Thu, 29 Mar 2018 12:09:05 +0300
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/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2015 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include "parser.h" static const char* TokenNames[] = { "if", "then", "else", "endif", "endmacro", "macro", "for", "while", "done", "do", "==", "<=", ">=", "&&", "||", "!=", ":", ";", ".", ",", "=", "<", ">", "?", "{", "}", "[", "]", "(", ")", "-", "+", "*", "/", "\\", "&", "^", "|", "!", "@", "#", "~", "`", "%", "<variable>", "<string>", "<symbol>", "<number>", "<any>", }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Script::Parser::Parser(QString text) : m_script(text) {} // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Script::Parser::~Parser() {} // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Script::Parser::parse() { preprocess(); m_state.reset(); m_astRoot = Ast::spawnRoot(); while (next()) { if (m_state.token.type == TOK_Semicolon) continue; tokenMustBe (TOK_Macro); mustGetNext (TOK_Symbol); Ast::MacroPointer macroAst = Ast::spawn<Ast::MacroNode> (m_astRoot, state().token.text); mustGetNext (TOK_Semicolon); do { mustGetNext(); } while (m_state.token.type != TOK_EndMacro); } m_astRoot->dump(); } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Script::Parser::preprocess() { bool inString = false; bool inComment = false; bool inBackslash = false; int ln = 1; int pos = 0; // Preprocess for (QChar qch : m_script) { char ch = qch.toAscii(); if (not inComment and not inString and ch == '\0') scriptError ("bad character %1 in script text on line %2", qch, ln); if (not inString) { if (ch == '\\') { inBackslash = true; continue; } if (inBackslash and ch != '\n') scriptError ("misplaced backslash on line %1", ln); } if (ch == '"') inString ^= 1; if (ch == '\n') { if (inString) scriptError ("unterminated string on line %1", ln); if (not inBackslash) { m_data.append (';'); m_data.append ('\n'); pos += 2; inComment = false; m_lineEndings << pos; ++ln; } else inBackslash = false; continue; } if (ch == '#' and not inString) { inComment = true; continue; } if (not inComment) { m_data.append (ch); ++pos; } } } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // namespace Script { class UnexpectedEOF : public std::exception { const char* what() const throw() { return "unexpected EOF"; } }; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // char Script::Parser::read() { if (m_state.position >= m_data.length()) throw UnexpectedEOF(); char ch = m_data[m_state.position]; m_state.position++; if (m_state.position == m_lineEndings[m_state.lineNumber]) m_state.lineNumber++; return ch; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Script::Parser::unread() { if (m_state.position <= 0) return; if (m_state.lineNumber > 0 and m_state.position == m_lineEndings[m_state.lineNumber - 1]) { m_state.lineNumber--; } m_state.position--; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Takes a hexadecimal character and returns its numerical value. It is assumed that isxdigit(xd) // is true (if not, result is undefined). // int parseXDigit (char xd) { if (xd >= 'a') return xd - 'a'; if (xd >= 'A') return xd - 'A'; return xd - '0'; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool Script::Parser::next (TokenType desiredType) { State oldpos = state(); Token oldtoken = m_state.token; if (not getNextToken()) return false; if (desiredType != TOK_Any and m_state.token.type != desiredType) { // Did not find the token we wanted, revert back m_rejectedToken = m_state.token; m_state.token = oldtoken; setState (oldpos); return false; } return true; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool Script::Parser::getNextToken() { try { m_state.token.text.clear(); m_state.token.number = 0; m_state.token.real = 0.0; skipSpace(); const char* data = m_data.constData() + m_state.position; // Does this character start one of our tokens? for (int tt = 0; tt <= LastNamedToken; ++tt) { if (strncmp (data, TokenNames[tt], strlen (TokenNames[tt])) != 0) continue; m_state.position += strlen (TokenNames[tt]); m_state.token.text = QString::fromAscii (TokenNames[tt]); m_state.token.type = TokenType (tt); return true; } // Check for number if (parseNumber()) return true; // Check for string if (*data == '"') { read(); parseString(); return true; } // Check for variable if (*data == '$') { read(); m_state.token.text = parseIdentifier(); m_state.token.type = TOK_Variable; return true; } // Must be a symbol of some sort then m_state.token.text = parseIdentifier(); m_state.token.type = TOK_Symbol; } catch (UnexpectedEOF) { return false; } return true; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool Script::Parser::parseNumber() { State pos = state(); char ch = read(); unread(); QString numberString; if (not isdigit (ch) and ch != '.') { setState (pos); return false; } int base = 10; bool gotDot = false; if (tryMatch ("0x", false)) base = 16; elif (tryMatch ("0b", false)) base = 2; int (*checkFunc)(int) = base == 16 ? isxdigit : isdigit; for (int n = 0; not isspace (ch = read()); ++n) { if (n == 0 && ch == '0') base = 8; if (ch == '.') { if (gotDot) scriptError ("multiple dots in numeric literal"); // If reading numbers like 0.1234 where the first number is zero, the parser // will initially think the number is octal so we must take that into account here. // Note that even if you have numbers like 05.612, it will still be decimal. if (base != 10 and base != 8) scriptError ("real number constant must be decimal"); base = 10; gotDot = true; } else if (checkFunc (ch)) { if (base <= 10 and (ch - '0') >= base) scriptError ("bad base-%1 numeric literal", base); numberString += ch; } else if (isalpha (ch)) scriptError ("invalid digit %1 in literal", ch); else break; } unread(); bool ok; if (gotDot) { // Floating point number m_state.token.real = numberString.toFloat (&ok); m_state.token.number = m_state.token.real; } else { // Integral number m_state.token.number = numberString.toInt (&ok, base); m_state.token.real = m_state.token.number; } if (ok == false) scriptError ("invalid numeric literal '%1'", numberString); m_state.token.text = numberString; m_state.token.type = TOK_Number; return true; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Script::Parser::scriptError (QString text) { throw ParseError (text); } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Checks whether the parser is at the beginning of the given string in the code. The string is // expected not to have newlines. If true, the parser jumps over the text. // bool Script::Parser::tryMatch (const char* text, bool caseSensitive) { assert (strstr (text, "\n") == NULL); const char* data = m_data.constData() + m_state.position; int (*func) (const char*, const char*) = caseSensitive ? &strcmp : &strcasecmp; if ((*func) (data, text) == 0) { m_state.position += strlen (text); return true; } return false; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QString Script::Parser::parseEscapeSequence() { char ch = read(); QString result; switch (ch) { case '"': result += "\""; break; case 'n': result += "\n"; break; case 't': result += "\t"; break; case '\\': result += "\\"; break; case 'x': case 'X': { char n1 = read(); char n2 = read(); if (not isxdigit(n1) or not isxdigit(n2)) scriptError ("bad hexa-decimal character \\x%1%2", n1, n2); unsigned char num = parseXDigit(n1) * 16 + parseXDigit(n2); result += char (num); } break; default: scriptError ("unknown escape sequence \\%1", ch); } return result; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Script::Parser::parseString() { m_state.token.type = TOK_String; m_state.token.text.clear(); try { char ch; while ((ch = read()) != '"') { if (ch == '\\') m_state.token.text += parseEscapeSequence(); else m_state.token.text += ch; } } catch (UnexpectedEOF) { scriptError ("unterminated string"); } } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Script::Parser::skipSpace() { while (isspace (read())) ; unread(); } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Script::Parser::mustGetNext (TokenType desiredType) { if (not next (desiredType)) { scriptError ("Expected %1, got %2", TokenNames[m_rejectedToken.type], TokenNames[desiredType]); } } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // bool Script::Parser::peekNext (Token& tok) { State pos = state(); if (next (TOK_Any)) { tok = m_state.token; setState (pos); return true; } return false; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Script::Parser::setState (const State& pos) { m_state = pos; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QString Script::Parser::parseIdentifier() { char ch; QString identifier; while (not isspace (ch = read())) { if (isalnum (ch) == false and ch != '_') break; identifier += QChar::fromAscii (ch); } unread(); return identifier; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void Script::Parser::tokenMustBe (TokenType desiredType) { if (m_state.token.type != desiredType) { scriptError ("expected %1, got %2", TokenNames[desiredType], TokenNames[m_state.token.type]); } }