Fri, 17 May 2013 11:53:28 +0300
Look for LDraw files in the part's directory first
#!/bin/bash QRCFILE=ldforge.qrc FILES=$(echo ./icons/*.* LICENSE) printf "" > $QRCFILE printf "<!DOCTYPE RCC>\n<RCC version=\"1.0\">\n<qresource>\n" >> $QRCFILE # Make sure that whatever goes to QRC is added to the repo. # I keep forgetting to do this myself. for line in $(hg status $FILES |grep "?"); do if [ "$line" != "?" ]; then echo "hg add $line" hg add $line; echo "pngout $line" pngout $line fi done for f in $FILES; do printf "\t<file>$f</file>\n" >> $QRCFILE done printf "</qresource>\n</RCC>\n" >> $QRCFILE