Sun, 30 Aug 2015 15:01:10 +0300
Replaced Min/Max/Clamp/Abs with use of Qt versions of them.
Renamed the other utility functions.
#include <QDir> #include "ldpaths.h" #include "dialogs/ldrawpathdialog.h" CFGENTRY (String, LDrawPath, "") LDPaths::LDPaths (QObject* parent) : QObject (parent), m_dialog (nullptr) {} void LDPaths::checkPaths() { if (not configurePaths (cfg::LDrawPath)) { m_dialog = new LDrawPathDialog (cfg::LDrawPath, false); connect (m_dialog, SIGNAL (pathChanged(QString)), this, SLOT (configurePaths (QString))); if (not m_dialog->exec()) Exit(); else cfg::LDrawPath = m_dialog->path(); } } bool LDPaths::isValid (const QDir& dir) const { if (dir.exists() && dir.isReadable()) { QStringList mustHave = { "LDConfig.ldr", "parts", "p" }; QStringList contents = dir.entryList (mustHave); if (contents.size() == mustHave.size()) m_error = ""; else m_error = "Not an LDraw directory! Must<br />have LDConfig.ldr, parts/ and p/."; } else m_error = "Directory does not exist or is not readable."; return m_error.isEmpty(); } bool LDPaths::configurePaths (QString path) { QDir dir; (path); bool ok = isValid (dir); if (ok) { baseDir() = dir; ldConfigPath() = format ("%1" DIRSLASH "LDConfig.ldr", path); partsDir() = QDir (path + DIRSLASH "parts"); primitivesDir() = QDir (path + DIRSLASH "p"); } if (m_dialog) m_dialog->setStatusText (m_error.isEmpty() ? "OK" : m_error, ok); return ok; } QString& LDPaths::ldConfigPath() { static QString value; return value; } QDir& LDPaths::primitivesDir() { static QDir value; return value; } QDir& LDPaths::partsDir() { static QDir value; return value; } QDir& LDPaths::baseDir() { static QDir value; return value; }