Thu, 09 Jun 2022 13:32:55 +0300
more refactoring, dosn't build yet
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QMouseEvent> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include "document.h" #include "model.h" #include "ui/objecteditor.h" EditorTabWidget::EditorTabWidget( Model* model, DocumentManager* documents, const ColorTable& colorTable, QWidget* parent) : QWidget{parent}, colorTable{colorTable}, canvas{new Canvas{model, this, documents, colorTable, this}}, model{model}, vertexMap{model} { this->setMouseTracking(true); connect(this->canvas, &Canvas::mouseClick, this, &EditorTabWidget::canvasMouseClick); connect(this->canvas, &Canvas::mouseMove, this, &EditorTabWidget::canvasMouseMove); connect(this->canvas, &Canvas::newStatusText, this, &EditorTabWidget::newStatusText); connect(this->model, &Model::dataChanged, this->canvas, qOverload<>(&Canvas::update)); connect(&this->vertexMap, &VertexMap::verticesChanged, [&]() { this->canvas->rebuildVertices(this); }); this->canvas->drawState = &this->drawState; QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout{this}; layout->addWidget(this->canvas); } EditorTabWidget::~EditorTabWidget() { } void EditorTabWidget::applyToVertices(VertexMap::ApplyFunction fn) const { this->vertexMap.apply(fn); } void EditorTabWidget::setEditMode(EditingMode mode) { this->drawState.mode = mode; } void updatePreviewPolygon(DrawState* drawState) { drawState->previewPolygon = drawState->polygon; drawState->previewPolygon.resize(drawState->polygon.size() + 1); drawState->previewPolygon.back() = drawState->previewPoint; if (drawState->previewPolygon.size() > 2) { drawState->isconcave = not isConvex(drawState->previewPolygon); } } void removeLastPoint(DrawState* drawState) { if (drawState->polygon.size() > 0) { drawState->polygon.erase(drawState->polygon.end() - 1); updatePreviewPolygon(drawState); } } bool isCloseToExistingPoints(const std::vector<glm::vec3>& points, const glm::vec3 &pos) { return any(points, std::bind(isclose, std::placeholders::_1, pos)); } void EditorTabWidget::canvasMouseClick(QMouseEvent *event) { switch(this->drawState.mode) { case SelectMode: if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { const ModelId highlighted = this->canvas->getHighlightedObject(); QSet<ModelId> selected; if (highlighted != ModelId{0}) { selected.insert(highlighted); } //this->select(selected); event->accept(); } break; case DrawMode: if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton and this->canvas->worldPosition.has_value()) { const glm::vec3& pos = this->canvas->worldPosition.value(); if (isCloseToExistingPoints(this->drawState.polygon, pos)) { this->closeShape(); } else { this->drawState.polygon.push_back(pos); updatePreviewPolygon(&this->drawState); } event->accept(); } else if (true and event->button() == Qt::RightButton and this->drawState.polygon.size() > 0 ) { this->drawState.polygon.erase(this->drawState.polygon.end() - 1); updatePreviewPolygon(&this->drawState); event->accept(); } break; } } void EditorTabWidget::canvasMouseMove(QMouseEvent *event) { switch(this->drawState.mode) { case SelectMode: break; case DrawMode: if (this->canvas->worldPosition.has_value()) { this->drawState.previewPoint = this->canvas->worldPosition.value(); updatePreviewPolygon(&this->drawState); this->update(); } event->accept(); break; } } /* void EditorTabWidget::select(const QSet<ModelId> &selected) { QItemSelectionModel* selectionModel = this->ui.listView->selectionModel(); QItemSelection itemSelection; for (const ModelId id : selected) { const std::optional<int> row = this->model->find(id); if (row.has_value()) { const QModelIndex qindex = this->model->index(*row);, qindex); } } selectionModel->select(itemSelection, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); } */ const QSet<ModelId> EditorTabWidget::selectedObjects() const { return this->canvas->selectedObjects(); } EditingMode EditorTabWidget::currentEditingMode() const { return this->drawState.mode; } void EditorTabWidget::closeShape() { if (this->drawState.polygon.size() >= 2 and this->drawState.polygon.size() <= 4) { switch (this->drawState.polygon.size()) { case 2: Q_EMIT this->modelAction(AppendToModel{ .newElement = Colored<LineSegment>{ LineSegment{ .p1 = this->drawState.polygon[0], .p2 = this->drawState.polygon[1], }, EDGE_COLOR, } }); break; case 3: Q_EMIT this->modelAction(AppendToModel{ .newElement = Colored<Triangle>{ Triangle{ .p1 = this->drawState.polygon[0], .p2 = this->drawState.polygon[1], .p3 = this->drawState.polygon[2], }, MAIN_COLOR, } }); break; case 4: Q_EMIT this->modelAction(AppendToModel{ .newElement = Colored<Quadrilateral>{ Quadrilateral{ .p1 = this->drawState.polygon[0], .p2 = this->drawState.polygon[1], .p3 = this->drawState.polygon[2], .p4 = this->drawState.polygon[3], }, MAIN_COLOR, } }); break; } } this->drawState.polygon.clear(); updatePreviewPolygon(&this->drawState); }