2018-03-24 Teemu Piippo merged mathfunctions.cpp into algorithms/geometry.cpp file | diff | annotate
2018-03-24 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2018 file | diff | annotate
2018-03-24 Teemu Piippo Config is now a namespace file | diff | annotate
2018-02-22 Santeri Piippo Converted magic wand mode and other selection stuff to mvc file | diff | annotate
2018-01-04 Santeri Piippo happy new year 2018 file | diff | annotate
2018-01-04 Santeri Piippo fix paren style file | diff | annotate
2017-03-05 Teemu Piippo Grid is now a namespace. file | diff | annotate
2017-03-05 Teemu Piippo MathFunctions is now a namespace. file | diff | annotate
2017-03-05 Teemu Piippo NewPartDialog is no longer a HierarchyElement. file | diff | annotate
2017-03-05 Teemu Piippo GuiUtilities is now a namespace. file | diff | annotate
2017-03-05 Teemu Piippo Made configuration a global singleton. I think I can give in at least that much because it makes solving a lot of problems easier. file | diff | annotate
2017-02-23 Teemu Piippo At long last, the g_win pointer has been removed. Down with global variables! file | diff | annotate
2017-02-08 Teemu Piippo Made a new renderer be created for each document, instead of reusing the same renderer for all documents. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-30 Teemu Piippo Removed some unnecessary #include-directives. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-29 Teemu Piippo Major overhaul of object→document relationship: added the Model class which models the object buffer. Each object is to be included in a model (an invariant that currently does not hold). A document is a subclass of a model. The LDObject is also now agnostic about selection, and the selection is now a set. A lot of things are probably broken now but it's a major step forward. file | diff | annotate
2017-01-28 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2017! file | diff | annotate
2016-02-17 Teemu Piippo Moved PreferredLicenseText into HierarchyElement and made the config pointer be passed to LDPaths. Now I can finally remove the Config global pointer. file | diff | annotate
2016-02-16 Teemu Piippo Moved rotation point handling to ldObjectMath.cpp and encapsulated it into new class MathFunctions file | diff | annotate
2016-02-16 Teemu Piippo Split grid stuff into a new class Grid in grid.cpp/grid.h file | diff | annotate
2016-02-15 Teemu Piippo Transformed primitive management into a new class PrimitiveManager that is a member of MainWindow file | diff | annotate
2016-02-14 Teemu Piippo Renamed ConfigurationValueBag to Configuration and added a pointer to it into HierarchyElement. This helps with the fight against global variables. file | diff | annotate
2016-01-01 Teemu Piippo Happy new year 2016! file | diff | annotate
2015-11-18 Teemu Piippo It worx again! file | diff | annotate
2015-10-04 Teemu Piippo Copyright header fix, some minor stuff file | diff | annotate
2015-09-22 Teemu Piippo Commit work done on document manager. Happy 3rd birthday LDForge! file | diff | annotate
2015-09-06 Teemu Piippo Remove "!= nullptr" expressions file | diff | annotate
2015-09-05 Teemu Piippo Make documents members of the main window file | diff | annotate
2015-08-31 Teemu Piippo Added a GuiUtilities class to contain useful non-MainWindow-related GUI functions file | diff | annotate
2015-08-31 Teemu Piippo Now doesn't crash anymore file | diff | annotate
2015-08-31 Teemu Piippo Commit configuration rework (doesn't work yet, more than most probably doesn't compile either) file | diff | annotate
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