- changed doxygen entity style from @argh to \argh


Santeri Piippo <crimsondusk64@gmail.com>
Wed, 05 Mar 2014 18:31:22 +0200 (2014-03-05)
changeset 650
parent 649
child 651

- changed doxygen entity style from @argh to \argh

src/Format.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/MainWindow.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/MessageLog.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/misc/RingFinder.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/src/Format.h	Wed Mar 05 18:30:22 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/Format.h	Wed Mar 05 18:31:22 2014 +0200
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-//! Helper function for @c format
+//! Helper function for \c format
 template<typename Arg1, typename... Rest>
 void formatHelper (QString& str, Arg1 arg1, Rest... rest)
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
-//! Overload of @c formatHelper with no template args
+//! Overload of \c formatHelper with no template args
 static void formatHelper (QString& str) __attribute__ ((unused));
 static void formatHelper (QString& str)
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@
 //! Format the message with the given args
-//! @param fmtstr The string to format
-//! @param args The args to format with
-//! @return The formatted string
+//! \param fmtstr The string to format
+//! \param args The args to format with
+//! \return The formatted string
 template<typename... Args>
 QString format (QString fmtstr, Args... args)
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
 //! Format and print the given args to the message log.
-//! @param fmtstr The string to format
-//! @param args The args to format with
+//! \param fmtstr The string to format
+//! \param args The args to format with
 template<typename... Args>
 void print (QString fmtstr, Args... args)
@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@
 //! Format and print the given args to the given file descriptor
-//! @param fp The file descriptor to print to
-//! @param fmtstr The string to format
-//! @param args The args to format with
+//! \param fp The file descriptor to print to
+//! \param fmtstr The string to format
+//! \param args The args to format with
 template<typename... Args>
 void fprint (FILE* fp, QString fmtstr, Args... args)
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@
-//! Overload of @c fprint with a QIODevice
-//! @param dev The IO device to print to
-//! @param fmtstr The string to format
-//! @param args The args to format with
+//! Overload of \c fprint with a QIODevice
+//! \param dev The IO device to print to
+//! \param fmtstr The string to format
+//! \param args The args to format with
 template<typename... Args>
 void fprint (QIODevice& dev, QString fmtstr, Args... args)
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
 //! Exactly like print() except no-op in release builds.
-//! @param fmtstr The string to format
-//! @param args The args to format with
+//! \param fmtstr The string to format
+//! \param args The args to format with
 template<typename... Args>
 void dprint (QString fmtstr, Args... args)
--- a/src/MainWindow.h	Wed Mar 05 18:30:22 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/MainWindow.h	Wed Mar 05 18:31:22 2014 +0200
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@
-//! @brief The main window class.
+//! \brief The main window class.
 //! The MainWindow is LDForge's main GUI. It hosts the renderer, the object list,
-//! the message log, etc. Contains @c slot_action(), which is what all actions
+//! the message log, etc. Contains \c slot_action(), which is what all actions
 //! connect to.
 class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 		//! Builds the object list and tells the GL renderer to do a soft update.
 		void refresh();
-		//! @returns the suggested position to place a new object at.
+		//! \returns the suggested position to place a new object at.
 		int getInsertionPoint();
 		//! Updates the quick color toolbar
@@ -127,16 +127,16 @@
 		//! Rebuilds the document tab list.
 		void updateDocumentList();
-		//! Updates the document tab for @c doc. If no such tab exists, the
+		//! Updates the document tab for \c doc. If no such tab exists, the
 		//! document list is rebuilt instead.
 		void updateDocumentListItem (LDDocument* doc);
-		//! @returns the uniform selected color (i.e. 4 if everything selected is
+		//! \returns the uniform selected color (i.e. 4 if everything selected is
 		//! red), -1 if there is no such consensus.
 		int getSelectedColor();
-		//! @returns the uniform selected type (i.e. @c LDObject::ELine if everything
-		//! selected is a line), @c LDObject::EUnidentified if there is no such
+		//! \returns the uniform selected type (i.e. \c LDObject::ELine if everything
+		//! selected is a line), \c LDObject::EUnidentified if there is no such
 		//! consensus.
 		LDObject::Type getUniformSelectedType();
@@ -148,16 +148,16 @@
 		void spawnContextMenu (const QPoint pos);
 		//! Deletes all selected objects.
-		//! @returns the count of deleted objects.
+		//! \returns the count of deleted objects.
 		int deleteSelection();
 		//! Deletes all objects by the given color number.
 		void deleteByColor (int colnum);
 		//! Tries to save the given document.
-		//! @param doc the document to save
-		//! @param saveAs if true, always ask for a file path
-		//! @returns whether the save was successful
+		//! \param doc the document to save
+		//! \param saveAs if true, always ask for a file path
+		//! \returns whether the save was successful
 		bool save (LDDocument* doc, bool saveAs);
 		//! Updates various actions, undo/redo are set enabled/disabled where
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 		//! etc.
 		void updateActions();
-		//! @returns a pointer to the renderer
+		//! \returns a pointer to the renderer
 		inline GLRenderer* R()
 			return m_renderer;
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
 		//! defined in the configuration entries.
 		void updateActionShortcuts();
-		//! Gets the shortcut configuration for the given @c action
+		//! Gets the shortcut configuration for the given \c action
 		KeySequenceConfig* shortcutForAction (QAction* action);
 	public slots:
@@ -319,36 +319,36 @@
 //! Get an icon by name from the resources directory.
 QPixmap getIcon (QString iconName);
-//! @returns a list of quick colors based on the configuration entry.
+//! \returns a list of quick colors based on the configuration entry.
 QList<LDQuickColor> quickColorsFromConfig();
-//! Asks the user a yes/no question with the given @c message and the given
-//! window @c title.
-//! @returns true if the user answered yes, false if no.
+//! Asks the user a yes/no question with the given \c message and the given
+//! window \c title.
+//! \returns true if the user answered yes, false if no.
 bool confirm (QString title, QString message); // Generic confirm prompt
-//! An overload of @c confirm(), this asks the user a yes/no question with the
-//! given @c message.
-//! @returns true if the user answered yes, false if no.
+//! An overload of \c confirm(), this asks the user a yes/no question with the
+//! given \c message.
+//! \returns true if the user answered yes, false if no.
 bool confirm (QString message);
-//! Displays an error prompt with the given @c message
+//! Displays an error prompt with the given \c message
 void critical (QString message);
-//! Makes an icon of @c size x @c size pixels to represent @c colinfo
+//! Makes an icon of \c size x \c size pixels to represent \c colinfo
 QIcon makeColorIcon (LDColor* colinfo, const int size);
 //! Fills the given combo-box with color information
 void makeColorComboBox (QComboBox* box);
-//! @returns a QImage from the given raw GL @c data
+//! \returns a QImage from the given raw GL \c data
 QImage imageFromScreencap (uchar* data, int w, int h);
 //! Takes in pairs of radio buttons and respective values and finds the first
 //! selected one.
-//! @returns returns the value of the first found radio button that was checked
-//! @returns by the user.
+//! \returns returns the value of the first found radio button that was checked
+//! \returns by the user.
 template<class T>
 T radioSwitch (const T& defval, QList<pair<QRadioButton*, T>> haystack)
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
 //! Takes in pairs of radio buttons and respective values and checks the first
-//! found radio button whose respsective value matches @c expr have the given value.
+//! found radio button whose respsective value matches \c expr have the given value.
 template<class T>
 void radioDefault (const T& expr, QList<pair<QRadioButton*, T>> haystack)
--- a/src/MessageLog.h	Wed Mar 05 18:30:22 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/MessageLog.h	Wed Mar 05 18:31:22 2014 +0200
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@
 class QTimer;
-//! @brief Manages the list of messages at the top-left of the renderer.
+//! \brief Manages the list of messages at the top-left of the renderer.
 //! The message manager is an object which keeps track of messages that appear
 //! on the renderer's screen. Each line is contained in a separate object which
 //! contains the text, expiry time and alpha. The message manager is doubly
 //! linked to its corresponding renderer.
-//! Message manager calls its @c tick() function regularly to update the messages,
+//! Message manager calls its \c tick() function regularly to update the messages,
 //! where each line's expiry is checked for. Lines begin to fade out when nearing
 //! their expiry. If the message manager's lines change, the renderer undergoes
 //! repainting.
@@ -44,19 +44,19 @@
 	PROPERTY (public, GLRenderer*, renderer, setRenderer, STOCK_WRITE)
-		//! @class MessageManager::Line
+		//! \class MessageManager::Line
 		//! A single line of the message log.
 		class Line
-				//! Constructs a line with the given @c text
+				//! Constructs a line with the given \c text
 				Line (QString text);
 				//! Check this line's expiry and update alpha accordingly.
-				//! @c changed is updated to whether the line has somehow
+				//! \c changed is updated to whether the line has somehow
 				//! changed since the last update.
-				//! @returns true if the line is to still stick around, false
-				//! @returns if it expired.
+				//! \returns true if the line is to still stick around, false
+				//! \returns if it expired.
 				bool update (bool& changed);
 				QString text;
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@
 		//! Constructs the message manager.
 		explicit MessageManager (QObject* parent = null);
-		//! Adds a line with the given @c text to the message manager.
+		//! Adds a line with the given \c text to the message manager.
 		void addLine (QString line);
-		//! @returns all active lines in the message manager.
+		//! \returns all active lines in the message manager.
 		const QList<Line>& getLines() const;
--- a/src/misc/RingFinder.h	Wed Mar 05 18:30:22 2014 +0200
+++ b/src/misc/RingFinder.h	Wed Mar 05 18:31:22 2014 +0200
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
 #include "../Main.h"
-//! @brief Provides an algorithm for finding solutions of rings between given radii.
+//! \brief Provides an algorithm for finding solutions of rings between given radii.
 //! The RingFinder is a class which implements a ring finding algorithm. It is passed
 //! two radii and it tries to find solutions of rings that would fill the given space.
-//! @note It is not fool-proof and does not always yield a solution, never assume
-//! @note that one is a available as none is guaranteed.
+//! \note It is not fool-proof and does not always yield a solution, never assume
+//! \note that one is a available as none is guaranteed.
 class RingFinder
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 		class Solution
-				//! @returns components of this solution
+				//! \returns components of this solution
 				inline const QVector<Component>& getComponents() const
 					return m_components;
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
 					m_components.push_back (a);
-				//! @brief Compare solutions.
+				//! \brief Compare solutions.
-				//! Compares this solution with @c other and determines which
+				//! Compares this solution with \c other and determines which
 				//! one is superior.
 				//! A solution is considered superior if solution has less
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@
 				//! yield less new primitives and cleaner definitions.
 				//! The solution which is found superior to every other solution
-				//! will be the one returned by @c RingFinder::bestSolution().
+				//! will be the one returned by \c RingFinder::bestSolution().
-				//! @param other the solution to check against
-				//! @returns whether this solution is considered superior
-				//! @returns to @c other.
+				//! \param other the solution to check against
+				//! \returns whether this solution is considered superior
+				//! \returns to \c other.
 				bool isSuperiorTo (const Solution* other) const;
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 		//! Constructs a ring finder.
 		RingFinder() {}
-		//! @brief Tries to find rings between @c r0 and @c r1.
+		//! \brief Tries to find rings between \c r0 and \c r1.
 		//! This is the main algorithm of the ring finder. It tries to use math
 		//! to find the one ring between r0 and r1. If it fails (the ring number
@@ -94,23 +94,23 @@
 		//! r0 or r == r1, there is no hope of finding the rings, at least with
 		//! this algorithm, as it would fall into an infinite recursion.
-		//! @param r0 the lower radius of the ring space
-		//! @param r1 the higher radius of the ring space
-		//! @returns whether it was possible to find a solution for the given
-		//! @returns ring space.
+		//! \param r0 the lower radius of the ring space
+		//! \param r1 the higher radius of the ring space
+		//! \returns whether it was possible to find a solution for the given
+		//! \returns ring space.
 		bool findRings (double r0, double r1);
-		//! @returns the solution that was considered best. Returns @c null
-		//! @returns if no suitable solution was found.
-		//! @see @c RingFinder::Solution::isSuperiorTo()
+		//! \returns the solution that was considered best. Returns \c null
+		//! \returns if no suitable solution was found.
+		//! \see \c RingFinder::Solution::isSuperiorTo()
 		inline const Solution* bestSolution()
 			return m_bestSolution;
-		//! @returns all found solutions. The list is empty if no solutions
-		//! @returns were found.
+		//! \returns all found solutions. The list is empty if no solutions
+		//! \returns were found.
 		inline const QVector<Solution>& allSolutions() const
 			return m_solutions;
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 		const Solution*   m_bestSolution;
 		int               m_stack;
-		//! Helper function for @c findRings
+		//! Helper function for \c findRings
 		bool findRingsRecursor (double r0, double r1, Solution& currentSolution);
