nullptr and object->numPoints() > 0) { if (not this->polygonEditor.has_value()) { this->polygonEditor.emplace(this->document, id); this->layout()->addWidget(&*this->polygonEditor); } else { this->polygonEditor->setObjectId(id); } } else { this->polygonEditor.reset(); } }