Tue, 30 Jul 2013 21:22:47 +0300
primitive generator: added support for multiple spaces before primitive numbers, add "Hi-Res" to the names of 48/ primitives
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef TYPES_H #define TYPES_H #include <QString> #include <QObject> #include <deque> #include "common.h" class LDObject; typedef QChar qchar; typedef QString str; template<class T> class ConstListReverser; template<class T> using c_rev = ConstListReverser<T>; class strconfig; class intconfig; class floatconfig; class QFile; class QTextStream; typedef unsigned int uint; typedef unsigned short ushort; typedef unsigned long ulong; // Typedef out the _t suffices :) typedef int8_t int8; typedef int16_t int16; typedef int32_t int32; typedef int64_t int64; typedef uint8_t uint8; typedef uint16_t uint16; typedef uint32_t uint32; typedef uint64_t uint64; template<class T> using initlist = std::initializer_list<T>; template<class T, class R> using pair = std::pair<T, R>; using std::size_t; enum Axis { X, Y, Z }; static const Axis g_Axes[3] = { X, Y, Z }; // ============================================================================= // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // ============================================================================= // matrix // // A mathematical 3 x 3 matrix // ============================================================================= class matrix { public: matrix () {} matrix (initlist<double> vals); matrix (double fillval); matrix (double vals[]); double determinant () const; matrix mult (matrix other) const; void puts () const; str stringRep () const; void zero (); double& val (const uint idx) { return m_vals[idx]; } const double& val (const uint idx) const { return m_vals[idx]; } matrix& operator= (matrix other); matrix operator* (matrix other) const { return mult (other); } double& operator[] (const uint idx) { return m_vals[idx]; } const double& operator[] (const uint idx) const { return m_vals[idx]; } private: double m_vals[9]; }; // ============================================================================= // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // ============================================================================= // vertex // // Vertex class, contains a single point in 3D space. Not to be confused with // LDVertex, which is a vertex used in an LDraw part file. // ============================================================================= class vertex { public: vertex () {} vertex (double x, double y, double z); double& coord (const ushort n) { return m_coords[n]; } const double& coord (const ushort n) const { return m_coords[n]; } vertex midpoint (const vertex& other); void move (const vertex& other); str stringRep (bool mangled) const; void transform (matrix matr, vertex pos); double& x () { return m_coords[X]; } const double& x () const { return m_coords[X]; } double& y () { return m_coords[Y]; } const double& y () const { return m_coords[Y]; } double& z () { return m_coords[Z]; } const double& z () const { return m_coords[Z]; } vertex& operator+= (const vertex& other); vertex operator+ (const vertex& other) const; vertex operator/ (const double d) const; vertex& operator/= (const double d); bool operator== (const vertex& other) const; bool operator!= (const vertex& other) const; vertex operator- () const; int operator< (const vertex& other) const; double& operator[] (const Axis ax); const double& operator[] (const Axis ax) const; double& operator[] (const int ax); const double& operator[] (const int ax) const; private: double m_coords[3]; }; // ============================================================================= // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // ============================================================================= // List // // Array class that wraps around std::deque // ============================================================================= template<class T> class List { public: typedef typename std::deque<T>::iterator it; typedef typename std::deque<T>::const_iterator c_it; typedef typename std::deque<T>::reverse_iterator r_it; typedef typename std::deque<T>::const_reverse_iterator cr_it; List () {} List (initlist<T> vals) { m_vect = vals; } it begin () { return m_vect.begin (); } c_it begin () const { return m_vect.cbegin (); } it end () { return m_vect.end (); } c_it end () const { return m_vect.cend (); } r_it rbegin () { return m_vect.rbegin (); } cr_it crbegin () const { return m_vect.crbegin (); } r_it rend () { return m_vect.rend (); } cr_it crend () const { return m_vect.crend (); } void erase (ulong pos) { assert (pos < size ()); m_vect.erase (m_vect.begin () + pos); } T& push_back (const T& value) { m_vect.push_back (value); return m_vect[m_vect.size () - 1]; } void push_back (const List<T>& vals) { for (const T& val : vals) push_back (val); } bool pop (T& val) { if (size () == 0) return false; val = m_vect[size () - 1]; erase (size () - 1); return true; } T& operator<< (const T& value) { return push_back (value); } void operator<< (const List<T>& vals) { push_back (vals); } bool operator>> (T& value) { return pop (value); } List<T> reverse () const { List<T> rev; for (const T& val : c_rev<T> (*this)) rev << val; return rev; } void clear () { m_vect.clear (); } void insert (ulong pos, const T& value) { m_vect.insert (m_vect.begin () + pos, value); } void makeUnique () { // Remove duplicate entries. For this to be effective, the List must be // sorted first. sort (); it pos = std::unique (begin (), end ()); resize (std::distance (begin (), pos)); } ulong size () const { return m_vect.size (); } T& operator[] (ulong n) { assert (n < size ()); return m_vect[n]; } const T& operator[] (ulong n) const { assert (n < size ()); return m_vect[n]; } void resize (std::ptrdiff_t size) { m_vect.resize (size); } void sort () { std::sort (begin (), end ()); } ulong find (const T& needle) { ulong i = 0; for (const T& hay : *this) { if (hay == needle) return i; i++; } return -1u; } private: std::deque<T> m_vect; }; // ============================================================================= // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // ============================================================================= // ListReverser (aka rev) // // Helper class used to reverse-iterate Lists in range-for-loops. // ============================================================================= template<class T> class ListReverser { public: typedef typename List<T>::r_it it; ListReverser (List<T>& vect) { m_vect = &vect; } it begin () { return m_vect->rbegin (); } it end () { return m_vect->rend (); } private: List<T>* m_vect; }; // ============================================================================= // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // ============================================================================= // ConstListReverser (aka c_rev) // // Like ListReverser, except works on const Lists. // ============================================================================= template<class T> class ConstListReverser { public: typedef typename List<T>::cr_it it; ConstListReverser (const List<T>& vect) { m_vect = &vect; } it begin () const { return m_vect->crbegin (); } it end () const { return m_vect->crend (); } private: const List<T>* m_vect; }; template<class T> using rev = ListReverser<T>; template<class T> using c_rev = ConstListReverser<T>; // ============================================================================= // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // ============================================================================= // StringFormatArg // // Converts a given value into a string that can be retrieved with ::value (). // Used as the argument type to the formatting functions, hence its name. // ============================================================================= class StringFormatArg { public: StringFormatArg (const str& v); StringFormatArg (const char& v); StringFormatArg (const uchar& v); StringFormatArg (const qchar& v); #define NUMERIC_FORMAT_ARG(T,C) \ StringFormatArg (const T& v) { \ char valstr[32]; \ sprintf (valstr, "%" #C, v); \ m_val = valstr; \ } NUMERIC_FORMAT_ARG (int, d) NUMERIC_FORMAT_ARG (short, d) NUMERIC_FORMAT_ARG (long, ld) NUMERIC_FORMAT_ARG (uint, u) NUMERIC_FORMAT_ARG (ushort, u) NUMERIC_FORMAT_ARG (ulong, lu) StringFormatArg (const float& v); StringFormatArg (const double& v); StringFormatArg (const vertex& v); StringFormatArg (const matrix& v); StringFormatArg (const char* v); StringFormatArg (const strconfig& v); StringFormatArg (const intconfig& v); StringFormatArg (const floatconfig& v); StringFormatArg (const void* v); template<class T> StringFormatArg (const List<T>& v) { m_val = "{ "; uint i = 0; for (const T& it : v) { if (i++) m_val += ", "; StringFormatArg arg (it); m_val += arg.value (); } if (i) m_val += " "; m_val += "}"; } str value () const { return m_val; } private: str m_val; }; // ============================================================================= // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // ============================================================================= // File // // A file interface with simple interface and support for range-for-loops. // ============================================================================= class File { private: // Iterator class to enable range-for-loop support. Rough hack.. don't use directly! class iterator { public: iterator () : m_file (null) {} // end iterator has m_file == null iterator (File* f); void operator++ (); str operator* (); bool operator== (iterator& other); bool operator!= (iterator& other); private: File* m_file; str m_text; bool m_gotdata = false; }; public: enum OpenType { Read, Write, Append }; File (); File (str path, File::OpenType rtype); File (FILE* fp, File::OpenType rtype); ~File (); bool atEnd () const; iterator begin (); void close (); iterator& end (); bool flush (); bool isNull () const; bool readLine (str& line); void rewind (); bool open (FILE* fp, OpenType rtype); bool open (str path, OpenType rtype, FILE* fp = null); void write (str msg); bool operator! () const; operator bool () const; private: QFile* m_file; QTextStream* m_textstream; iterator m_endIterator; }; // ============================================================================= // LDBoundingBox // // The bounding box is the box that encompasses a given set of objects. // v0 is the minimum vertex, v1 is the maximum vertex. // ============================================================================= class LDBoundingBox { READ_PROPERTY (bool, empty, setEmpty) READ_PROPERTY (vertex, v0, setV0) READ_PROPERTY (vertex, v1, setV1) public: LDBoundingBox(); void reset(); void calculate(); double size() const; void calcObject (LDObject* obj); void calcVertex (const vertex& v); vertex center() const; LDBoundingBox& operator<< (LDObject* obj); LDBoundingBox& operator<< (const vertex& v); }; // Formatter function str DoFormat (List<StringFormatArg> args); // printf replacement void doPrint (File& f, initlist<StringFormatArg> args); void doPrint (FILE* f, initlist<StringFormatArg> args); // heh // log() - universal access to the message log. Defined here so that I don't have // to include messagelog.h here and recompile everything every time that file changes. void DoLog( std::initializer_list<StringFormatArg> args ); // Macros to access these functions # ifndef IN_IDE_PARSER #define fmt(...) DoFormat ({__VA_ARGS__}) # define print(...) doPrint (g_file_stdout, {__VA_ARGS__}) # define fprint(F, ...) doPrint (F, {__VA_ARGS__}) # define log(...) DoLog({ __VA_ARGS__ }); #else str fmt (const char* fmtstr, ...); void print (const char* fmtstr, ...); void fprint (File& f, const char* fmtstr, ...); void log( const char* fmtstr, ... ); #endif extern File g_file_stdout; extern File g_file_stderr; extern const vertex g_origin; // Vertex at (0, 0, 0) extern const matrix g_identity; // Identity matrix static const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846f; #endif // TYPES_H