2015-02-21 Teemu Piippo - removed the vertex object file | diff | annotate
2015-02-21 Teemu Piippo - bump copyright year file | diff | annotate
2014-11-05 Teemu Piippo - bfc stuff (at least it works now...) experimental file | diff | annotate
2014-09-08 Teemu Piippo - re-committed bfc work (this makes 903ec1e46298 a suitable common ancestor for experimental branch features) experimental file | diff | annotate
2014-09-08 Teemu Piippo - backed out work done on bfc (re-committing later) experimental file | diff | annotate
2014-09-07 Teemu Piippo - commit work done on bfc support experimental file | diff | annotate
2014-09-06 Teemu Piippo - fixed documentless objects being selected on document close file | diff | annotate
2014-08-06 Teemu Piippo - major identifier renaming file | diff | annotate
2014-08-04 Teemu Piippo - more refactor, updated .hgignore file | diff | annotate
2014-07-28 Santeri Piippo - fixed compilation on windows systems file | diff | annotate
2014-07-26 Teemu Piippo - refactoring file | diff | annotate
2014-07-26 Teemu Piippo - refactor file | diff | annotate
2014-07-16 Teemu Piippo - changed copyright lines to use my legal name instead of my nickname file | diff | annotate
2014-07-16 Teemu Piippo - moved LDMatrixObject to be an abstract class deriving from LDObject. LDSubfile only inherits from LDMatrixObject. file | diff | annotate
2014-07-13 Teemu Piippo - reimplemented vertex tracking using a method similar to what the GL compiler uses file | diff | annotate
2014-06-16 Santeri Piippo - refactor. got rid of the LDSharedVertex nonsense, fixed up split lines action file | diff | annotate
2014-06-14 Santeri Piippo - changed all color usage to use LDColor classes instead of color indices. Added support for direct colors. file | diff | annotate
2014-06-03 Santeri Piippo - String -> QString file | diff | annotate
2014-06-02 Santeri Piippo - made select by color/type no longer require uniform selection file | diff | annotate
2014-06-02 Santeri Piippo - LDObject::Type moved back to global namespace file | diff | annotate
2014-06-02 Santeri Piippo - removed code rendered unnecessary file | diff | annotate
2014-06-02 Santeri Piippo - made LDDocument use shared pointers, this eliminates a lot of document-related crashes file | diff | annotate
2014-05-21 Santeri Piippo - selecting an invertnext'd object now also selects the invertnext file | diff | annotate
2014-05-16 Santeri Piippo - use a faster ID choosing setup, this should work so long as nobody goes to create 17 million objects file | diff | annotate
2014-05-16 Santeri Piippo - hopefully stabilized the entire shared pointers deal now file | diff | annotate
2014-05-15 Santeri Piippo - improved shared pointer behavior, still not there yet file | diff | annotate
2014-05-09 Santeri Piippo - initial overhaul with smart pointers file | diff | annotate
2014-05-05 Santeri Piippo - slight refactor in ldobject methods file | diff | annotate
2014-05-02 Santeri Piippo - added a macro for adding operator++ and operator-- to enums, less cast hell this way file | diff | annotate
2014-04-27 Santeri Piippo - removed some relics from the old immediate mode renderer file | diff | annotate
2014-04-27 Santeri Piippo - type-aliased QString to String file | diff | annotate
2014-04-23 Santeri Piippo - reimplemented the Vertex class as a derivative of QVector3D file | diff | annotate
2014-04-22 Santeri Piippo - added ability to draw with random colors file | diff | annotate
2014-04-18 Santeri Piippo - reimplemented vertex snapping file | diff | annotate
2014-03-29 Santeri Piippo Merge ../ldforge into gl file | diff | annotate
2014-03-29 Santeri Piippo - renamed files to camelCase file | diff | annotate
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