2017-01-30 Teemu Piippo Removed some unnecessary #include-directives. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2017! file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Moved the identity matrix constant into Matrix's namespace file | diff | annotate
2016-11-18 Teemu Piippo Cleaned up crash catcher, fixed missing <math.h> include file | diff | annotate
2016-02-17 Teemu Piippo Removed unneeded includes from main.cpp file | diff | annotate
2016-02-17 Teemu Piippo Moved PreferredLicenseText into HierarchyElement and made the config pointer be passed to LDPaths. Now I can finally remove the Config global pointer. file | diff | annotate
2016-02-15 Teemu Piippo Transformed primitive management into a new class PrimitiveManager that is a member of MainWindow file | diff | annotate
2016-02-14 Teemu Piippo Renamed ConfigurationValueBag to Configuration and added a pointer to it into HierarchyElement. This helps with the fight against global variables. file | diff | annotate
2016-01-01 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2016! file | diff | annotate
2015-11-18 Teemu Piippo It worx again! file | diff | annotate
2015-10-03 Teemu Piippo Now compiles again file | diff | annotate
2015-09-21 Teemu Piippo LDVertexObject stuff (ultimately not worth it) file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo Removed the exiting hacks file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo null -> nullptr file | diff | annotate
2015-08-31 Teemu Piippo Now doesn't crash anymore file | diff | annotate
2015-08-31 Teemu Piippo Now compiles and links but crashes shortly after startup. file | diff | annotate
2015-08-31 Teemu Piippo Commit configuration rework (doesn't work yet, more than most probably doesn't compile either) file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2015 file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Rename MainWindow files file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Removed all asserts from the code. Removed assert handling and the bomb box dialog. file | diff | annotate
2015-08-29 Teemu Piippo Refactor LDrawPathDialog and LDPaths file | diff | annotate
2015-08-29 Teemu Piippo Rename all .cc files to .cpp files. file | diff | annotate | base
2015-07-07 Teemu Piippo Refactoring update. file | diff | annotate
2015-03-04 Teemu Piippo - commit work done on projects projects file | diff | annotate
2015-03-03 Teemu Piippo - renamed .cc files to .cpp file | diff | annotate | base
2013-12-12 Santeri Piippo - LDFile renamed to LDDocument, file.h -> document.h file | diff | annotate
2013-10-18 Santeri Piippo Added a crash catcher which trigger under Linux. It calls GDB and tries to get a backtrace. Also integrated assertion failure handling to this new system. Removed the print() function in the process (because the new bomb box uses a text edit and QTextDocuments's print method clashes with the macro and I figured it was a good idea to rid it anyway) and replaced all calls with log(). file | diff | annotate
2013-10-16 Santeri Piippo Removed the List -> QList alias, use QList directly file | diff | annotate
2013-10-05 Santeri Piippo further cleansing - removed most uses of unsigned ints, removed list reversers file | diff | annotate
2013-10-05 Santeri Piippo a bit more cleanup file | diff | annotate
2013-10-03 Santeri Piippo last code reformatting i swear file | diff | annotate
2013-08-21 Santeri Piippo more changes. Spawn the config prompt on first start, on the profile tab. gl_colorbfc and gl_blackedges now default to false. file | diff | annotate
2013-08-20 Santeri Piippo - added "Go to line" action, renamed the config classes to proper camelcase file | diff | annotate
2013-08-18 Santeri Piippo Rewrote stud logo support, restructuring inlining stuff in the process. Logoed studs must only be used for rendering scenes, otherwise they will for instance get inlined in and that's not desired, or the vertex snapper will catch onto the logo's coordinates. file | diff | annotate
2013-08-18 Santeri Piippo Code formatting: use same separators everywhere, remove extra spaces from license headers, simplified message manager api a bit file | diff | annotate
2013-08-06 Santeri Piippo corrected problems with the version string file | diff | annotate
2013-08-06 Santeri Piippo Converted configuration code to use QSettings. file | diff | annotate
2013-08-02 Santeri Piippo style cleanup - it should be all unified now file | diff | annotate
2013-07-31 Santeri Piippo Renamed LDOpenFile to LDFile file | diff | annotate
2013-07-30 Santeri Piippo Renamed vector to List, changed it to wrap around std::deque. file | diff | annotate
2013-07-15 Santeri Piippo Multiple file support works now! woo! file | diff | annotate
2013-07-15 Santeri Piippo restructure; removed g_BBox file | diff | annotate
2013-07-15 Santeri Piippo Made the pointer to current file a private member of an anonymous shell class, thus getting accessors file | diff | annotate
2013-07-09 Santeri Piippo Fixed compilation under windows/qt5 file | diff | annotate
2013-07-04 Santeri Piippo Re-added the message log, now draws into the viewport file | diff | annotate
2013-07-02 Santeri Piippo Show values in file opening prompt file | diff | annotate
2013-06-21 Santeri Piippo Added license header to primitives.cpp file | diff | annotate
2013-06-15 Santeri Piippo Moved primitive handling to new code files file | diff | annotate
2013-06-15 Santeri Piippo Added primitive scanning, replaced parts list in subfile add dialog with it file | diff | annotate
2013-06-14 Santeri Piippo Nuked parts.lst parsing, that was stupid file | diff | annotate
2013-06-14 Santeri Piippo Converted from C-style fopen to the new File class file | diff | annotate
2013-06-14 Santeri Piippo Added a File type that wraps around QFile and provides stuff like a null file and range-for-iterating file | diff | annotate
2013-06-14 Santeri Piippo Converted to 16-bit strings.. again file | diff | annotate
2013-06-10 Santeri Piippo Laid down the foundations of the new history system file | diff | annotate
2013-05-27 Santeri Piippo Added ability to snap to pre-existing vertices while drawing, added changelog file | diff | annotate
2013-05-23 Santeri Piippo Replace direct abort() calls with fatal() in String methods file | diff | annotate
2013-05-21 Santeri Piippo Added fatal error message box for the.. fatal stuff. Windows isn't really good at conveying error messages, converted actions into a C-style array because I've had a ton of problems with the vector approach (it gets zeroed when it shouldn't be..) file | diff | annotate
2013-05-21 Santeri Piippo Renamed the OpenFile class to LDOpenFile as MinGW doesn't appear to like the former name file | diff | annotate
2013-05-19 Santeri Piippo Show the version info in the about dialog properly file | diff | annotate
2013-05-11 Santeri Piippo Readded BFC red-green view, although determining inversion isn't always correct and it cannot handle CW-certified files... file | diff | annotate
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