
Sun, 19 Jan 2020 13:53:07 +0200

Teemu Piippo <>
Sun, 19 Jan 2020 13:53:07 +0200
changeset 23
parent 21
child 24

fixed a pile of nonsense that caused subfiles to go haywire

#pragma once
#include <QGenericMatrix>
#include <type_traits>

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T = double>
struct MatrixIterator;

template<int Rows, int Columns>
struct MatrixIndex
	int row;
	int column;

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T = double>
struct Matrix
	using Iterator = MatrixIterator<Rows, Columns, T>;
	T values[Rows][Columns];
	Iterator begin()
		return {*this, {0, 0}};
	Iterator end()
		return {*this, {Rows, 0}};
	T& operator()(int row, int column)
		return this->values[row][column];
	T operator()(int row, int column) const
		return this->values[row][column];
	T& operator[](const MatrixIndex<Rows, Columns>& index)
		return (*this)(index.row, index.column);
	T operator[](const MatrixIndex<Rows, Columns>& index) const
		return (*this)(index.row, index.column);

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T>
struct MatrixIterator
	struct Value
		const MatrixIndex<Rows, Columns> index;
		decltype(std::declval<Matrix<Rows, Columns, T>>()(0, 0)) value;
	Matrix<Rows, Columns, T>& matrix;
	MatrixIndex<Rows, Columns> index;

template<int Rows, int Columns>
auto& operator++(MatrixIndex<Rows, Columns>& index)
	index.column += 1;
	if (index.column >= Columns)
		index.row += 1;
		index.column -= Columns;
	return index;

template<int Rows, int Columns>
bool operator==(
	const MatrixIndex<Rows, Columns>& one,
	const MatrixIndex<Rows, Columns>& other)
	return one.row == other.row and one.column == other.column;
template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T>
auto& operator++(MatrixIterator<Rows, Columns, T>& iterator)
	return iterator;

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T>
bool operator==(
	const MatrixIterator<Rows, Columns, T>& one,
	const MatrixIterator<Rows, Columns, T>& other)
	return &one.matrix == &other.matrix and one.index == other.index;

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T>
bool operator!=(
	const MatrixIterator<Rows, Columns, T>& one,
	const MatrixIterator<Rows, Columns, T>& other)
	return not (one == other);

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T>
auto operator*(MatrixIterator<Rows, Columns, T>& iterator)
	-> typename MatrixIterator<Rows, Columns, T>::Value
	return {iterator.index, iterator.matrix[iterator.index]};

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T>
QGenericMatrix<Rows, Columns, T> matrixToQGenericMatrix(const Matrix<Rows, Columns, T>& matrix)
	return {matrix.values};

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T>
Matrix<Rows, Columns, T> matrixFromQGenericMatrix(const QGenericMatrix<Rows, Columns, T&> matrix)
	Matrix<Rows, Columns, T> result;
	for (auto& cell : result)
		matrix(cell.index.row, cell.index.column) = result[cell.index];
	return result;

using Matrix3x3 = Matrix<3, 3>;
using Matrix4x4 = Matrix<4, 4>;

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T>
QDataStream& operator<<(QDataStream& stream, const Matrix<Rows, Columns, T>& matrix)
	for (auto& cell : matrix)
		stream << cell.value;
	return stream;

template<int Rows, int Columns, typename T>
QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream& stream, Matrix<Rows, Columns, T>& matrix)
	for (auto& cell : matrix)
		stream >> cell.value;
	return stream;

Matrix4x4 combine(const Matrix3x3& topLeft, const struct Point3D& translation);

static constexpr Matrix3x3 identity3x3 {{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}};
static constexpr Matrix4x4 identity4x4 {{{1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}}};
