Fri, 13 Jul 2018 20:48:55 +0300
add const
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2018 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <QComboBox> #include <QPainter> #include <QPushButton> #include <QInputDialog> #include "colors.h" #include "guiutilities.h" #include "lddocument.h" #include "dialogs/colorselector.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "linetypes/modelobject.h" #include "linetypes/comment.h" #include "linetypes/circularprimitive.h" #include "dialogs/subfilereferenceeditor.h" #include "dialogs/circularprimitiveeditor.h" #include "widgets/vertexobjecteditor.h" GuiUtilities::GuiUtilities (QObject* parent) : QObject (parent), HierarchyElement (parent) {} /* * makeColorIcon * * Creates an icon to represent an LDraw color. */ QIcon makeColorIcon(LDColor color, int size) { QImage image {size, size, QImage::Format_ARGB32}; QPainter painter {&image}; QColor truecolor; if (color == MainColor) { // Use the user preferences for the main color. truecolor = config::mainColor(); truecolor.setAlphaF(config::mainColorAlpha()); } else { truecolor = color.faceColor(); } // Paint the icon border painter.fillRect(QRect {0, 0, size, size}, color.edgeColor()); // Paint the checkerboard background, visible with translucent icons painter.drawPixmap( QRect {1, 1, size - 2, size - 2}, MainWindow::getIcon("checkerboard"), QRect {0, 0, 8, 8} ); // Paint the color above the checkerboard painter.fillRect(QRect {1, 1, size - 2, size - 2}, truecolor); return {QPixmap::fromImage(image)}; } /* * fillUsedColorsToComboBox * * Fills the provided combo box with the colors used in the current document. */ void GuiUtilities::fillUsedColorsToComboBox (QComboBox* box) { QMap<LDColor, int> frequencies; for (LDObject* object : currentDocument()->objects()) { if (object->isColored() and object->color().isValid()) { if (not frequencies.contains(object->color())) frequencies[object->color()] = 1; else frequencies[object->color()] += 1; } } box->clear(); int row = 0; QMapIterator<LDColor, int> iterator {frequencies}; while (iterator.hasNext()) {; LDColor color = iterator.key(); int frequency = iterator.value(); QIcon icon = makeColorIcon(color, 16); box->addItem(icon, format("[%1] %2 (%3 object(s))", color.index(),, frequency)); box->setItemData(row, color.index()); ++row; } } /* * mainColorRepresentation * * Returns the user-preferred appearance for the main color. */ QColor GuiUtilities::mainColorRepresentation() { QColor result = {config::mainColor()}; if (result.isValid()) { result.setAlpha(config::mainColorAlpha() * 255.f); return result; } else { return QColor {0, 0, 0}; } } /* * loadQuickColorList * * Returns a list of contents for the color toolbar, based on configuration. */ QVector<ColorToolbarItem> GuiUtilities::loadQuickColorList() { QVector<ColorToolbarItem> colors; for (QString colorName : config::quickColorToolbar().split(":")) { if (colorName == "|") { colors << ColorToolbarItem::makeSeparator(); } else { LDColor color {colorName.toInt()}; if (color.isValid()) colors.append(ColorToolbarItem {color}); } } return colors; } void setColorButton(QPushButton* button, LDColor color) { if (color.isValid()) { button->setFlat(true); button->setText(; button->setStyleSheet(format("background-color: %1", color.hexcode())); button->setStyleSheet(format("color: %1", color.edgeColor().name())); } else { button->setFlat(false); button->setText(""); button->setStyleSheet(""); } } void editObject(MainWindow* parent, LDObject* object) { if (object->type() == LDObjectType::SubfileReference) { LDSubfileReference* reference = static_cast<LDSubfileReference*>(object); SubfileReferenceEditor editor {reference, parent}; editor.setPrimitivesTree(parent->primitives()); editor.exec(); } else if (object->type() == LDObjectType::CircularPrimitive) { LDCircularPrimitive* primitive = static_cast<LDCircularPrimitive*>(object); CircularPrimitiveEditor editor {primitive, parent}; editor.exec(); } else if (object->type() == LDObjectType::Comment) { LDComment* comment = static_cast<LDComment*>(object); comment->setText(QInputDialog::getText( parent, QObject::tr("Edit comment"), QObject::tr("Comment text:"), QLineEdit::Normal, comment->text() )); } else { VertexObjectEditor editor {object, parent}; editor.exec(); } }