Fri, 03 Feb 2017 10:51:08 +0200
minor amendment
/* * LDForge: LDraw parts authoring CAD * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017 Teemu Piippo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <limits> #include <QBoxLayout> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QDir> #include <QInputDialog> #include <QSpinBox> #include "../mainwindow.h" #include "../main.h" #include "../ldDocument.h" #include "../miscallenous.h" #include "../radioGroup.h" #include "../glRenderer.h" #include "../dialogs.h" #include "../colors.h" #include "../mathfunctions.h" #include "../ldobjectiterator.h" #include "../documentmanager.h" #include "ui_replcoords.h" #include "ui_editraw.h" #include "ui_flip.h" #include "ui_addhistoryline.h" #include "algorithmtoolset.h" ConfigOption (int RoundPositionPrecision = 3) ConfigOption (int RoundMatrixPrecision = 4) ConfigOption (int SplitLinesSegments = 5) AlgorithmToolset::AlgorithmToolset (MainWindow* parent) : Toolset (parent) { } void AlgorithmToolset::splitQuads() { int count = 0; for (LDObject* object : selectedObjects().toList()) { if (object->numVertices() != 4) continue; Vertex v0 = object->vertex(0); Vertex v1 = object->vertex(1); Vertex v2 = object->vertex(2); Vertex v3 = object->vertex(3); LDColor color = object->color(); // Find the index of this quad int index = object->lineNumber(); if (index == -1) continue; // Create the two triangles based on this quadrilateral: // 0───3 0───3 3 // │ │ --→ │ ╱ ╱│ // │ │ --→ │ ╱ ╱ │ // │ │ --→ │╱ ╱ │ // 1───2 1 1───2 LDTriangle* triangle1 = currentDocument()->emplaceReplacementAt<LDTriangle>(index, v0, v1, v3); LDTriangle* triangle2 = currentDocument()->emplaceAt<LDTriangle>(index + 1, v1, v2, v3); // The triangles also inherit the quad's color triangle1->setColor(color); triangle2->setColor(color); count += 1; } print ("%1 quadrilaterals split", count); } void AlgorithmToolset::editRaw() { if (countof(selectedObjects()) != 1) return; LDObject* obj = *(selectedObjects().begin()); QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui::EditRawUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); ui.code->setText (obj->asText()); if (obj->type() == OBJ_Error) ui.errorDescription->setText (static_cast<LDError*> (obj)->reason()); else { ui.errorDescription->hide(); ui.errorIcon->hide(); } if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Rejected) return; // Reinterpret it from the text of the input field currentDocument()->replaceWithFromString(obj, ui.code->text()); } void AlgorithmToolset::makeBorders() { int count = 0; for (LDObject* object : selectedObjects()) { const LDObjectType type = object->type(); if (type != OBJ_Quad and type != OBJ_Triangle) continue; Model lines {m_documents}; if (type == OBJ_Quad) { LDQuad* quad = static_cast<LDQuad*>(object); lines.emplace<LDLine>(quad->vertex (0), quad->vertex (1)); lines.emplace<LDLine>(quad->vertex (1), quad->vertex (2)); lines.emplace<LDLine>(quad->vertex (2), quad->vertex (3)); lines.emplace<LDLine>(quad->vertex (3), quad->vertex (0)); } else { LDTriangle* triangle = static_cast<LDTriangle*>(object); lines.emplace<LDLine>(triangle->vertex (0), triangle->vertex (1)); lines.emplace<LDLine>(triangle->vertex (1), triangle->vertex (2)); lines.emplace<LDLine>(triangle->vertex (2), triangle->vertex (0)); } count += countof(lines.objects()); currentDocument()->merge(lines, object->lineNumber() + 1); } print(tr("Added %1 border lines"), count); } void AlgorithmToolset::roundCoordinates() { setlocale (LC_ALL, "C"); int num = 0; for (LDObject* obj : selectedObjects()) { LDMatrixObject* mo = dynamic_cast<LDMatrixObject*> (obj); if (mo) { Vertex v = mo->position(); Matrix t = mo->transformationMatrix(); v.apply ([&](Axis, double& a) { roundToDecimals (a, m_config->roundPositionPrecision()); }); applyToMatrix (t, [&](int, double& a) { roundToDecimals (a, m_config->roundMatrixPrecision()); }); mo->setPosition (v); mo->setTransformationMatrix (t); num += 12; } else { for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) { Vertex v = obj->vertex (i); v.apply ([&](Axis, double& a) { roundToDecimals (a, m_config->roundPositionPrecision()); }); obj->setVertex (i, v); num += 3; } } } print (tr ("Rounded %1 values"), num); m_window->refreshObjectList(); } void AlgorithmToolset::replaceCoordinates() { QDialog* dlg = new QDialog (m_window); Ui::ReplaceCoordsUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); if (not dlg->exec()) return; const double search =>value(), replacement = ui.replacement->value(); const bool any = ui.any->isChecked(), rel = ui.relative->isChecked(); QList<Axis> sel; int num = 0; if (ui.x->isChecked()) sel << X; if (ui.y->isChecked()) sel << Y; if (ui.z->isChecked()) sel << Z; for (LDObject* obj : selectedObjects()) { for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) { Vertex v = obj->vertex (i); v.apply ([&](Axis ax, double& coord) { if (not sel.contains (ax) or (not any and coord != search)) { return; } if (not rel) coord = 0; coord += replacement; num++; }); obj->setVertex (i, v); } } print (tr ("Altered %1 values"), num); } void AlgorithmToolset::flip() { QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui::FlipUI ui; ui.setupUi (dlg); if (not dlg->exec()) return; QList<Axis> sel; if (ui.x->isChecked()) sel << X; if (ui.y->isChecked()) sel << Y; if (ui.z->isChecked()) sel << Z; for (LDObject* obj : selectedObjects()) { for (int i = 0; i < obj->numVertices(); ++i) { Vertex v = obj->vertex (i); v.apply ([&](Axis ax, double& a) { if (sel.contains (ax)) a = -a; }); obj->setVertex (i, v); } } } void AlgorithmToolset::demote() { int num = 0; for (LDCondLine* line : filterByType<LDCondLine>(selectedObjects())) { line->becomeEdgeLine(); ++num; } print (tr ("Converted %1 conditional lines"), num); } bool AlgorithmToolset::isColorUsed (LDColor color) { for (LDObject* obj : currentDocument()->objects()) { if (obj->isColored() and obj->color() == color) return true; } return false; } void AlgorithmToolset::autocolor() { LDColor color; for (color = 0; color.isLDConfigColor(); ++color) { if (color.isValid() and not isColorUsed (color)) break; } if (not color.isLDConfigColor()) { print (tr ("Cannot auto-color: all colors are in use!")); return; } for (LDObject* obj : selectedObjects()) { if (not obj->isColored()) continue; obj->setColor (color); } print (tr ("Auto-colored: new color is [%1] %2"), color.index(),; } void AlgorithmToolset::addHistoryLine() { LDObject* obj; bool ishistory = false; bool prevIsHistory = false; QDialog* dlg = new QDialog; Ui_AddHistoryLine* ui = new Ui_AddHistoryLine; ui->setupUi (dlg); ui->m_username->setText (m_config->defaultUser()); ui->m_date->setDate (QDate::currentDate()); ui->m_comment->setFocus(); if (not dlg->exec()) return; // Find a spot to place the new comment for (obj = currentDocument()->getObject (0); obj and obj->next() and not obj->next()->isScemantic(); obj = obj->next()) { LDComment* comment = dynamic_cast<LDComment*> (obj); if (comment and comment->text().startsWith ("!HISTORY ")) ishistory = true; if (prevIsHistory and not ishistory) break; // Last line was history, this isn't, thus insert the new history line here. prevIsHistory = ishistory; } int idx = obj ? obj->lineNumber() : 0; // Create the comment object based on input currentDocument()->emplaceAt<LDComment>(idx++, format("!HISTORY %1 [%2] %3", ui->m_date->date().toString ("yyyy-MM-dd"), ui->m_username->text(), ui->m_comment->text())); // If we're adding a history line right before a scemantic object, pad it // an empty line if (obj and obj->next() and obj->next()->isScemantic()) currentDocument()->emplaceAt<LDEmpty>(idx); m_window->buildObjectList(); delete ui; } void AlgorithmToolset::splitLines() { bool ok; int numSegments = QInputDialog::getInt (m_window, APPNAME, "Amount of segments:", m_config->splitLinesSegments(), 0, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), 1, &ok); if (not ok) return; m_config->setSplitLinesSegments (numSegments); for (LDObject* obj : selectedObjects()) { if (not isOneOf (obj->type(), OBJ_Line, OBJ_CondLine)) continue; Model segments {m_documents}; for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; ++i) { Vertex v0; Vertex v1; v0.apply ([&](Axis ax, double& a) { double len = obj->vertex (1)[ax] - obj->vertex (0)[ax]; a = (obj->vertex (0)[ax] + ((len * i) / numSegments)); }); v1.apply ([&](Axis ax, double& a) { double len = obj->vertex (1)[ax] - obj->vertex (0)[ax]; a = (obj->vertex (0)[ax] + ((len * (i + 1)) / numSegments)); }); if (obj->type() == OBJ_Line) segments.emplace<LDLine>(v0, v1); else segments.emplace<LDCondLine>(v0, v1, obj->vertex (2), obj->vertex (3)); } currentDocument()->replace(obj, segments); } m_window->buildObjectList(); m_window->refresh(); } void AlgorithmToolset::subfileSelection() { if (selectedObjects().isEmpty()) return; QString parentpath (currentDocument()->fullPath()); // BFC type of the new subfile - it shall inherit the BFC type of the parent document BfcStatement bfctype (BfcStatement::NoCertify); // Dirname of the new subfile QString subdirname (Dirname (parentpath)); // Title of the new subfile QString subtitle; // Comment containing the title of the parent document LDComment* titleobj = dynamic_cast<LDComment*> (currentDocument()->getObject (0)); // License text for the subfile QString license = preferredLicenseText(); // LDraw code body of the new subfile (i.e. code of the selection) QStringList code; // Full path of the subfile to be QString fullsubname; // Where to insert the subfile reference? // TODO: the selection really should be sorted by position... int referencePosition = (*selectedObjects().begin())->lineNumber(); // Determine title of subfile if (titleobj) subtitle = "~" + titleobj->text(); else subtitle = "~subfile"; // Remove duplicate tildes while (subtitle.startsWith ("~~")) subtitle.remove (0, 1); // If this the parent document isn't already in s/, we need to stuff it into // a subdirectory named s/. Ensure it exists! QString topdirname = Basename (Dirname (currentDocument()->fullPath())); if (topdirname != "s") { QString desiredPath = subdirname + "/s"; QString title = tr ("Create subfile directory?"); QString text = format (tr ("The directory <b>%1</b> is suggested for " "subfiles. This directory does not exist, create it?"), desiredPath); if (QDir (desiredPath).exists() or Confirm (title, text)) { subdirname = desiredPath; QDir().mkpath (subdirname); } else return; } // Determine the body of the name of the subfile if (not parentpath.isEmpty()) { // Chop existing '.dat' suffix if (parentpath.endsWith (".dat")) parentpath.chop (4); // Remove the s?? suffix if it's there, otherwise we'll get filenames // like s01s01.dat when subfiling subfiles. QRegExp subfilesuffix ("s[0-9][0-9]$"); if (subfilesuffix.indexIn (parentpath) != -1) parentpath.chop (subfilesuffix.matchedLength()); int subidx = 1; QString digits; // Now find the appropriate filename. Increase the number of the subfile // until we find a name which isn't already taken. do { digits.setNum (subidx++); // pad it with a zero if (countof(digits) == 1) digits.prepend ("0"); fullsubname = subdirname + "/" + Basename (parentpath) + "s" + digits + ".dat"; } while (m_documents->findDocumentByName ("s\\" + Basename (fullsubname)) or QFile (fullsubname).exists()); } // Determine the BFC winding type used in the main document - it is to // be carried over to the subfile. for (LDObjectIterator<LDBfc> it (currentDocument()); it.isValid(); ++it) { if (isOneOf (it->statement(), BfcStatement::CertifyCCW, BfcStatement::CertifyCW, BfcStatement::NoCertify)) { bfctype = it->statement(); break; } } // Create the new subfile document LDDocument* subfile = m_window->newDocument(); subfile->openForEditing(); subfile->setFullPath(fullsubname); subfile->setName(LDDocument::shortenName(fullsubname)); Model header {m_documents}; header.emplace<LDComment>(subtitle); header.emplace<LDComment>("Name: "); // This gets filled in when the subfile is saved header.emplace<LDComment>(format("Author: %1 [%2]", m_config->defaultName(), m_config->defaultUser())); header.emplace<LDComment>("!LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Subpart"); if (not license.isEmpty()) header.emplace<LDComment>(license); header.emplace<LDEmpty>(); header.emplace<LDBfc>(bfctype); header.emplace<LDEmpty>(); subfile->merge(header); // Copy the body over to the new document for (LDObject* object : selectedObjects()) subfile->addFromString(object->asText()); // Try save it if (m_window->save(subfile, true)) { // Save was successful. Delete the original selection now from the // main document. for (LDObject* object : selectedObjects().toList()) currentDocument()->remove(object); // Add a reference to the new subfile to where the selection was currentDocument()->emplaceAt<LDSubfileReference>(referencePosition, subfile, Matrix::identity, Origin); // Refresh stuff m_window->updateDocumentList(); m_window->doFullRefresh(); } else { // Failed to save. subfile->close(); } }