Fri, 18 Oct 2013 17:57:42 +0300
Fixed: LDForge would sometimes crash over unitialized data in the GL renderer. This crash sure eluded me for a while. Turned out zoomToFit(), which uses m_width and m_height is called before resizeGL() which initializes these variables. This data is used in an operator new[] call.
###################################################################### # Automatically generated by qmake (2.01a) Sat Sep 22 17:29:49 2012 ###################################################################### TEMPLATE = app TARGET = ldforge SUBDIRS += ./src TARGET = ldforge DEPENDPATH += . INCLUDEPATH += . ./build/ RC_FILE = ldforge.rc RESOURCES = ldforge.qrc RCC_DIR = ./build/ OBJECTS_DIR = ./build/ MOC_DIR = ./build/ RCC_DIR = ./build/ UI_DIR = ./build/ SOURCES = src/*.cpp HEADERS = src/*.h FORMS = ui/*.ui QT += opengl network QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x CONFIG += debug_and_release CONFIG (debug, debug|release) { TARGET = ldforge_debug } else { TARGET = ldforge } unix { LIBS += -lGLU }