Mon, 15 Jul 2013 22:25:00 +0300
Shortcuts are now properly loaded again
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 Santeri Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #ifndef GUI_H #define GUI_H #include <QMainWindow> #include <QAction> #include <QListWidget> #include <QRadioButton> #include "config.h" #include "ldtypes.h" class MessageManager; class ForgeWindow; class LDColor; class QToolButton; class QDialogButtonBox; class GLRenderer; class CheckBoxGroup; class QComboBox; class QProgressBar; class Ui_LDForgeUI; // Stuff for dialogs #define IMPLEMENT_DIALOG_BUTTONS \ bbx_buttons = new QDialogButtonBox (QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); \ connect (bbx_buttons, SIGNAL (accepted()), this, SLOT (accept())); \ connect (bbx_buttons, SIGNAL (rejected()), this, SLOT (reject())); \ // ============================================================================= // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // ============================================================================= #define DEFINE_ACTION(NAME, DEFSHORTCUT) \ cfg (keyseq, key_##NAME, DEFSHORTCUT); \ void actiondef_##NAME() #define ACTION(N) g_win->action##N() // Convenience macros for key sequences. #define KEY(N) (Qt::Key_##N) #define CTRL(N) (Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_##N) #define SHIFT(N) (Qt::SHIFT | Qt::Key_##N) #define CTRL_SHIFT(N) (Qt::CTRL | Qt::SHIFT | Qt::Key_##N) // ============================================================================= typedef struct { LDColor* col; QToolButton* btn; bool isSeparator; } quickColor; // ============================================================================= // ObjectList // // Object list class for ForgeWindow // ============================================================================= class ObjectList : public QListWidget { Q_OBJECT protected: void contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent* ev); }; // ============================================================================= // ForgeWindow // // The one main GUI class. Hosts the renderer, object list, message log. Contains // slot_action, which is what all actions connect to. Manages menus and toolbars. // Large and in charge. // ============================================================================= class ForgeWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: ForgeWindow(); void buildObjList(); void updateTitle(); void fullRefresh(); void refresh(); ulong getInsertionPoint(); void updateToolBars(); void updateRecentFilesMenu(); void updateSelection(); void updateGridToolBar(); void updateEditModeActions(); void updateFileList(); void updateFileListItem (LDOpenFile* f); bool isSelected (LDObject* obj); short getSelectedColor(); LDObject::Type uniformSelectedType(); void scrollToSelection(); void spawnContextMenu (const QPoint pos); void deleteObjVector (vector< LDObject* > objs); int deleteSelection(); void deleteByColor (const short int colnum); void save (LDOpenFile* f, bool saveAs); GLRenderer* R() { return m_renderer; } vector<LDObject*>& sel() { return m_sel; } void setQuickColorMeta (vector<quickColor>& quickColorMeta) { m_colorMeta = quickColorMeta; } void setStatusBarText (str text); void addMessage (str msg); Ui_LDForgeUI* interface() const; void beginAction(QAction* act); void endAction(); #define act(N) QAction* action##N(); #include "actions.h" public slots: void primitiveLoaderStart (ulong max); void primitiveLoaderUpdate (ulong prog); void primitiveLoaderEnd(); void clearSelection(); void slot_action(); protected: void closeEvent (QCloseEvent* ev); private: GLRenderer* m_renderer; QProgressBar* m_primLoaderBar; QWidget* m_primLoaderWidget; vector<LDObject*> m_sel; vector<quickColor> m_colorMeta; vector<QToolButton*> m_colorButtons; vector<QAction*> m_recentFiles; MessageManager* m_msglog; Ui_LDForgeUI* ui; void invokeAction (QAction* act, void (*func)()); private slots: void slot_selectionChanged(); void slot_recentFile(); void slot_quickColor(); void slot_lastSecondCleanup(); void slot_editObject (QListWidgetItem* listitem); }; #define INVOKE_ACTION(N) actiondef_##N(); #define act(N) void actiondef_##N(); #include "actions.h" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Pointer to the instance of ForgeWindow. extern ForgeWindow* g_win; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Other GUI-related stuff not directly part of ForgeWindow: QPixmap getIcon (str iconName); vector<quickColor> parseQuickColorMeta(); bool confirm (str title, str msg); bool confirm (str msg); void critical (str msg); QIcon makeColorIcon (LDColor* colinfo, const ushort size); void makeColorSelector (QComboBox* box); CheckBoxGroup* makeAxesBox(); QImage imageFromScreencap (uchar* data, ushort w, ushort h); // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Takes in pairs of radio buttons and respective values and returns the value of // the first found radio button that was checked. // ============================================================================= template<class T> T radioSwitch (const T& defval, vector<pair<QRadioButton*, T>> haystack) { for (pair<QRadioButton*, const T&> i : haystack) if (i.first->isChecked()) return i.second; return defval; } // ============================================================================= // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Takes in pairs of radio buttons and respective values and checks the first // found radio button to have the given value. // ============================================================================= template<class T> void radioDefault (const T& expr, vector<pair<QRadioButton*, T>> haystack) { for (pair<QRadioButton*, const T&> i : haystack) { if (i.second == expr) { i.first->setChecked (true); return; } } } #endif // GUI_H