Fri, 01 Jul 2022 16:46:43 +0300
Fix right click to delete not really working properly
Instead of removing the point that had been added, it would remove
the point that is being drawn, which would cause it to overwrite the
previous point using the new point, causing a bit of a delay
#pragma once #include <QWidget> #include <ui_circletool.h> #include "src/model.h" class CircleToolOptionsWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Ui_CircleToolOptions ui; public: CircleToolOptionsWidget(QWidget* parent); virtual ~CircleToolOptionsWidget(); unsigned int segments() const; unsigned int divisions() const; CircularPrimitive::Type type() const; Q_SIGNALS: void optionsChanged(const CircleToolOptions& options); private: Q_SLOT void handleInputChange(); };