Fri, 10 May 2013 21:45:36 +0300 Santeri Piippo Added tool for replacing coordinate values file | diff | annotate
Fri, 10 May 2013 17:39:56 +0300 Santeri Piippo Rewrote the string class with a simpler version. The old one was more than probably leaking water like a boat with an elephant on board... file | diff | annotate
Thu, 09 May 2013 03:58:51 +0300 Santeri Piippo Make quick color toolbar use QToolButtons, make color selector's process of making color icons a method and use that for generic color icons file | diff | annotate
Wed, 08 May 2013 15:19:06 +0300 Santeri Piippo Moved source files to src/, removed zz_ prefix off dialog files. file | diff | annotate
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