
Fri, 01 Jul 2022 16:46:43 +0300

Teemu Piippo <>
Fri, 01 Jul 2022 16:46:43 +0300
changeset 312
parent 297
child 369

Fix right click to delete not really working properly
Instead of removing the point that had been added, it would remove
the point that is being drawn, which would cause it to overwrite the
previous point using the new point, causing a bit of a delay

#include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
#include "src/geometry.h"
#include "src/basics.h"

 * @brief Computes line-plane intersection
 * @param line
 * @param plane
 * @return point of intersection. Does not return a value if the line is in parallel to the plane.
std::optional<glm::vec3> linePlaneIntersection(
	const Line<3>& line,
	const Plane& plane,
	const float epsilon)
	const float denominator = glm::dot(line.direction, plane.normal);
	if (std::abs(denominator) < epsilon)
		return {};
		const float d = glm::dot(plane.anchor - line.anchor, plane.normal) / denominator;
		return line.anchor + d * line.direction;

 * @brief Computes the plane of a triangle
 * @param triangle
 * @return plane
Plane planeFromTriangle(const Triangle& triangle)
	return Plane{normalVector(triangle), triangle.p1};

 * @brief Computes the normal vector of a triangle
 * @param triangle
 * @return normal vector
glm::vec3 normalVector(const Triangle& triangle)
	return glm::normalize(
			triangle.p2 - triangle.p1,
			triangle.p3 - triangle.p1));

 * @brief Extracts the scaling component of the specified matrix into a vector and returns both the scaling
 * components as well as the unscaled matrix.
 * @param matrix Matrix to compute
 * @return scaling vector and unscaled matrix
ScalingExtract extractScaling(const glm::mat4& matrix)
	ScalingExtract result;
	result.scaling = scalingVector(matrix);
	result.unscaled = glm::scale(matrix, 1.0f / result.scaling);
	return result;

 * @brief Computes the scaling vector, which contains the scaling of the specified matrix
 * @param matrix
 * @return scaling vector
glm::vec3 scalingVector(const glm::mat4 matrix)
	auto component = [](const glm::mat4& matrix, const int i) -> float
		return std::hypot(std::hypot(matrix[i][0], matrix[i][1]), matrix[i][2]);
	return glm::vec3{component(matrix, 0), component(matrix, 1), component(matrix, 2)};

std::optional<glm::vec2> lineLineIntersection(const Line<2>& line_1, const Line<2>& line_2)
	const float denominator = (line_1.direction.x * line_2.direction.y) - (line_1.direction.y * line_2.direction.x);
	constexpr float epsilon = 1e-6f;
	if (std::abs(denominator) < epsilon)
		return {};
		const glm::vec2 p1 = line_1.anchor + line_1.direction;
		const glm::vec2& p2 = line_1.anchor;
		const glm::vec2 p3 = line_2.anchor + line_2.direction;
		const glm::vec2& p4 = line_2.anchor;
		const float a = glm::determinant(glm::mat2{{p1.x, p2.x}, {p1.y, p2.y}});
		const float b = glm::determinant(glm::mat2{{p3.x, p4.x}, {p3.y, p4.y}});
		const float c_x = glm::determinant(glm::mat2{{p1.x, p2.x}, {1, 1}});
		const float c_y = glm::determinant(glm::mat2{{p1.y, p2.y}, {1, 1}});
		const float d_x = glm::determinant(glm::mat2{{p3.x, p4.x}, {1, 1}});
		const float d_y = glm::determinant(glm::mat2{{p3.y, p4.y}, {1, 1}});
		const float x = glm::determinant(glm::mat2{{a, b}, {c_x, d_x}});
		const float y = glm::determinant(glm::mat2{{a, b}, {c_y, d_y}});
		return glm::vec2{x / denominator, y / denominator};

std::optional<glm::vec2> rayLineSegmentIntersection(const Ray<2>& ray, const LineSegment2D& line)
	std::optional<glm::vec2> result = lineLineIntersection(
		lineFromPoints(line.p1, line.p2));
	if (result.has_value())
		const float d1 = glm::dot(*result - ray.anchor, ray.direction);
		if (d1 < 0)
			const float d2 = glm::dot(*result - line.p1, *result - line.p2);
			if (d2 > 0)
	return result;

std::optional<PointOnRectagle> rayRectangleIntersection(const Ray<2>& ray, const QRectF& rectangle)
	std::optional<glm::vec2> position;
	std::optional<PointOnRectagle> result;
	// Try top
	position = rayLineSegmentIntersection(ray, top(rectangle));
	if (position.has_value())
		result = {*position, RectangleSide::Top};
		// Try bottom
		position = rayLineSegmentIntersection(ray, bottom(rectangle));
		if (position.has_value())
			result = {*position, RectangleSide::Bottom};
			// Try left
			position = rayLineSegmentIntersection(ray, left(rectangle));
			if (position.has_value())
				result = {*position, RectangleSide::Left};
				// Try right
				position = rayLineSegmentIntersection(ray, right(rectangle));
				if (position.has_value())
					result = {*position, RectangleSide::Right};
	return result;

LineSegment2D top(const QRectF& rectangle)
	return {

LineSegment2D bottom(const QRectF& rectangle)
	return {
		glm::vec2{rectangle.left(), rectangle.bottom()},
		glm::vec2{rectangle.right(), rectangle.bottom()}

LineSegment2D left(const QRectF& rectangle)
	return {
		glm::vec2{rectangle.left(), rectangle.bottom()}

LineSegment2D right(const QRectF& rectangle)
	return {
		glm::vec2{rectangle.right(), rectangle.bottom()}

bool isConvex(const Quadrilateral& quad)
	glm::vec3 crosses[4] = {
		glm::cross(quad.p4 - quad.p1, quad.p2 - quad.p1),
		glm::cross(quad.p1 - quad.p2, quad.p3 - quad.p2),
		glm::cross(quad.p2 - quad.p3, quad.p4 - quad.p3),
		glm::cross(quad.p3 - quad.p4, quad.p1 - quad.p4),
	return not std::any_of(
		[&crosses](const glm::vec3& vector) {
			return glm::dot(crosses[0], vector) < 1e-6;

bool isConvex(const std::vector<glm::vec3>& polygon)
	const std::size_t n = polygon.size();
	std::vector<glm::vec3> crosses;
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; i += 1)
		const glm::vec3 v1 = polygon[(i + n - 1) % n];
		const glm::vec3 v2 = polygon[i];
		const glm::vec3 v3 = polygon[(i + 1) % n];
		crosses[i] = glm::cross(v1 - v2, v3 - v2);
	return not std::any_of(
		crosses.begin() + 1,
		[&crosses](const glm::vec3& vector)
			return glm::dot(crosses[0], vector) < 1e-6;

 * @brief Determines the winding of a 2d polygon
 * @param polygon
 * @return winding
Winding winding(const QPolygonF &polygon)
	// based on
	double sum = 0.0;
	for (int i = 0; i < polygon.size(); i += 1)
		const QPointF& p1 = polygon[i];
		const QPointF& p2 = polygon[(i + 1) % polygon.size()];
		sum += (p2.x() - p1.x()) * (p2.y() + p1.y());
	return (sum < 0) ? Winding::Anticlockwise : Winding::Clockwise;

 * @brief computes the point on a Bezier curve
 * @param curve
 * @param t scalar between 0 and 1, with t=0 being P0 and t=1 being P3
 * @return point on curve
glm::vec3 pointOnCurve(const BezierCurve &curve, float t)
	// clamp t as rounding errors might make it slightly out of bounds
	t = std::clamp(t, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	const float t_2 = t * t;
	const float t_3 = t * t * t;
	const float coeffs[3] = {
		-1*t_3  +3*t_2  -3*t  +1,
		+3*t_3  -6*t_2  +3*t,
		-3*t_3  +3*t_2,
	return coeffs[0] * curve[0] + coeffs[1] * curve[1] + coeffs[2] * curve[2] + t_3 * curve[3];

 * @brief computes the derivative of a point on a Bezier curve
 * @param curve
 * @param t scalar between 0 and 1, with t=0 being P0 and t=1 being P3
 * @return point on curve
glm::vec3 derivativeOnCurve(const BezierCurve &curve, float t)
	// clamp t as rounding errors might make it slightly out of bounds
	t = std::clamp(t, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	const float t_2 = t * t;
	const float coeffs[4] = {
		-3*t_2  + 6*t  -3,
		+9*t_2  -12*t  +3,
		-9*t_2  + 6*t,
	return coeffs[0] * curve[0] + coeffs[1] * curve[1] + coeffs[2] * curve[2] + coeffs[3] * curve[3];
