Sat, 21 Dec 2013 02:19:32 +0200
- fixed configuration dialog not accepting values past 99.99 for grid angles
- fixed file loader figuring that a 4-4cyli.dat in a folder called "48" can be used as 4-4cyli.dat. s/ and 48/ folders now checked properly
You need Qt4 or Qt5 with OpenGL and networking support. On Debian and derivatives, e.g. Ubuntu, you'll need: sudo apt-get install build-essential libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl-dev libqt4-network You may also replace qt4 with qt5 in the above for Qt5. To compile: - enter the root directory - enter 'qmake' - enter 'make release' or 'make debug'. A release build is made by default. Troubleshooting: - src/gldraw.h:22:21: fatal error: QGLWidget: No such file or directory You are missing the OpenGL development package, on Debian and derivatives, this is libqt4-opengl-dev or libqt5-opengl-dev.