Tue, 28 Sep 2021 00:10:29 +0300
Saving works now
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2020 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <QMouseEvent> #include <QMessageBox> #include "document.h" #include "ui_document.h" #include "model.h" #include "modeleditcontext.h" #include "tools/basetool.h" #include "tools/drawtool.h" #include "tools/selecttool.h" #include "tools/transformtool.h" static const QMetaObject* const toolMetaObjects[] = { &SelectTool::staticMetaObject, &DrawTool::staticMetaObject, &TransformTool::staticMetaObject, }; Document::Document( Model* model, DocumentManager* documents, const ldraw::ColorTable& colorTable, QWidget* parent) : QWidget{parent}, model{model}, documents{documents}, colorTable{colorTable}, vertexMap{model}, renderer{new Canvas{model, documents, colorTable, this}}, ui{*new Ui::Document}, toolsBar{new QToolBar{this}} { this->ui.setupUi(this); this->ui.toolsBarContainer->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout{this->ui.toolsBarContainer}); this->ui.toolsBarContainer->layout()->addWidget(this->toolsBar); this->ui.listView->setModel(model); this->ui.viewportFrame->setLayout(new QVBoxLayout{this->ui.listView}); this->ui.viewportFrame->layout()->addWidget(this->renderer); this->toolsBar->setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); this->setMouseTracking(true); connect(this->ui.splitter, &QSplitter::splitterMoved, this, &Document::splitterChanged); connect(this->renderer, &Canvas::newStatusText, this, &Document::newStatusText); connect(this->renderer, &Canvas::selectionChanged, [&](const QSet<ldraw::id_t>& newSelection) { QItemSelectionModel* selectionModel = this->ui.listView->selectionModel(); QItemSelection selection; for (ldraw::id_t id : newSelection) { QModelIndex index = this->model->lookup(id); if (index != QModelIndex{}) { selection.select(index, index); } } QSignalBlocker blocker{this}; selectionModel->select(selection, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); this->selectionChanged(newSelection); }); connect(this->ui.listView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, [&](const QItemSelection& selected, const QItemSelection& deselected) { auto resolveIndex = [this](const QModelIndex& index){ return this->model->resolve(index); }; auto resolve = [resolveIndex](const QItemSelection& selection) { return fn::map<QSet<ldraw::id_t>>(selection.indexes(), resolveIndex); }; this->renderer->handleSelectionChange(resolve(selected), resolve(deselected)); this->selectionChanged(resolve(this->ui.listView->selectionModel()->selection())); }); connect(this->model, &Model::dataChanged, this->renderer, qOverload<>(&Canvas::update)); connect(this->renderer, &Canvas::mouseClick, this, [this](Canvas* canvas, QMouseEvent* event) { if (this->selectedTool != nullptr) { this->selectedTool->mouseClick(this, canvas, event); } }); connect(this->renderer, &Canvas::mouseMove, this, [this](Canvas* canvas, QMouseEvent* event) { if (this->selectedTool != nullptr) { this->selectedTool->mouseMove(this, canvas, event); } }); connect(&this->vertexMap, &VertexMap::verticesChanged, [&]() { this->renderer->rebuildVertices(this); }); this->setCanvasOverpaintCallback([&](Canvas* canvas, QPainter* painter) { if (this->selectedTool != nullptr) { this->selectedTool->overpaint(canvas, painter); } }); this->initializeTools(); } Document::~Document() { delete &this->ui; } QByteArray Document::saveSplitterState() const { return this->ui.splitter->saveState(); } void Document::restoreSplitterState(const QByteArray& state) { this->ui.splitter->restoreState(state); } void Document::setRenderPreferences(const gl::RenderPreferences& newPreferences) { this->renderer->setRenderPreferences(newPreferences); } void Document::setCanvasOverpaintCallback(Canvas::OverpaintCallback fn) { this->renderer->setOverpaintCallback(fn); } Model::EditContext Document::editModel() { return this->model->edit(); } void Document::applyToVertices(VertexMap::ApplyFunction fn) const { this->vertexMap.apply(fn); } void Document::selectionChanged(const QSet<ldraw::id_t>& newSelection) { for (BaseTool* tool : this->tools) { tool->selectionChanged(newSelection); } } void Document::initializeTools() { for (const QMetaObject* const metaObject : ::toolMetaObjects) { QObject* const objectInstance = metaObject->newInstance(Q_ARG(Model*, this->model), Q_ARG(QObject*, this)); BaseTool* const toolInstance = qobject_cast<BaseTool*>(objectInstance); if (toolInstance) { this->tools.append(toolInstance); QAction* action = new QAction{toolInstance->name(), this}; action->setCheckable(true); this->toolActions[toolInstance] = action; action->setToolTip(toolInstance->toolTip()); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &Document::toolActionTriggered); this->toolsBar->addAction(action); QWidget* const widget = toolInstance->toolWidget(); if (widget) { this->ui.toolWidgetStack->addWidget(widget); } else { this->ui.toolWidgetStack->addWidget(new QWidget{this}); } } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("Unable to construct %1").arg(metaObject->className())); } } this->selectTool(this->tools[0]); } void Document::toolActionTriggered() { QAction* action = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender()); if (action != nullptr) { BaseTool* tool = nullptr; for (auto&& pair : items(this->toolActions)) { if (pair.value == action) { tool = pair.key; } } this->selectTool(tool); } } void Document::selectTool(BaseTool* tool) { if (tool != nullptr && tool != this->selectedTool) { if (this->selectedTool != nullptr) { this->selectedTool->reset(); } this->selectedTool = tool; for (auto&& pair : items(this->toolActions)) { pair.value->setChecked(pair.key == tool); } const int index = this->tools.indexOf(tool); if (index != -1) { this->ui.toolWidgetStack->setCurrentIndex(index); } } } void Document::handleKeyPress(QKeyEvent* event) { if (this->selectedTool != nullptr) { this->selectedTool->keyReleased(this, this->renderer, event); } } void Document::adjustGridToView() { this->renderer->adjustGridToView(); } /** * @brief Attempts to save the document * @param errors Where to report any errors that might occurr * @return whether or not it succeeded */ bool Document::save(QTextStream& errors) { this->model->makeUnofficial(); return this->model->save(errors); } /** * @brief Gets the current path * @return string */ const QString &Document::modelPath() const { return this->model->path(); } /** * @brief Sets the path of the model * @param newPath */ void Document::setModelPath(const QString &newPath) { this->model->setPath(newPath); }