better representation of fractions and large numbers

The border between the canvas and left tool box is now resizable

fixed minimum values

refactor cylinder generation

reworked primitive generator

added support for new style primitive names

fixed rendering artifacts

fixed wording

added comment

added categories for 8/ and 48/ torii

more work on 8-primitives

Added support for 8-primitives


some python cleanup

improved formatting of generated configuration code

MainWindow now stores its state in the config file so its state and geometry is preserved across instances

removed another unused class

removed unused include

replaced remaining DIRSLASH, Dirname and Basename uses with Qt file info stuff

used Qt file info stuff in the auto-subfiler

Used more Qt file info stuff

rewrote LDDocument::shortenName using Qt stuff

merged mathfunctions.cpp into algorithms/geometry.cpp

added comment

Happy new year 2018

Use 4 points of precision for circle point coordinates

roundToDecimals no longer needs an lvalue. applyToMatrix removed.

Config is now a namespace

renamed sink() to singleton()

used squared()

(0) -1000 -300 -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 tip
