Fri, 01 Jul 2022 16:46:43 +0300
Fix right click to delete not really working properly
Instead of removing the point that had been added, it would remove
the point that is being drawn, which would cause it to overwrite the
previous point using the new point, causing a bit of a delay
#include "src/vertexmap.h" #include "src/gl/common.h" hash_t hashVertex(const glm::vec3& vec) { return qHash(glm::ivec3{ int(vec.x * 10000), int(vec.y * 10000), int(vec.z * 10000), }); } VertexMap::VertexMap(const Model *model) : model{model} { connect( model, &Model::dataChanged, this, &VertexMap::build ); connect( model, &Model::rowsInserted, this, &VertexMap::build ); connect( model, &Model::rowsRemoved, this, &VertexMap::build ); this->build(); } struct Edge { const glm::vec3& a; const glm::vec3& b; }; inline void edges(const ModelElement& element, std::function<void(Edge&&)> fn) { std::visit<void>(overloaded{ [fn](const Colored<LineSegment>& edge) { fn(Edge{edge.p1, edge.p2}); }, [fn](const Colored<Triangle>& triangle) { fn(Edge{triangle.p1, triangle.p2}); fn(Edge{triangle.p2, triangle.p3}); fn(Edge{triangle.p3, triangle.p1}); }, [fn](const Colored<Quadrilateral>& quad) { fn(Edge{quad.p1, quad.p2}); fn(Edge{quad.p2, quad.p3}); fn(Edge{quad.p3, quad.p4}); fn(Edge{quad.p4, quad.p1}); }, [fn](const Colored<ConditionalEdge>& cedge) { fn(Edge{cedge.p1, cedge.p2}); }, [](const ModelElement&&){} }, element); } inline void points( const ModelElement& element, std::function<void(const glm::vec3&)> fn) { std::visit<void>(overloaded{ [fn](const Colored<LineSegment>& edge) { fn(edge.p1); fn(edge.p2); }, [fn](const Colored<Triangle>& triangle) { fn(triangle.p1); fn(triangle.p2); fn(triangle.p3); }, [fn](const Colored<Quadrilateral>& quad) { fn(quad.p1); fn(quad.p2); fn(quad.p3); fn(quad.p4); }, [fn](const Colored<ConditionalEdge>& cedge) { fn(cedge.p1); fn(cedge.p2); fn(cedge.c1); fn(cedge.c2); }, [](const ModelElement&&){} }, element); } template<typename R> auto ifplanar( const ModelElement& element, std::function<R(const glm::vec3&, const glm::vec3&, const glm::vec3&)> fn ) { return std::visit(overloaded{ [fn](const Triangle& triangle) -> std::optional<R> { return fn(triangle.p1, triangle.p2, triangle.p3); }, [fn](const Quadrilateral quad) -> std::optional<R> { return fn(quad.p1, quad.p2, quad.p3); }, [](const ModelElement&&) -> std::optional<R> {return {};} }, element); } void VertexMap::build() { this->map.clear(); this->vertices.clear(); this->vertexHashes.clear(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < this->model->size(); ++i) { const ModelElement& element = this->model->at(i); std::optional<glm::mat4> matrix = ifplanar<glm::mat4>( element, [](const glm::vec3& p1, const glm::vec3& p2, const glm::vec3& p3) { const glm::vec3 a = glm::normalize(p2 - p1); const glm::vec3 b = glm::normalize(p3 - p1); const glm::vec3 c = glm::normalize(glm::cross(a, b)); const glm::vec3 d = glm::normalize(glm::cross(a, c)); return glm::mat4{{a, 0}, {-c, 0}, {d, 0}, {}}; }); points(element, [&](const glm::vec3 point) { const hash_t hash = hashVertex(point); VertexInfo& info = this->map[hash]; info.point = point; info.objects.insert(this->model->idAt(i)); if (matrix.has_value() and not info.transformSet) { info.transform = matrix.value(); info.transform[3] = {point, 1}; info.transformSet = true; } if (not this->vertexHashes.contains(hash)) { this->vertexHashes.insert(hash); this->vertices.push_back(point); } }); } for (auto& pair : this->map) { auto& info = pair.second; // If there's no transformation calculated yet, make up a simple one that at least // contains translation. if (not info.transformSet) { info.transform = glm::translate(glm::identity<glm::mat4>(), info.point); info.transformSet = true; } float scale = 1.0f; for (const ElementId objectId : info.objects) { const std::optional<int> index = model->find(objectId); if (index.has_value()) { edges(this->model->at(unsigned_cast(index.value())), [&](Edge&& edge) { if (hashVertex(edge.a) == pair.first or hashVertex(edge.b) == pair.first) { scale = std::min(scale, glm::length(edge.b - edge.a) / 3); } }); } } info.transform = glm::scale(info.transform, glm::vec3{scale, scale, scale}); } Q_EMIT this->verticesChanged(); } /** * @brief Apply \c fn for all vertices in the map. * @param fn */ void VertexMap::apply(ApplyFunction fn) const { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->vertices.size(); i += 1) { const glm::vec3& point = this->vertices[i]; fn(point, this->; } }