Thu, 20 Jun 2019 08:54:35 +0300
uuid things
#pragma once #include <array> namespace detail { template<typename T, typename Vt> constexpr bool oneOfCompare(const T& value, Vt *first, Vt *last) { return (first == last) ? false : (*first) == value ? true : detail::oneOfCompare(value, first + 1, last); } template<typename Vt, std::size_t N> struct OneOfClass { std::array<Vt, N> parameters; template<typename... Ts> constexpr OneOfClass(Ts&&... parameters) : parameters {{parameters...}} {} template<typename T> constexpr bool operator==(const T& value) const { return detail::oneOfCompare(value, ¶meters[0], ¶meters[N]); } template<typename T> constexpr bool operator!=(const T& value) const { return !(*this == value); } template<typename T> constexpr friend bool operator==(const T& value, const OneOfClass<Vt, N>& array) { return array == value; } template<typename T> constexpr friend bool operator!=(const T& value, const OneOfClass<Vt, N>& array) { return array != value; } }; }; /* * Returns such an object that compares equal to some value if and only if any of the parameters do. * Example: (x == any(1, 2, 3)) is equivalent to (x == 1 || x == 2 || x == 3) other than the lack of lazy-evaluation */ template<typename... Ts> constexpr auto oneOf(Ts&&... parameters) { using Vt = typename std::common_type<Ts...>::type; return detail::OneOfClass<Vt, sizeof...(Ts)>({parameters...}); } static_assert(oneOf(1,2,3) == 3, "oneOf unit test"); static_assert(oneOf(1,2,3) != 5, "oneOf unit test"); static_assert(3 == oneOf(1,2,3), "oneOf unit test"); static_assert(5 != oneOf(1,2,3), "oneOf unit test");