2017-02-09 Teemu Piippo Created a new GLRenderer derivative class "Canvas" and made MainWindow use it file | diff | annotate
2017-02-08 Teemu Piippo Cleaned up code in LDDocument and removed unnecessary flags and methods. Flags turned into bools. file | diff | annotate
2017-02-08 Teemu Piippo Removed some unused code file | diff | annotate
2017-02-08 Teemu Piippo LDGLData merged into GLRenderer since it only deals with one document now. GLRenderer generalised from rendering documents to models. file | diff | annotate
2017-02-08 Teemu Piippo Made a new renderer be created for each document, instead of reusing the same renderer for all documents. file | diff | annotate
2017-02-04 Teemu Piippo The current document pointer may no longer be null. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-30 Teemu Piippo Removed some unnecessary #include-directives. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-30 Teemu Piippo Removed LDDocument::getObjectCount (superceded by Model::size) file | diff | annotate
2017-01-29 Teemu Piippo More rework on model stuff, removals of LDSpawn calls. Most importantly, the LDraw code parsing function was moved to Model. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-29 Teemu Piippo Made the quad→triangles use emplacement. However, now it crashes because of problems in the underlying system (the LDObject constructor shouldn't do anything in regard to the model!) file | diff | annotate
2017-01-29 Teemu Piippo Major overhaul of object→document relationship: added the Model class which models the object buffer. Each object is to be included in a model (an invariant that currently does not hold). A document is a subclass of a model. The LDObject is also now agnostic about selection, and the selection is now a set. A lot of things are probably broken now but it's a major step forward. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2017! file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Reworked the Matrix interface so that less index math is involved file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Actually, let's call it countof(). Makes more sense. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Replaced '.length()' with 'length()' where appropriate file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Replaced uses of 'x.size()' with 'length(x)' file | diff | annotate
2016-11-15 Teemu Piippo Unabbreviate "transform" to "transformationMatrix" file | diff | annotate
2016-05-08 Teemu Piippo Replaced the ugly for_enum macro with a generator class file | diff | annotate
2016-02-17 Teemu Piippo removed removeDuplicates in favor of QSet, and the unused ObjectList class file | diff | annotate
2016-02-14 Teemu Piippo Renamed ConfigurationValueBag to Configuration and added a pointer to it into HierarchyElement. This helps with the fight against global variables. file | diff | annotate
2016-02-13 Teemu Piippo Added triangle count to viewport, added compile-time line length check file | diff | annotate
2016-01-01 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2016! file | diff | annotate
2015-10-24 Teemu Piippo Rename LDSubfile to LDSubfileReference file | diff | annotate
2015-10-04 Teemu Piippo Bézier curves are now parsed correctly file | diff | annotate
2015-10-03 Teemu Piippo Now compiles again file | diff | annotate
2015-09-22 Teemu Piippo Commit work done on document manager. Happy 3rd birthday LDForge! file | diff | annotate
2015-09-21 Teemu Piippo LDVertexObject stuff (ultimately not worth it) file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo Split PartDownloadRequest into its own file file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo Refactor PartDownloader file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo Refactor LDObject API file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo Remove "!= nullptr" expressions file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo null -> nullptr file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo Refactor edit history file | diff | annotate
2015-09-05 Teemu Piippo Refactor MainWindow's API file | diff | annotate
2015-09-05 Teemu Piippo Split LDFileLoader (now LDDocumentLoader) into its own files file | diff | annotate
2015-09-05 Teemu Piippo Refactor LDDocument's API file | diff | annotate
2015-09-05 Teemu Piippo Make documents members of the main window file | diff | annotate
2015-08-31 Teemu Piippo Now compiles and links but crashes shortly after startup. file | diff | annotate
2015-08-31 Teemu Piippo Commit configuration rework (doesn't work yet, more than most probably doesn't compile either) file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2015 file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo elif -> else if file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Replaced Min/Max/Clamp/Abs with use of Qt versions of them. file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Rename MainWindow files file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Remove the vertex object type file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Removed all asserts from the code. Removed assert handling and the bomb box dialog. file | diff | annotate
2015-08-30 Teemu Piippo Refactor OpenProgressDialog out of dialogs.cpp file | diff | annotate
2015-08-29 Teemu Piippo Refactor the new part dialog into a new class file | diff | annotate
2015-08-29 Teemu Piippo Refactor LDrawPathDialog and LDPaths file | diff | annotate
2015-08-29 Teemu Piippo Rename all .cc files to .cpp files. file | diff | annotate | base
2015-07-07 Teemu Piippo Refactoring update. file | diff | annotate
2015-03-03 Teemu Piippo - renamed .cc files to .cpp file | diff | annotate | base
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